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The Haunting
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The Haunting
#1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Preston is back with another pulse-pounding, twisty read!
Haunted by the past . . . terrified of the present.

Penny knows she must forget about her ex, Nash. Ever since his father was revealed as the brutal serial killer who traumatized their small town last Halloween, Penny’s parents have forbidden her to have anything to do with Nash or his family. It’s hard not to think of him—but she’s trying.
That stops when she goes shopping with friends for a costume. What she finds instead is ripped from a horror movie: someone from school bleeding out on the floor of a dressing room. Stabbed.
People are quick to blame Nash and his sister, Grace, but as Halloween nears and the body count rises, Penny can’t help thinking this copycat killer is someone no one else suspects. . . .
#1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Preston is back with another pulse-pounding, twisty read!
Haunted by the past . . . terrified of the present.

Penny knows she must forget about her ex, Nash. Ever since his father was revealed as the brutal serial killer who traumatized their small town last Halloween, Penny’s parents have forbidden her to have anything to do with Nash or his family. It’s hard not to think of him—but she’s trying.
That stops when she goes shopping with friends for a costume. What she finds instead is ripped from a horror movie: someone from school bleeding out on the floor of a dressing room. Stabbed.
People are quick to blame Nash and his sister, Grace, but as Halloween nears and the body count rises, Penny can’t help thinking this copycat killer is someone no one else suspects. . . .
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    2 - 3

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Natasha Preston is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Cellar, The Cabin, Awake, You Will Be Mine, The Lost, The Twin, The Lake, and her latest, The Fear. A UK native, she discovered her love of writing when she shared a story online—and hasn't looked back. She enjoys writing romance, thrillers, gritty YA, and the occasional serial killer.
  • Kirkus

    September 15, 2023
    Penny's sleepy little farming town hasn't been the same since it was terrorized by a masked killer who claimed five teenage victims last Halloween. That killer just happened to be the father of her ex-boyfriend, Nash, and afterward, Penny's parents forced her to break up with Nash. This October, everyone is on edge. Nash and his sister, Grace, are local outcasts, and when Penny finds another classmate's dead body while shopping for Halloween costumes in a party supply store, the proverbial pitchforks come out. As the body count rises, the townspeople quickly blame Nash and Grace. To take the heat off Nash, for whom Penny still has feelings, the two team up to try to figure out the killer's identity. But when it becomes apparent that the killer is targeting Penny, their mission becomes a matter of life or death. Suspenseful chases and mysterious sightings interspersed with an occasional dead body keep the pacing fast and consistent. The setting is reminiscent of Scream's Woodsboro, and Preston makes good use of spooky Halloween decorations. The character development is light, and readers will quickly become frustrated with the many poor choices Penny makes. The abrupt ending may irritate some, but slasher fans will nevertheless enjoy trying to figure out who the menacing person hiding behind a mask is. Penny and Nash are cued white; Penny's friends include some racial and religious diversity. A flawed but entertaining Halloween thriller. (Thriller. 12-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    December 8, 2023

    Gr 9 Up-It's Saturday, October 23rd. Exactly one year since the start of a murder spree that changed Penny's small town forever. Even though she's been forbidden from talking to her ex-boyfriend, Nash, Penny can't help but feel a pull towards him as the anniversary of his father's deadly rampage approaches. Unsure of what to say, she writes and deletes text after text without sending one. But when she discovers the body of her classmate while shopping for a Halloween costume, everything changes. She finally connects with Nash as the entire town is gripped with fear and speculation runs rampant. As the body count begins to rise, it seems a copycat killer is on the loose. Penny keeps thinking she sees a figure in the same mask lurking nearby, but she doesn't trust her own judgment as she loses sleep, her appetite, and trust in the people she thought she could rely on. Though the reasoning behind the murders is explained, the abrupt ending lacks any sort of reckoning with the traumatic events of the preceding days. While some readers may not mind, others might be left feeling unsatisfied. Penny's friend Zayn is described as having dark skin and an Afro, Omar is described as Muslim with dark eyes, and Nash and Grace are described as having their mother's darker skin tone. VERDICT A secondary purchase for libraries where mysteries are in high demand.-Katie Patterson

    Copyright 2023 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

Informations sur le titre+
  • Éditeur
    Random House Children's Books
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
    Date de publication:
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The Haunting
The Haunting
Natasha Preston
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