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3 Steps to Yes
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3 Steps to Yes
The Gentle Art of Getting Your Way
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Three Steps to Yes shows you how to sell your ideas or yourself . . . a clear guide for instilling trust and respect.” —BookPage
Everybody has to sell something sometimes. Whether you’re a manager or an employee, getting your message across requires selling yourself and your ideas in a way that guarantees a positive response, even from the most stubborn listener. Three Steps to Yes teaches you how to get your way without becoming a high-pressure salesman, without compromising your principles, and without hurting your personal relationships. Gene Bedell demonstrates the difference between having just good ideas and having your good ideas put into action. His three-step plan shows you how to:
* Fulfill your personal needs as well as others’
* Be credible and trustworthy
* Communicate persuasively
Three Steps to Yes isn’t a book of selling tricks. It’s a model for persuading your coworkers or your customers to do what you need them to do. Gene Bedell gives you a simple, ethical, and effective approach to getting your way and achieving your potential. You’ll learn to win people’s hearts as well as their minds.
Full of helpful hints, invaluable tactics, and illuminating anecdotes, Three Steps to Yes is required reading for everyone from managers to mothers, bankers to business execs, and, yes, even salespeople.
Three Steps to Yes shows you how to sell your ideas or yourself . . . a clear guide for instilling trust and respect.” —BookPage
Everybody has to sell something sometimes. Whether you’re a manager or an employee, getting your message across requires selling yourself and your ideas in a way that guarantees a positive response, even from the most stubborn listener. Three Steps to Yes teaches you how to get your way without becoming a high-pressure salesman, without compromising your principles, and without hurting your personal relationships. Gene Bedell demonstrates the difference between having just good ideas and having your good ideas put into action. His three-step plan shows you how to:
* Fulfill your personal needs as well as others’
* Be credible and trustworthy
* Communicate persuasively
Three Steps to Yes isn’t a book of selling tricks. It’s a model for persuading your coworkers or your customers to do what you need them to do. Gene Bedell gives you a simple, ethical, and effective approach to getting your way and achieving your potential. You’ll learn to win people’s hearts as well as their minds.
Full of helpful hints, invaluable tactics, and illuminating anecdotes, Three Steps to Yes is required reading for everyone from managers to mothers, bankers to business execs, and, yes, even salespeople.
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  • From the book Why You Need This Book

    "I can understand your wanting to write poems, but I don't quite know what you mean by 'being a poet' . . ."
    —T. S. Eliot

    My wife, a liberal arts major in college, took a course in her freshman year that she affectionately called Astronomy for Poets. She learned basic astronomy, studied the constellations, and viewed planets and stars for the first time through a telescope. Cool. She loved the course and signed up for the second in the series in her sophomore year.

    Big mistake. The professor started the first class by announcing, "Well, now that we're all here for something beyond fulfilling the basic science requirement, we can get down to work." My wife's reaction as she looked around the room was Uh-oh. There were eight students in the class—six astronomy majors, one physics major, and one political science major: her. Not good. The course covered spherical trigonometry, sidereal time, parallax motion, optics, and a lot of other astronomy stuff that was of no interest or use to people not majoring in astronomy. My wife stuck it out, but broke the sound barrier getting to the registrar's office to change her status to pass-fail.

    My wife's college and her Astronomy for Poets course weren't unique. Although they're listed in course catalogs with less irreverent titles, there's Physics for Poets, Chemistry for Poets, Rocks for Jocks (Introduction to Geology). "Poet" is a metaphor for "enlightened amateur," a person who wants to know something about astronomy—or physics, chemistry, or geology—but who doesn't want to get lost in the minutiae that only science majors need and love.

    3 Steps to Yes is the persuasion equivalent of Astronomy for Poets. Here, "Poets" is a metaphor for people who must get others to agree with them, ordinary people who need to move others from no or maybe to yes, but who don't want to spend their lives learning and perfecting sales and negotiation strategies. Moreover, Poets must persuade gently, eschewing the coercion and manipulation that professional persuaders use, but that tend to corrode personal relationships.

