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U is for Undertow
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U is for Undertow
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Sue Grafton takes the mystery genre to new heights with this twisting, complex #1 New York Times bestseller that draws private investigator Kinsey Millhone into a case shrouded in the sins of the past.
Looking solemn, Michael Sutton arrives in Kinsey Millhone's office with a story to tell. When he was six, he says, he wandered into the woods and saw two men digging a hole. They claimed they were pirates, looking for buried treasure. Now, all these years later, the long-forgotten events have come back to him—and he has pieced them together with news reports from the time, becoming convinced that he witnesses the burial of a kidnapped child.
Kinsey has nearly nothing to go on. Sutton doesn't even know where he was that day—and, she soon discovers, he has a history of what might generously be called an active imagination. Despite her doubts, Kinsey sets out to track down the so-called burial site. And what's found there pulls her into a hidden current of deceit stretching back more than twenty years...
Sue Grafton takes the mystery genre to new heights with this twisting, complex #1 New York Times bestseller that draws private investigator Kinsey Millhone into a case shrouded in the sins of the past.
Looking solemn, Michael Sutton arrives in Kinsey Millhone's office with a story to tell. When he was six, he says, he wandered into the woods and saw two men digging a hole. They claimed they were pirates, looking for buried treasure. Now, all these years later, the long-forgotten events have come back to him—and he has pieced them together with news reports from the time, becoming convinced that he witnesses the burial of a kidnapped child.
Kinsey has nearly nothing to go on. Sutton doesn't even know where he was that day—and, she soon discovers, he has a history of what might generously be called an active imagination. Despite her doubts, Kinsey sets out to track down the so-called burial site. And what's found there pulls her into a hidden current of deceit stretching back more than twenty years...
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  • From the book

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page




    Chapter 1 - Wednesday afternoon, April 6, 1988

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3 - DEBORAH UNRUH

    Chapter 4 - Thursday morning, April 7, 1988

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6 - DEBORAH UNRUH

    Chapter 7 - Thursday afternoon, April 7, 1988

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9 - WALKER MCNALLY

    Chapter 10 - Friday, April 8, 1988

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12 - WALKER MCNALLY

    Chapter 13 - Monday, April 11, 1988

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15 - JON CORSO

    Chapter 16 - Wednesday, April 13, 1988

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18 - JON CORSO

    Chapter 19 - Wednesday afternoon, April 13, 1988

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21 - DEBORAH UNRUH

    Chapter 22 - Thursday night, April 14, 1988

    Chapter 23 - Friday afternoon, April 15, 1988

    Chapter 24 - WALKER MCNALLY

    Chapter 25 - Monday, April 18, 1988

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27 - JON CORSO

    Chapter 28 - Wednesday afternoon, April 20, 1988

    Chapter 29 - WALKER MCNALLY

    Chapter 30 - Wednesday evening, April 20, 1988

    Chapter 31 - JON CORSO

    Chapter 32 - Thursday, April 21, 1988

    Chapter 33 - Thursday, April 21, 1988




    Kinsey Millhone mysteries


    A is for Alibi
    B is for Burglar
    C is for Corpse
    D is for Deadbeat
    E is for Evidence
    F is for Fugitive
    G is for Gumshoe
    H is for Homicide
    I is for Innocent
    J is for Judgment
    K is for Killer
    L is for Lawless
    M is for Malice
    N is for Noose
    O is for Outlaw
    P is for Peril
    Q is for Quarry
    R is for Ricochet
    S is for Silence
    T is for Trespass


    Published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons
    Publishers Since 1838
    a member of the Penguin Group

    Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA

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    Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England


    Copyright © 2009 by Sue Grafton

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    Published simultaneously in Canada


    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


    Grafton, Sue.
    U is for undertow / Sue Grafton.
    p. cm.

