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Echo Burning
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Echo Burning
de Lee Child
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Jack Reacher finds trouble in Texas in the fifth novel in Lee Child’s #1 New York Times bestselling series.

Thumbing across the scorched Texas desert, Jack Reacher has nowhere to go and all the time in the world to get there. Cruising the same stretch of two-lane blacktop is Carmen Greer. For Reacher, the lift comes with a hitch. Carmen’s got a wild story to tell—all about her husband, her family secrets, and a hometown that’s purely gothic. She’s also got a plan. Reacher’s part of it. And before the sun sets, this ride could cost them both their lives.
Jack Reacher finds trouble in Texas in the fifth novel in Lee Child’s #1 New York Times bestselling series.

Thumbing across the scorched Texas desert, Jack Reacher has nowhere to go and all the time in the world to get there. Cruising the same stretch of two-lane blacktop is Carmen Greer. For Reacher, the lift comes with a hitch. Carmen’s got a wild story to tell—all about her husband, her family secrets, and a hometown that’s purely gothic. She’s also got a plan. Reacher’s part of it. And before the sun sets, this ride could cost them both their lives.
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  • From the book There were three watchers, two men and a boy. They were using telescopes, not field glasses. It was a question of distance. They were almost a mile from their target area, because of the terrain. There was no closer cover. It was low, undulating country, burned khaki by the sun, grass and rock and sandy soil alike. The nearest safe concealment was the broad dip they were in, a bone-dry gulch scraped out a million years ago by a different climate, when there had been rain and ferns and rushing rivers.

    The men lay prone in the dust with the early heat on their backs, their telescopes at their eyes. The boy scuttled around on his knees, fetching water from the cooler, watching for waking rattlesnakes, logging comments in a notebook. They had arrived before first light in a dusty pick-up truck, the long way around, across the empty land from the west. They had thrown a dirty tarpaulin over the truck and held it down with rocks. They had eased forward to the rim of the dip and settled in, raising their telescopes as the low morning sun dawned to the east behind the red house almost a mile away. This was Friday, their fifth consecutive morning, and they were low on conversation.

    "Time?" one of the men asked. His voice was nasal, the effect of keeping one eye open and the other eye shut.

    The boy checked his watch.

    "Six-fifty," he answered.

    "Any moment now," the man with the telescope said.

    The boy opened his book and prepared to make the same notes he had made four times before.

    "Kitchen light on," the man said.

    The boy wrote it down. 6:50, kitchen light on. The kitchen faced them, looking west away from the morning sun, so it stayed dark even after dawn.

    "On her own?" the boy asked.

    "Same as always," the second man said, squinting.

    Maid prepares breakfast, the boy wrote. Target still in bed. The sun rose, inch by inch. It jacked itself higher into the sky and pulled the shadows shorter and shorter. The red house had a tall chimney coming out of the kitchen wing like the finger on a sundial. The shadow it made swung and shortened and the heat on the watchers' shoulders built higher. Seven o'clock in the morning, and it was already hot. By eight, it would be burning. By nine, it would be fearsome. And they were there all day, until dark, when they could slip away unseen.

    "Bedroom drapes opening," the second man said. "She's up and about."

    The boy wrote it down. 7:04, bedroom drapes open.

    "Now listen," the first man said.

    They heard the well pump kick in, faintly from almost a mile away. A quiet mechanical click, and then a steady low drone.

    "She's showering," the man said.

    The boy wrote it down. 7:06, target starts to shower.

    The men rested their eyes. Nothing was going to happen while she was in the shower. How could it? They lowered their telescopes and blinked against the brassy sun in their eyes. The well pump clicked off after six minutes. The silence sounded louder than the faint noise had. The boy wrote: 7:12, target out of shower. The men raised their telescopes again.

    "She's dressing, I guess," the first man said.

    The boy giggled. "Can you see her naked?"

    The second man was triangulated twenty feet to the south. He had the better view of the back of the house, where her bedroom window was.

    "You're disgusting," he said. "You know that?"

