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The Secret Servant
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The Secret Servant
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A terrorist plot in London leads Israeli spy Gabriel Allon on a desperate search for a kidnapped woman in this thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva.
While in Amsterdam, Israeli intelligence officer and master art restorer Gabriel Allon discovers a plot that is about to explode in the middle of London. The daughter of the American ambassador is to be brutally kidnapped. But Gabriel arrives too late to save her. And when he reveals his face to the plot’s masterminds, his fate is sealed as well. 
Drawn once more into the service of American intelligence, Gabriel desperately searches for the missing woman as the clock ticks steadily toward the hour of her execution. The search will thrust him into an unlikely alliance with a man who has lost everything because of his devotion to Islam. It will cause him to question the morality of the tactics of his trade. And it might very well cost him his life…
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year 
A terrorist plot in London leads Israeli spy Gabriel Allon on a desperate search for a kidnapped woman in this thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva.
While in Amsterdam, Israeli intelligence officer and master art restorer Gabriel Allon discovers a plot that is about to explode in the middle of London. The daughter of the American ambassador is to be brutally kidnapped. But Gabriel arrives too late to save her. And when he reveals his face to the plot’s masterminds, his fate is sealed as well. 
Drawn once more into the service of American intelligence, Gabriel desperately searches for the missing woman as the clock ticks steadily toward the hour of her execution. The search will thrust him into an unlikely alliance with a man who has lost everything because of his devotion to Islam. It will cause him to question the morality of the tactics of his trade. And it might very well cost him his life…
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year 
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  • From the book



    It was Professor Solomon Rosner who sounded the first alarm, though his name would never be linked to the affair except in the secure rooms of a drab office building in downtown Tel Aviv. Gabriel Allon, the legendary but wayward son of Israeli intelligence, would later observe that Rosner was the first asset in the annals of Office history to have proven more useful to them dead than alive. Those who overheard the remark found it uncharacteristically callous but in keeping with the bleak mood that by then had settled over them all.

    The backdrop for Rosner’s demise was not Israel, where violent death occurs all too frequently, but the normally tranquil quarter of Amsterdam known as the Old Side. The date was the first Friday in December, and the weather was more suited to early spring than the last days of autumn. It was a day to engage in what the Dutch so fondly refer to as gezelligheid, the pursuit of small pleasures: an aimless stroll through the flower stalls of the Bloemenmarkt, a lager or two in a good bar in the Rembrandtplein, or, for those so inclined, a bit of fine cannabis in the brown coffeehouses of the Haarlemmerstraat. Leave the fretting and the fighting to the hated Americans, stately old Amsterdam murmured that golden late-autumn afternoon. Today we give thanks for having been born blameless and Dutch.

    Solomon Rosner did not share the sentiments of his countrymen, but then he seldom did. Though he earned a living as a professor of sociology at the University of Amsterdam, it was Rosner’s Center for European Security Studies that occupied the lion’s share of his time. His legion of detractors saw evidence of deception in the name, for Rosner served not only as the center’s director but was its only scholar in residence. Despite those obvious shortcomings, the center had managed to produce a steady stream of authoritative reports and articles detailing the threat posed to the Netherlands by the rise of militant Islam within its borders. Rosner’s last book, The Islamic Conquest of the West, had argued that Holland was now under a sustained and systematic assault by jihadist Islam. The goal of this assault, he maintained, was to colonize the Netherlands and turn it into a majority Muslim state, where, in the not-too-distant future, Islamic law, or sharia, would reign supreme. The terrorists and the colonizers were two sides of the same coin, he warned, and unless the government took immediate and drastic action, everything the freethinking Dutch held dear would soon be swept away.

    The Dutch literary press had been predictably appalled. Hysteria, said one reviewer. Racist claptrap, said another. More than one took pains to note that the views expressed in the book were all the more odious given the fact that Rosner’s grandparents had been rounded up with a hundred thousand other Dutch Jews and sent off to the gas chambers at Auschwitz. All agreed that what the situation required was not hateful rhetoric like Rosner’s but tolerance and dialogue. Rosner stood steadfast in the face of the withering criticism, adopting what one commentator described as the posture of a man with his finger wedged firmly in the dike. Tolerance and dialogue by all means, Rosner responded, but not capitulation. “We Dutch need to put down our Heinekens and hash pipes and wake up,” he snapped during an interview on Dutch television. “Otherwise, we’re going to lose our country.”

    The book and surrounding controversy had made Rosner the most vilified and, in some quarters, celebrated man in the country. It had also placed him squarely in the...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from August 27, 2007
    In this sequel to The Messenger
    , Israeli intelligence officer Gabriel Allon scours the world to find the kidnapped daughter of an American ambassador. Silva capitalizes on current affairs by focusing his thriller on the machinations of European-born Islamic terrorists. Gigante does as skillful a job performing the myriad accents and languages–American, British, Danish, Dutch, German and Egyptian. He even modulates the English accents of the Arab terrorists to reflect whether or not they were born in Europe. When Silva places men and women from various cultures in the same room to converse or argue, Gigante slips from one voice to another without missing a beat. Gigante's performance is as fast-paced as the novel. He also artfully uses his vocal skills to delve into Gabriel's complex character—calm, tough and indestructible but also artistic, sentimental and romantic. This excellent matchup between reader and author makes this a chilling and riveting listen and one of the best audio productions of the year. Simultaneous release with the Putnam hardcover (Reviews, May 21).

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from May 21, 2007
    Bestseller Silva's superlative seventh novel to feature Gabriel Allon, “the legendary but wayward son of Israeli Intelligence,” puts Silva squarely atop the spy thriller heap. When Solomon Rosner, a professor in Amsterdam who's also a secret Israeli asset, is assassinated for his strident reports and articles detailing the dangers of militant Islam within the Netherlands, Gabriel gets the job to clean out the professor's files. In Amsterdam, the Israeli agent and his old partner, Eli Lavon, unearth a plot that leads to the kidnapping by Islamic extremists of the daughter of the U.S. ambassador in London. While most intelligence agencies consider Gabriel persona non grata because of his unorthodox methods and the trail of bodies he leaves in his wake, he once again proves invaluable as he and his stalwart team hunt down some of Israel's—and the world's—most violent enemies. While you don't have to have read the earlier books in the series (The Messenger
    , etc.), knowing the history of the returning characters adds depth and color to the overall story.

  • Library Journal

    Starred review from May 15, 2007
    Israeli operative Gabriel Allon (The Messenger ) is back again in Silva's excellent new thriller, and that means truly bad news for terrorists and other bad guys. In a typical Silva plot that is extremely exciting, suspenseful, and complex, Allon must investigate why a Muslim immigrant murdered a terrorism analyst in Amsterdam and find the kidnappers of Elizabeth Halton, the goddaughter of the U.S. President. His hunt occurs as bombs explode all over Europe. The terrorists hope repressive actions to find Halton will result in an Islamic fundamentalist revolution in Egypt. Almost as chilling as the terrorists' actions is Silva's depiction of the inertia afflicting several European countries that, for all intents and purposes, do not believe there is a threat from Islamic extremists and whose immigration policies make them prime candidates for their own Islamic revolution. At any rate, the exploits of Allon and his team make for great entertainment and a thought-provoking cautionary tale. Highly recommended. [See Prepub Alert, LJ 3/1/07.]Robert Conroy, Warren, MI

    Copyright 2007 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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The Secret Servant
The Secret Servant
Daniel Silva
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