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Her Radiant Curse
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Her Radiant Curse
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the critically acclaimed author of SIX CRIMSON CRANES comes a fantasy tale of two sisters—one as beautiful as the other is monstrous—who must fight to save each other when a betrothal contest gone wrong unleashes an evil that could sever their bond forever!
One sister must fall for the other to rise.
Channi was not born a monster. But when her own father offers her in sacrifice to the Demon Witch, she is forever changed. Cursed with a serpent’s face, Channi is the exact opposite of her beautiful sister, Vanna—the only person in the village who looks at Channi and doesn’t see a monster. The only person she loves and trusts.
Now at seventeen, Vanna is to be married off in a vulgar contest that will enrich the coffers of the village leaders. Only Channi, who’s had to rely on her strength and cunning all these years, can defend her sister against the cruelest of the suitors. But in doing so, she becomes the target of his wrath—launching a grisly battle royale, a quest over land and sea, a romance between sworn enemies, and a choice that will strain Channi’s heart to its breaking point.
Weaving together elements of The Selection and Ember in the Ashes with classic tales like Beauty and the Beast, Helen of Troy, and Asian folklore, Elizabeth Lim is at the absolute top of her game in this thrilling yet heart-wrenching fantasy that explores the dark side of beauty and the deepest bonds of sisterhood.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the critically acclaimed author of SIX CRIMSON CRANES comes a fantasy tale of two sisters—one as beautiful as the other is monstrous—who must fight to save each other when a betrothal contest gone wrong unleashes an evil that could sever their bond forever!
One sister must fall for the other to rise.
Channi was not born a monster. But when her own father offers her in sacrifice to the Demon Witch, she is forever changed. Cursed with a serpent’s face, Channi is the exact opposite of her beautiful sister, Vanna—the only person in the village who looks at Channi and doesn’t see a monster. The only person she loves and trusts.
Now at seventeen, Vanna is to be married off in a vulgar contest that will enrich the coffers of the village leaders. Only Channi, who’s had to rely on her strength and cunning all these years, can defend her sister against the cruelest of the suitors. But in doing so, she becomes the target of his wrath—launching a grisly battle royale, a quest over land and sea, a romance between sworn enemies, and a choice that will strain Channi’s heart to its breaking point.
Weaving together elements of The Selection and Ember in the Ashes with classic tales like Beauty and the Beast, Helen of Troy, and Asian folklore, Elizabeth Lim is at the absolute top of her game in this thrilling yet heart-wrenching fantasy that explores the dark side of beauty and the deepest bonds of sisterhood.
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  • From the cover CHAPTER ONE

    There was no moon or moonbow when my sister was born. Contrary to the stories, she arrived late in the morning, close to noon. I remember, because the sun was in my eyes, and its glaring heat needled my skin until I bubbled with sweat.

    I was very young and playing outside, poking the ants crawling up my ankles with a stick, when the sun suddenly receded—and I heard screams. Mama’s screams.

    They were faint at first. Thunder had begun to rumble, swallowing the brunt of her cries. The loud cracks in the sky did not frighten me; I was already used to the island’s fickle winds and the low howls that rolled from the jungle at night. So I stayed, even as rain unfolded from the sky and the chickens ran for cover. The dirt under my toes became mud, and the warm, humid air chilled. The ants drowned as the water climbed up my ankles.

    Adah had told me not to come inside until I was called, but the rain was getting harder. It came down in sheets, soaking my shirt and sandals and drumming against my skull. It hurt.

    Kicking off my sandals, I clambered up the wooden stairs to our house and ran inside to the kitchen. I shook my hair free of rain and tried to warm myself by the fire, but only a few embers remained.

    “Adah?” I called, shivering. “Mama?”

    No answer.

    My stomach growled. Up beside the cooking pot was a plate of cakes Mama had steamed for me yesterday. They’d made her hands smell like coconut and her nails shine, sticky with syrup.

    “Channi’s cakes are ready!” she would always call when they were done. “Don’t eat too much at once, or the sugar flies will come sweeping into your belly for dinner.”

    She didn’t call for me today.

    I stood on my tiptoes and stretched my arms high, but I wasn’t tall enough to reach the plate.

    “Mama!” I cried. “Can I have cake?”

    Mama had stopped screaming, but I heard her breathing hard in the other room. Our house was very small then, with only a curtain separating the kitchen from Mama and Adah’s bedroom.

    I stood on my side of the curtain. Its coarse muslin chafed my nose as I breathed against it, trying to see what was happening on the other side.

    Three shadows. Mama, Adah, and an old woman—the midwife.

    “You’ve another daughter,” the midwife was telling my parents. “Channi has a baby sister.”

    A sister?

    Forgetting Adah’s warning and my hunger, I ducked under the curtain and crawled toward my parents’ bed.

    There Mama lay, propped up on a pillow. She looked like a fish, all translucent and pale, her lips parted but not moving. I barely recognized her.

    Adah was hovering over her, and the restless look on his face soured quickly as Mama locked her fists around the edges of the bed—as if she were about to start screaming again.

    Instead, she let out a gasp, and a gush of red swelled through the blankets.

    “She’s bleeding!” Adah cried to the midwife. “Do something!”

    The midwife lifted the blankets and went to work. I’d never seen so much blood before, and especially not at once. Not knowing it was my mother’s life flowing out of her, it almost looked beautiful. Vibrant and bright, like a field of ruby hibiscuses.

    But Mama’s face, twisted in pain, kept me quiet.

    Something was wrong.

    I stood rooted to my corner, unseen. I wanted to hold Mama’s hands. To see if they still smelled like coconuts and if the sugar syrup had seeped into the...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 3, 2023
    Two sisters strive to save each other from a persistent evil in this thrilling fantasy adventure by Lim (the Six Crimson Cranes duology). Channi’s Adah intended to sacrifice her newborn sister Vanna to Angma, the Demon Witch, in return for a blessing to spare his wife from death. Adah—enraptured by Vanna’s beauty and the enigmatic light radiating from within her—instead offers three-year-old Channi. When she’s saved by the serpent king, Angma curses Channi to resemble a snake, promising to undo it so long as Channi delivers her sister to Angma before Vanna’s 17th birthday, otherwise Angma will hunt them both. Now 19, Channi is ostracized in her hometown for her reptilian face by all except her almost 17-year-old sibling. During Vanna’s betrothal selection, in which suitors compete for her hand, her prospective match with kind Crown Prince Rongyo is derailed by brutal King Meguh. Channi battles and defeats King Meguh in Prince Rongyo’s stead and, impressed by her face and abilities, King Meguh kidnaps Channi. As Angma begins her pursuit, Channi must rely on unlikely allies to reunite with Vanna. Occasionally dense but lush storytelling evokes East Asian folklore mixed with Helen of Troy vibes, culminating in an intriguing tale about one sisterhood that endures against all odds. Ages 12–up. Agent: Gina Maccoby, Gina Maccoby Literary.

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Her Radiant Curse
Her Radiant Curse
Elizabeth Lim
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