    In 3 Steps to Yes, "Poets" are the enlightened amateurs of persuasion. They're managers, employees, parents, spouses, teachers, students, business executives, lawyers, accountants, consultants, investment bankers, job seekers, and, yes, even poets. They may even be people who sell for a living.

    But "Poets" are not hard-core, high-pressure salespeople and negotiators, people who care only about winning and not about the quality of their long-term relationships with the people they persuade. Poets care about being liked and accepted, and avoid doing anything they feel might hurt their personal relationships.

    Nevertheless, Poets must persuade.

    The Poet Persuader

    As this book neared completion, I needed a publicist, a professional public-relations person to help tell the world about my book. I narrowed my search to three firms, each run by a woman founder/entrepreneur. They were all strong, self-confident professionals working in the heart of the New York City publishing world, where only the most intelligent and influential succeed. So I was unprepared for their strong Poet aversion to persuading.

    As it turned out, each woman disliked selling, and worked hard to appear not to be trying to persuade me. Each one seemed to operate on the theory that persuasion was unnecessary, even unseemly, and that if she simply described what she did, I'd automatically conclude that she was the best. But it doesn't work that way.

    This was an important...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • GENE BEDELL is an entrepreneur, CEO, and parent. He is cofounder of Signature Coaching and is the author of The Millionaire in the Mirror and The Computer Solution.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    October 30, 2000
    Whether parents are talking with their children or managers are trying to get employees to work harder, how we convey our message is crucial. According to Bedell, a sales consultant and trainer, "Persuasion is the difference between having potential and achieving your potential." He believes that once people understand three key principles--fulfill personal needs, be credible and communicate persuasively--they will painlessly master the art of getting what they want. Aimed at a general audience of "poet" persuaders who aren't sales professionals, Bedell's guide offers a variety of examples from both home and work life. For instance, he tells of two co-executives who joined a company at the same time, one of whom was so difficult to deal with that everyone ended up working through the second individual until the easy-to-deal with man was promoted while the other was fired. Similarly, at home, kids don't want to deal with a confrontational parent who finds fault with everything. Bedell urges people to "Be easy-to--easy-to-buy, easy-to-deal-with, easy-to-do-business with and easy-to-live with." His advice should help readers handle their personal and professional interactions more effectively, while Bedell's comforting tone will reassure them. Still, this breezy volume will only help readers who are ready to consciously take the time to consider all their interactions ahead of time, something that may be difficult in today's fast-paced world.

  • Library Journal

    October 15, 2000
    The art of persuasion is an essential skill, whether it is applied in the business world or at home. Bedell, president of Tenzing, L.L.C., a sales consultancy and seminar company, has written a book about methods of effective persuasion. The author recommends that persuasion be thought of as effective communication in selling ideas, services, or yourself, the latter by gaining the acceptance of other people. He advises against forced persuasion, except when there are no other options, and endorses gentle persuasion, defined as "the art of communicating so effectively and compellingly that the people you're persuading voluntarily act in ways you intend." A three-step approach is described: "fulfill personal needs," i.e., focus on other people's needs and anxieties instead of your own; "be credible," i.e., identify characteristics that determine credibility; and "communicate persuasively," i.e., effectively tune in and listen to other people. A wide variety of topics are covered, including personal packaging (how to act and look on the job), effective r sum -writing techniques, and sales and advertising advice. This versatile and informative book could fit on either self-help or business shelves and is recommended primarily for public library collections.--Lucy Heckman, St. John's Univ. Lib., Jamaica, NY

    Copyright 2000 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Michael Mills, director of Professional Services, Davis Polk & Wardwell

    "The book is splendid. It's a practical, powerful and lively fusion of tough-minded theory you can remember with examples you won't forget."

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3 Steps to Yes
3 Steps to Yes
The Gentle Art of Getting Your Way
Gene Bedell
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