    eISBN : 978-1-101-15161-7

    1. Millhone, Kinsey (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Women private...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times bestselling author Sue Grafton is published in 28 countries and 26 languages—including Estonian, Bulgarian, and Indonesian. Books in her alphabet series, begun in 1982, are international bestsellers with readership in the millions. And like Raymond Chandler, Ross Macdonald, Robert Parker, and John D. MacDonald—the best of her breed—Sue Grafton has earned new respect for the mystery form. Her readers appreciate her buoyant style, her eye for detail, her deft hand with character, her acute social observances, and her abundant storytelling talents. Sue divides her time between Montecito, California and Louisville, Kentucky, where she was born and raised. She has three children and two grandchildren. Grafton has been married to Steve Humphrey for more than twenty years. She loves cats, gardens, and good cuisine.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    October 12, 2009
    False memory syndrome provides the core of bestseller Grafton's intriguing 21st crime novel featuring wry PI Kinsey Millhone (after T Is for Trespass
    ). In 1988, Kinsey takes on client Michael Sutton, who claims to have recovered a childhood memory of men burying a suspicious bundle shortly after the unsolved disappearance of four-year-old Mary Claire Fitzhugh in 1972. But Sutton has a track record of unreliability, and Kinsey must untangle and reconfigure his disjointed recountings to learn if they are truth or fiction. Chapters told from the point of view of other characters in other time periods add texture, allowing the reader to assemble pieces of the case as Kinsey works on other aspects. A subplot involves Kinsey wrestling with conflicting information about her estranged family. Though whodunit purists may be a bit disappointed that the culprit is revealed well before book's end, both loyal Kinsey fans and those new to the canon will find much to like. Author tour.

  • Kirkus

    October 15, 2009
    A wild tale by an untrustworthy witness sets Kinsey Millhone (T Is for Trespass, 2007, etc.) on the track of a stone-cold case.

    An article on famous kidnappings has jogged Michael Sutton to recall something that happened on his sixth birthday in July 1967. Playing at a friend's house in Horton Ravine, he tells Kinsey nearly 21 years later, Sutton saw two men burying something he's now convinced was the body of Mary Claire Fitzhugh, a kidnapped 12-year-old who was never restored to her parents, even though they paid the paltry ransom demand. Sutton doesn't remember the exact location of the house or even the name of the friend, but Kinsey agrees to take a day's pay to check out his story. Even within a day, she gets results, and soon the Santa Teresa canine unit is sniffing around an unmarked grave. Unfortunately, the buried remains aren't those of Mary Claire Fitzhugh. Worse, mounting evidence indicates that there's good reason to doubt Sutton's memory. As Kinsey struggles with the case, distracted by the latest overtures from the family that abandoned her long ago, the puzzle is obligingly, if gradually, resolved by a long series of interspersed flashbacks to the summer of 1967, when four families—Patrick and Deborah Unruh, their rebellious son and his common-law wife; veterinarian Walter McNally and his son Walker; professor Lionel Corso and his son Jon; and Kip and Annabelle Sutton, the parents Kinsey's client once accused of molesting him—were launched on a collision course.

    Short on mystery, but rewardingly sensitive in teasing out the shock waves that reached from the Summer of Love to the heart of Santa Teresa.


  • Library Journal

    October 15, 2009
    With each book, Grafton is only getting better. Her Kinsey Millhone series is now in its 21st installment but is nowhere near past its prime. A young man named Michael Sutton shows up at Kinsey's office one afternoon, claiming to have suddenly recalled details from his childhood concerning an unsolved kidnapping of a little girl 20 years ago. Kinsey is skeptical but agrees to work for one day on the cold case. And so it begins. Weaving the narrative and point of view between events and characters in the 1980s and the 1960s, it is not until the breathless final pages that everything connects. VERDICT Readers will not abandon Kinsey Millhone as the series winds down (only five left, VWXYZ!). Her latest is fresh, complex, fast-paced, and immensely enjoyable. Kinsey's sharp 1980s research skills might even leave a few readers nostalgic for a pre-Google world. [See Prepub Alert, "LJ" 8/09.]Andrea Y. Griffith, Loma Linda Univ. Libs., CA

    Copyright 2009 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    October 1, 2009
    With 20 previous Kinsey Millhone mysteries to her credit, Grafton might well be tiring of her character, even if readers arent. But that doesnt seem to be case; Kinsey continues to grow more interesting and complex as years pass in real and in fictional time. Set in the 1980s, when old-fashioned footwork, telephones, and typewriters still ruled the lives of PIs, this entry picks up the character as she investigates a kidnapping and presumed death of a child, brought to her attention by a young man two decades after the fact. Although Michael Sutton is an unreliable narrator, and the only fact thats provable now is the childs disappearance, Kinseys stubborn curiosity keeps her on the case. Then Michael turns up dead, and some weird coincidences begin to make sense. Grafton uses her characters childhood memories (including Kinseys own) to lead the reader smoothly across the years, at the same time exploring how long-held feelings of resentment, self-hatred, and fear add up to murder, both in the past and the present. Worth the wait for Grafton fans; Margaret Maron devotees will like this one, too.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2009, American Library Association.)

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U is for Undertow
U is for Undertow
Sue Grafton
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