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74 Seaside Avenue
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74 Seaside Avenue
A Cedar Cove Novel Series, Book 7
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Olivia Lockhart-Griffin

Cedar Cove, Washington

Dear Reader,

Do you remember Teri Miller? She works at Get Nailed, the beauty salon here in town. Well, Teri got married a little while ago--to Bobby Polgar, the famous chess champion. They've moved into a beautiful house, 74 Seaside Avenue, which has a spectacular view of Puget Sound.

Teri's my hairdresser, and she confided that something seems to be worrying Bobby. When she asked him about it, he told her he was "protecting his queen," and she got the oddest feeling that he wasn't talking about chess, but about her.

Rachel Pendergast also works at Get Nailed, and I've heard that she has two men seriously interested in her. I also wanted to tell you that Linnette McAfee, who's Roy and Corrie's daughter, recently left town because her love life fell apart. We all know about that kind of trouble.

Oh, by the way, Teri says we should come in soon for a manicure and a chat....


Olivia Lockhart-Griffin

Cedar Cove, Washington

Dear Reader,

Do you remember Teri Miller? She works at Get Nailed, the beauty salon here in town. Well, Teri got married a little while ago--to Bobby Polgar, the famous chess champion. They've moved into a beautiful house, 74 Seaside Avenue, which has a spectacular view of Puget Sound.

Teri's my hairdresser, and she confided that something seems to be worrying Bobby. When she asked him about it, he told her he was "protecting his queen," and she got the oddest feeling that he wasn't talking about chess, but about her.

Rachel Pendergast also works at Get Nailed, and I've heard that she has two men seriously interested in her. I also wanted to tell you that Linnette McAfee, who's Roy and Corrie's daughter, recently left town because her love life fell apart. We all know about that kind of trouble.

Oh, by the way, Teri says we should come in soon for a manicure and a chat....


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  • From the book

    Late Thursday afternoon, Teri Polgar went to the grocery store. Roaming the air-conditioned aisles, she decided to make her specialty--a macaroni-and-cheese casserole-- for dinner that night. Some might consider it more of a winter meal, not really suitable for the middle of July, but Teri liked it any time of year. And Bobby--well, Bobby was hardly aware of what season it was, or for that matter, what time of day.

    When she got home, she found her husband in front of a chessboard, deep in concentration. That in itself wasn't unusual. But the board was set up on the kitchen table and her younger brother was sitting across from him. Two out-of-the-ordinary occurrences.

    Johnny grinned sheepishly when she walked in with her bag of groceries. "I came by for a quick visit and Bobby insisted on teaching me," he explained.

    Bobby mumbled something, probably an acknowledgment of her presence. He often muttered to himself, lost in his own world of chess moves and strategies. To say her husband was a bit unconventional would be an understatement. Bobby Polgar was an international chess sensation, one of the top-ranked players in the world.

    "How's it going?" Teri asked as she set the groceries on the counter.

    Johnny answered with a good-natured shrug. "Haven't got a clue. Ask Bobby."

    "Hi, sweetheart," she said, moving to her husband's side of the table. Slipping her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek.

    Bobby's hand squeezed hers and he looked across at Johnny. "Always protect your queen," he advised her brother, who nodded patiently.

    "Can you stay for dinner?" she asked Johnny. A visit from him, especially on a weekday, was a pleasant surprise. Teri was proud of Johnny, but she also felt protective of him. That was only natural, she supposed, because she'd practically raised him herself. Her family-- like Bobby--was unconventional, but in a completely different way. At last count, her mother had been married six times. Or was it seven? Teri had lost count.

    Her sister was more like her mother than Teri had ever been, but at least Christie was smart enough not to marry the losers who walked in and out of her life. Not that Teri was exempt from some of life's painful lessons herself. Particularly those that fell into the category of men-who-use-and-abuse.

    Teri still had a hard time believing Bobby Polgar could love her. She worked in a hair and nail salon and considered herself the farthest thing from an intellectual. Bobby always said she had a real-world intelligence, practical and intuitive rather than cerebral, like his. She loved him for saying that and was even starting to believe it. In fact, she loved everything about him. The happiness she felt was still new to her and it actually frightened her a little.

    She had reasons to be concerned, real-world reasons, she thought wryly, although she made light of them. Recently two men had approached her, bodyguard-types who looked like they belonged in an episode of The Sopranos. They had gangster written all over them. They hadn't really done anything, though, other than scare her for a few minutes.

    Teri wasn't sure what that was all about. Apparently these goons had been sent as a warning to Bobby. The message seemed to be that their boss, whoever he was, could get to her at any time. Fat chance of that! Teri was street-smart and she'd learned how to take care of herself, although she had to admit those two had given her pause.

    If Bobby knew who was responsible for the threat against her, he wasn't saying. But she'd noticed that her husband hadn't played in a...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and a leading voice in women's fiction worldwide. Her work has appeared on every major bestseller list, with more than 170 million copies in print, and she is a multiple award winner. The Hallmark Channel based a television series on Debbie's popular Cedar Cove books. For more information, visit her website, www.debbiemacomber.com.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 23, 2007
    Macomber’s bestselling multigenerational series returns (following 6 Rainier Drive
    ), interweaving drama and romance from all corners of fictional Cedar Cove, Wash. The focus this go-round is international chess champion Bobby Polgar and his hairdresser wife, Teri. Veiled threats from a Russian opponent have caused Bobby to drop out of tournament play and keep a close watch over Teri, but she’s more concerned about the antics of her predatory sister, Christie, who is growing ever more distant. As in past volumes, a raft of supporting characters’ subplots run parallel to the leads’, among them widowed sheriff Troy Davis, torn between his daughter’s needs and a budding romance; physician’s assistant Linnette McAfee, leaving town and a broken heart behind; and a love triangle involving Teri’s best friend, Rachel. Fans will pick up the threads easily, and newcomers will find most of the relationships self-explanatory (though a chart of characters would prove helpful). As usual, Macomber’s unique mix of naïveté, soap opera plotting and smalltown charm is virtually guaranteed to please.

  • Publishers Weekly "[Debbie Macomber is] a bona fide superstar."
  • RT Book Reviews on Dakota Home "[Debbie Macomber] is skilled at creating characters who work their way into readers' hearts."
  • #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller "I've never met a Macomber book I didn't love!"
  • Publishers Weekly "Popular romance writer Macomber has a gift for evoking the emotions that are at the heart of the genre's popularity."
  • Jayne Ann Krentz "Debbie Macomber's name on a book is a guarantee of delightful, warmhearted romance."
  • Booklist on Changing Habits "Macomber offers a very human look at three women who uproot their lives to follow their true destiny."
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74 Seaside Avenue
74 Seaside Avenue
A Cedar Cove Novel Series, Book 7
Debbie Macomber
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