    The boy wrote: 7:15, probably dressing. Then: 7:20, probably downstairs, probably eating breakfast.

    "She'll go back up, brush her teeth," he said.

    The man on the left shifted on his elbows.

    "For sure," he said. "Prissy little thing like that."

    "She's closing her drapes again," the man on the right said.

    It was standard practice in the west of Texas, in the summer, especially if your...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from April 23, 2001
    Jack Reacher, the vagabond freelance lawman who never hesitates to stick his nose into private business, takes his lively act to Texas, embroiling himself in what starts as a messy domestic dispute before turning far more ominous. The rugged former army cop comes to the aid of Carmen Greer, who picks him up on the side of the road one morning outside Lubbock, then asks him to kill her abusive husband. Sloop Greer is getting out of prison in a few days, and Carmen fears he will start beating her again. Reacher declines, but agrees to protect Carmen, hiring on as a cowhand at the couple's remote ranch in Echo County, Tex., far outside Pecos. Within hours of Sloop's return from prison, where he was serving time for tax evasion, violence strikes. But the victim isn't Carmen; it's Sloop. He's found shot dead, and Carmen is arrested. End of story? Hardly. Most wandering heroes would move on at this point, but not Reacher. He begins taking a hard look at both Carmen and Sloop's past, as well as local history. What he finds—ugly secrets, human suffering, political evil—is repulsive to a man who's been around as many blocks as Reacher. Child (Running Blind; Tripwire) has developed a fine franchise with Reacher, who comes from the Robin Hood mold, but has enough personal quirks and moments of unusual insight to separate him from the pack. Set in a literally and figuratively smoldering landscape, this is a clean, infectious story that taps deeply into two troubling human emotions—the psychology of abuse and the desire for retribution. Author tour. (July)Forecast:Reacher's fifth adventure—a BOMC, Literary Guild, Mystery Guild and Doubleday Book Club selection—is among his strongest, and should hook even those who haven't read the other novels in the series.

  • Library Journal

    June 15, 2001
    Child's Jack Reacher series just keeps on getting better. This fifth adventure (after Running Blind) finds the ex-military cop in the parched desert of west Texas. While hitchhiking, he is picked up by a beautiful woman named Carmen Greer, an act that plunges him into a maelstrom of deceit, cruelty, and murder. Sloop, Carmen's abusive husband, is due to be released from prison, and she tries to persuade Reacher to kill him. He refuses but is concerned enough about her well-being to hire out as a ranch hand at the Greers' remote ranch, where he finds a strange, bigoted family hostile to Carmen and her young daughter. Within days of his return, Sloop is shot dead and Carmen arrested. To defend her, Reacher hires a newly minted lawyer, who, is female, gay, and vegetarian. Together they unravel the mystery, leading to an explosive, nail-biting climax during a chase through a thunderstorm. Highly recommended. [A BOMC, Literary Guild, Mystery Guild, and Doubleday Book Club selection.] Fred Gervat, Concordia Coll. Lib., Bronxville, NY

    Copyright 2001 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    May 1, 2001
    Carmen Greer wants out of a bad marriage, but it's going to be tricky. Her abusive husband, Sloop, is in prison on an IRS beef; he's due out soon, and he knows it was Carmen who turned him in to the feds. Faced with losing her daughter to Sloop and his full-pockets Texas family, Carmen takes to auditioning hitchhikers for the job of killing her husband. She winds up with ex-military cop Jack Reacher. He won't kill Sloop, but he does take a job as a ranch hand on the Greers' spread in hopes of protecting Carmen. He never gets a chance. Soon after Sloop returns, he's murdered in his bedroom with Carmen's gun. She refuses to defend herself, even though Reacher is certain she's innocent. This fifth Reacher novel is brilliantly plotted, and Reacher himself seems to get more deadly as he slips steadily down the economic ladder, ever further removed from the veneer of normalcy that military life provided. Reacher is a one-man wrecking crew nourished only by the hunt. For anyone who thinks the hard-boiled genre is growing soft around the edges.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2001, American Library Association.)

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Echo Burning
Lee Child
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