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In this volume, excerpted from Charles Darwin: A Celebration of His Life and Legacy (NewSouth Books, 2013), public educator, author, and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, with characteristic...
The roots of America's image problem in the Middle EastHow do Arabs view America? How do Arabs learn about America? The answers to these questions have assumed tremendous importance since 9/11,because...
Lead a life of adventure, meaning and purpose—and earn a good living. “Thoughtful, funny, and compulsively readable, this guide shows how ordinary people can build solid livings,...
Lead a life of adventure, meaning and purpose—and earn a good living. “Thoughtful, funny, and compulsively readable, this guide shows how ordinary people can build solid livings,...
You can get 2x, 10x, or 100x more leads than you currently are without changing anything about what you sell...This book contains the playbooks that took me from sleeping on my gym floor to owning a...
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year The story of a kind of poverty in America so deep that we, as a country, don't even think exists—from a leading national poverty expert who "defies...
في عالم مستقبلي تهيمن فيه الشركات العملاقة على عملية استكشاف الكواكب واستيطانها. وتشترط الشركات على المستكشفين والمستوطنين استئجار وحدات أمنية لضمان السلامة والأمان. بطل قصتنا وحدة أمنية يعتبر نفسه...
Talk openly about mental health with thirty-three diverse and empowering actors, athletes, writers, and artists in this Washington Post Best Children's Book. Contributors include: Kristin...
تصلح قضية الملف النووى الإيرانى بشابكاتها المعقدة كى تكون درساً مستفاداً يكشف للعرب و غيرهم كثيراً من الجوانب الخفية و المخاطر الصعبة ، التى تتعلق بإمكانية الإستفادة من الطاقة النووية لتحقيق أغراض...
Revive Your Heart is a call for spiritual renewal and an invitation to have a conversation with one of the world's most recognizable voices on Islam, Nouman Ali Khan.This collection of essays is...
This illustrated feature storybook enables us to reflect on the meaning of coexistence with nature in connection with the issue of global warming. The fish in the sea and human beings all belong to the...
이 시대에 꼭 필요한 가족의 사랑, 가족의 가치를 담은 따스한 그림책초등학교 5학년 국어 교과서에 수록 작품 이철환 작가는 400만 독자를 울린 초대형 베스트셀러 〈연탄길〉 시리즈를 비롯해 상처 받은 사람들을 위한 꿈과 희망의 이야기를 꾸준히 써 왔습니다. 항상 낮은 곳에서 어렵고 소외된 이웃들의 이야기를 전하며 우리 자신의 모습을 돌아보게 하기 때문에 그의...
When a fashion designer creates a collection, their focus is on the personal profile of the individual who will wear their garments. This book explores the creative mind of top fashion designers and...
Biloxi's best criminal defense attorney has never lost a case. Then his client's beautiful wife is murdered, and America's #1 lawyer suddenly becomes its #1 suspect. Stafford Lee Penney is a...
When you own the world's greatest detective agency, you make the world's most dangerous enemies.Jack Morgan's former lover is found murdered in Jack's bed and he is instantly the number one suspect.But...
Book 1 in the interlinked Zac Power Mega Mission Super Series! When Zac is pulled out of school by the head of GIB, he knows his next mission must be important...
يعدُّ هذا الكتاب أول وأوسع كشف بالعربية عن الحياة الشخصية لأحد أعظم وأعمق من كتب الرواية (فيودور دوستويفسكي). حيث يحتوي على أكثر من 250 رسالة تتناول جميع مراحل حياة الكاتب، أولها أرسلها إلى أمه وهو في...
سلسلة كلام سليم ، من ثلاثة أجزاء تعالج قضية التصدي لفكرة المثلية الجنسية ، وبطريقة غير مباشرة عن طريق توظيف ثلاث مواقف مهمة وحاسمة تبدأ بقوس الخطر وكيف أنه يختلف تماما عن قوس قزح رمز البراءة والنقاء...
Bunny? Bunny! Time for Bunny! is 3 charming books in 1. With this download, you'll receive: Time to Get Ready, Bunny! Time to Eat, Bunny! Time for Bed, Bunny! These books will help your kids work...
The people closest to you can be your most dangerous enemies in this heart-pounding collection of three thrillers from master of suspense and New York Times bestselling author James Patterson.3 Days to...
“Three Steps to Yes shows you how to sell your ideas or yourself . . . a clear guide for instilling trust and respect.” —BookPage Everybody has to sell something sometimes. Whether...
Shortlisted for the Man Booker PrizeA New York Times , Los Angeles Times , Boston Globe , and Indiebound BestsellerPaul Auster's magnum opus, 4 3 2 1 presents a sweeping and surprising story of...
In The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking, Cliff Michaels takes us on an inspirational journey while capturing the passion and wisdom of extraordinary people. On the cutting edge of life and...
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