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Food-Related Stories
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Food-Related Stories
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“Gaby Melian tells so many stories through her relationship with food—about love, about loss, about hard work, and about finding her passion. The pages are dripping with delicious smells and tastes, and will give you a new way to look at both cooking and what it means to have a plan.” —Molly Birnbaum, editor in chief, America’s Test Kitchen Kids
In this moving, personal account, chef and activist Gaby Melian shares her journey with food and how creating a relationship with food — however simple or complicated — is a form of activism in its own right.
Pocket Change Collective was born out of a need for space. Space to think. Space to connect. Space to be yourself. And this is your invitation to join us. This is a series of small books with big ideas from today's leading activists and artists.
"Food rescued me so many other times — not only because I sold food to survive. I cook to entertain; I cook to be liked; I cook to be loved." In this installment, chef and activist Gaby Melian shares her personal journey with food — from growing up in Argentina to her time as a Jersey City street vendor and later, as Bon Appetit's test kitchen manager. Powerful and full of heart, here, Melian explores how we can develop a relationship with food that's healthy, sustainable, and thoughtful.
“Gaby Melian tells so many stories through her relationship with food—about love, about loss, about hard work, and about finding her passion. The pages are dripping with delicious smells and tastes, and will give you a new way to look at both cooking and what it means to have a plan.” —Molly Birnbaum, editor in chief, America’s Test Kitchen Kids
In this moving, personal account, chef and activist Gaby Melian shares her journey with food and how creating a relationship with food — however simple or complicated — is a form of activism in its own right.
Pocket Change Collective was born out of a need for space. Space to think. Space to connect. Space to be yourself. And this is your invitation to join us. This is a series of small books with big ideas from today's leading activists and artists.
"Food rescued me so many other times — not only because I sold food to survive. I cook to entertain; I cook to be liked; I cook to be loved." In this installment, chef and activist Gaby Melian shares her personal journey with food — from growing up in Argentina to her time as a Jersey City street vendor and later, as Bon Appetit's test kitchen manager. Powerful and full of heart, here, Melian explores how we can develop a relationship with food that's healthy, sustainable, and thoughtful.
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  • From the cover FOOD-RELATED STORIES

    My younger brother, Gonzalo, and I had not seen each other for at least seven years. For reasons that are hard to explain, I stopped traveling to Argentina in 2009 and hadn’t seen him much since. As he stepped off the plane to a cold, bitter winter in New Jersey, I wished our reunion was under different circumstances. It was 2016, a few days before Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and the biggest nor’easter we’d seen in decades. And we had to do the unthinkable: We were saying goodbye to our mother.
    The last day our mother was conscious was on that Saturday. She spoke softly with my brother and me, chit-chatting here and there with what little voice she had left—as you do when you’re trying to avoid the monstrous, glaring elephant in the room. At one point, Gonzalo stared out the window and asked if it was really going to snow. He really wanted to see snow. “Don’t worry, you are going to see tons of it,” Mom whispered, faintly smiling.
    She died that Monday, January 18, as the snow quietly started to lie on the ground and lasted for what felt like ages. One of the many times my mom kept her word no matter what.
    Everything afterward felt rushed. Goodbyes usually feel that way. They come too soon and rarely do you want to say them. The day after she died, we decided to go to her apartment. She lived in a senior citizen building in Jersey City, and we managed to get to her place, even though the snow made it almost impossible to walk the six blocks that separated my apartment from hers.
    So there we were, alone in her studio that she had proudly decorated and filled up to the brim with plants and pillows and her huge collection of owls. The apartment was small and had that very unique scent of a senior citizen’s home. You know the one. Even my mother knew the one. She often joked that it smelled “viejo.” Then again, her studio also had the faint scent of incense and cigarettes, the latter of which is what killed her in the end.
    It was hard to be confronted with her memories and the dust that began to form around them. Having to pack up her place proved even harder. While my brother was trying to comprehend how our mom spent her last months, and how she lived in such a tiny place, I was trying to figure out how in the world I was going to empty it. He wanted to save everything and wait. I wanted all of this to be done yesterday. I was too close to it.
    We started going through her things without a clear idea how we were going to do it. We weren’t even sure where to properly start. So I went for what I knew best: I started with the fridge. After all, her fridge was my domain, and I had been organizing it for months. I knew my mission as I stepped into the kitchen.
    Up until the day she was hospitalized for the last time, I went to her place daily with food. I made sure to fill up her fridge with things that brought her joy during the course of her cancer treatment. I knew what she liked to eat and what she did not. I bought everything from strawberry ice cream to vanilla yogurt to watermelon. In fact, I used to make tiny melon balls and fill up two- or three-quart containers so she always had something fresquito to eat.
    It was the first time in a little bit that I had checked her freezer. It held many things: pints of ice cream toppling over each other, Ziploc bags with bread for her morning toast, coffee, ice cube trays, and, of course, the one leftover meal—her fish.
    My mom only ever cooked for a crowd, which...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Gaby Melian is a professional chef with almost twenty years of industry experience and a lifetime of personal knowledge about food and all its many wonderful flavors. She shares her deep love of food and vast kitchen know-how across multiple food media outlets. Her life in food has led her to many roles, including street vendor, culinary instructor, official Food Revolution ambassador, Bon Appétit test kitchen manager, cooking video host—and who knows what’s next! Gaby completed her culinary training at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City with degrees in Culinary Management, Culinary Arts, and Pastry Arts. Find her on Instagram @gabymelian.

    Ashley Lukashevsky is an illustrator and visual artist born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, currently based in Los Angeles. Ashley uses illustration and art as tools to strengthen social movements against systemic racism, sexism, and anti-immigrant policy. She aims to tear down these systems of oppression through first envisioning and drawing a world without them. Her clients include Refinery29, Broadly, The Washington Post, Planned Parenthood, Girls Who Code, GOOD magazine, Brooklyn magazine, ACLU, Red Bull, Snapchat, Air Jordan, and Logo TV. Ashley is also the illustrator of the best-selling Antiracist Baby, by Ibram X. Kendi.
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Food-Related Stories
Gaby Melian
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