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Sight Lines
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Sight Lines
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Winner of the 2019 National Book Award
"The sight lines in Sze's 10th collection are just that―imagistic lines strung together by jump-cuts, creating a filmic collage that itself seems to be a portrait of simultaneity." ―The New York Times
From the current phenomenon of drawing calligraphy with water in public parks in China to Thomas Jefferson laying out dinosaur bones on the White House floor, from the last sighting of the axolotl to a man who stops building plutonium triggers, Sight Lines moves through space and time and brings the disparate and divergent into stunning and meaningful focus. In this new work, Arthur Sze employs a wide range of voices—from lichen on a ceiling to a man behind on his rent—and his mythic imagination continually evokes how humans are endangering the planet; yet, balancing rigor with passion, he seizes the significant and luminous and transforms these moments into riveting and enduring poetry.
"These new poems are stronger yet and by confronting time head on, may best stand its tests." ―Lit Hub
"The wonders and realities of the world as seen through travel, nature walks, and daily routine bring life to the poems in Sight Lines." ―Library Journal
Winner of the 2019 National Book Award
"The sight lines in Sze's 10th collection are just that―imagistic lines strung together by jump-cuts, creating a filmic collage that itself seems to be a portrait of simultaneity." ―The New York Times
From the current phenomenon of drawing calligraphy with water in public parks in China to Thomas Jefferson laying out dinosaur bones on the White House floor, from the last sighting of the axolotl to a man who stops building plutonium triggers, Sight Lines moves through space and time and brings the disparate and divergent into stunning and meaningful focus. In this new work, Arthur Sze employs a wide range of voices—from lichen on a ceiling to a man behind on his rent—and his mythic imagination continually evokes how humans are endangering the planet; yet, balancing rigor with passion, he seizes the significant and luminous and transforms these moments into riveting and enduring poetry.
"These new poems are stronger yet and by confronting time head on, may best stand its tests." ―Lit Hub
"The wonders and realities of the world as seen through travel, nature walks, and daily routine bring life to the poems in Sight Lines." ―Library Journal
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 22, 2019
    The tenth book from Sze (Compass Rose) contains poems in a range of forms, from hybrid prose poems to luminous lyric fragments, gracefully unified by a preoccupation with transformation. He considers all that is ephemeral in nature—an “actor’s face changing” or “pomegranate trees flowering along a highway”—calling attention to the inherent instability of language and the self. Sze artfully matches style and content, the poems changing shape as the book unfolds. He observes, for instance, that “you dissolve midnight and noon; sunlight/ tilts and leafs the tips of the far Norway maples.” The poem’s pristine couplets are transfigured in the next piece, “Sight Lines,” a narrative in single-line stanzas. Sze asserts, “though parallel lines touch in the infinite, the infinite is here.” The writing itself revels in the “infinite” refractions and reverberations of poetic technique, as possibilities are gradually unearthed through formal shifts. Sze asks, as though reflecting on the gorgeously layered experience he has created for the reader, “Where are we headed, you wonder, as you pick a lychee and start to peel it.” Finely crafted and philosophical, this is a book that rewards multiple careful readings.

  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2019

    The wonders and realities of the world as seen through travel, nature walks, and daily routine bring life to the poems in Pulitzer Prize finalist Sze's tenth collection (after Compass Rose), even if he also communicates facts about our polluted, damaged world. Sze creates tensile energy by balancing the cerebral with the physical ("you write tingle / and tingle as sleet turns to rain"), and almost every poem incorporates unique details not united by theme or likeness. In the seventh section of "Water Calligraphy," for instance, the poet jumps from the letter A as "an inverted cow's head," to the Perseid meteor shower to a neighbor bringing gifts of cucumbers and basil. But as Sze records elsewhere, "an invisible globe--thud, shattering glass, moan, / horn blast--so many// worlds to this world." The poems often require rereading, as speaker and location can change abruptly, and it's challenging when Sze seizes upon the negative, what is not happening now: "No sharp-shinned hawk perches/ on the roof rack of his car and scans/ for songbirds." In addition, the sheer number and variety of images can almost overwhelm. But in the end, there is "starlight behind daylight wherever you gaze," and each poem provides a sensual, intellectual take on the world. VERDICT Provocative work; a solid addition to academic and popular collections.--Doris Lynch, Monroe Cty. P.L., Bloomington, IN

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Copper Canyon Press
  • OverDrive Read
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Bahreïn, Égypte, Hong Kong, Iraq, Israël, Jordanie, Koweït, Liban, Mauritanie, Maroc, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Arabie saoudite, Soudan, République arabe syrienne, Tunisie, Turquie, Émirats arabes unis, et le Yémen


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Sight Lines
Sight Lines
Arthur Sze
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