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The Night Is Alive
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The Night Is Alive
Book 10 in Krewe of Hunters series
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It's a city of beauty, history...hauntings. And one of the most haunted places in Savannah is a tavern called The Dragonslayer, built in the 1750s. The current owner, Gus Anderson, is a descendant of the original innkeeper and his pirate brother, Blue.
Gus summons his granddaughter, Abigail, home from Virginia, where she's studying at the FBI Academy. When she arrives, she's devastated to find him dead. Murdered. But Abby soon learns that Gus isn't the only one to meet a brutal and untimely end; there've been at least two other victims. Then Captain Blue Anderson starts making ghostly appearances, and the FBI's paranormal investigation unit, the Krewe of Hunters, sends in Agent Malachi Gordon.
Abby and Malachi have a similar ability to connect with the dead...and a similar stubbornness. Sparks immediately begin to fly—sparks of attraction and discord. But as the death toll rises, they have to trust each other or they, too, might find themselves among the dead haunting old Savannah!
It's a city of beauty, history...hauntings. And one of the most haunted places in Savannah is a tavern called The Dragonslayer, built in the 1750s. The current owner, Gus Anderson, is a descendant of the original innkeeper and his pirate brother, Blue.
Gus summons his granddaughter, Abigail, home from Virginia, where she's studying at the FBI Academy. When she arrives, she's devastated to find him dead. Murdered. But Abby soon learns that Gus isn't the only one to meet a brutal and untimely end; there've been at least two other victims. Then Captain Blue Anderson starts making ghostly appearances, and the FBI's paranormal investigation unit, the Krewe of Hunters, sends in Agent Malachi Gordon.
Abby and Malachi have a similar ability to connect with the dead...and a similar stubbornness. Sparks immediately begin to fly—sparks of attraction and discord. But as the death toll rises, they have to trust each other or they, too, might find themselves among the dead haunting old Savannah!
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  • From the book

    "Mr. Gordon, how were you able to find Joshua Madsen when the police were completely baffled as to where Bradford Stiles was keeping the child?"

    That was the first question shouted, but there were dozens of reporters in front of the Richmond police station where Malachi Gordon had just finished the interviews and paperwork that completed the Stiles case as far as he was concerned. They were like a flock of ring-billed seagulls with their microphones.

    Should've had someone sneak me out the back, he thought.

    He raised a hand. "Please. It's been a long day and night for everyone involved."

    At his side, Detective Andrew Collins supported his efforts to escape. "Everyone who worked this case is drained. There'll be a police spokesperson out shortly. Let Mr. Gordon pass!"

    That didn't stop the barrage of questions or change the fact that Malachi felt as if he was being attacked by a flock of birds as he and Andy Collins made their way to the street and his SUV.

    "Sorry," Andy muttered. "Should have—"

    "Yeah, yeah, should've gotten me out through the back. Or maybe I could've called for a 'Beam me up, Scotty!'" Malachi said. "Not to worry—my mistake. I guess we're all worn out."

    They reached the car, which was behind a police fence so the reporters couldn't follow them that far. As Malachi slid into the driver's seat, Andy asked, "How the hell did you find that cabin in the woods?"

    "Pure luck, I think. We'd all fanned out. I just got to it first. It's my neck of the woods, so I pretty much knew where it couldn't be," Malachi said.

    "Well, another few hours and... That boy owes you his life."

    Malachi shook his head. "Everyone worked on this."

    "But his mom came to you—and the case broke once you were on it," Andy said. "You know, if you admitted you were a psychic, no one would think less of you. I mean, yeah, some of those guys can be jerks, and they like to tease you about your voodoo powers and all that, but—"

    "I can't admit I'm a psychic, Andy, because I'm not," Malachi told him. "I'm going to go home and get some sleep. You need to do the same."

    "Sure thing. Thanks, Malachi."

    "Yep," Malachi said. He hesitated. On a case like this, cops could be hard-asses. Big tough guys, they still felt fear. Not fear of a junkie or a drug dealer or even a brutal killer, but fear of what they didn't know or didn't understand. After he'd left the force in New Orleans, he'd preferred to work on his own for that very reason. As a P.I., he didn't mind working with them; he just didn't want to be one of them. That way when the ribbing got bad, he could always walk out.

    Some cops, though, like Andy, were all right. They didn't understand. Maybe they were even a little afraid. But they were willing to accept any help they could get, and they weren't afraid to be grateful for it.

    "Andy," he said, "thanks to you and your lieutenant for letting me in on this, and for listening to me. The kid owes you his life."

    "Hell, yeah!" Andy said.

    Grinning, Malachi waved to him and revved the car into gear, leaving the parking lot. He headed out of the city then, anxious to get away. He'd never expected the publicity that would come with this case. He'd taken it on because Joshua Madsen's mother, Cindy, had come to him. She had broken his heart. Joshua had been abducted during the two-block walk from his school bus to his home yesterday afternoon. A neighbor had seen a nondescript white van pull away,...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook.
  • Publishers Weekly on The Vision "Graham's rich, balanced thriller sizzles with equal parts suspense, romance and the paranormal-all of it nail-biting."
  • Romance Reviews Today Great writing and excellent characters make Wicked a terrific read.... The undercurrent of mystery and suspense will keep readers riveted."
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The Night Is Alive
The Night Is Alive
Book 10 in Krewe of Hunters series
Heather Graham
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