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Couverture de Starsight
The #1 New York Times bestseller!
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Reckoners series, the Mistborn trilogy, and the Stormlight Archive comes the second book in an epic series about a girl with a secret in a dangerous world at war for humanity's future.
All her life, Spensa's dreamed of becoming a pilot and proving herself a hero like her father. She made it to the sky, but the truths she learned there were crushing. The rumors of her father's cowardice are true—he deserted his Flight during battle against the Krell. Worse, though, he turned against his team and attacked them.
Spensa is sure that there's more to the story. And she's sure that whatever happened to her father that day could happen to her. When she made it outside the protective shell of her planet, she heard the stars—and what they revealed to her was terrifying. Everything Spensa has been taught about her world is a lie.
Humankind has always celebrated heros, but who defines what a hero is? Could humanity be the evil the galaxy needs to be protected from? Spensa is determined to find out, but each answer she discovers reveals a dozen new questions: about the war, about her enemies, and even, perhaps, about Spensa herself.
But Spensa also discovered a few other things about herself—and she'll travel to the end of the galaxy to save humankind if she needs to.
"Sanderson delivers a cinematic adventure that explores the defining aspects of the individual versus the society. . . . Fans of Sanderson will not be disappointed." —SLJ
"It is impossible to turn the pages fast enough."Booklist
"He's simply a brilliant writer. Period." —Patrick Rothfuss, author of the New York Times bestseller The Name of the Wind, on Brandon Sanderson.
The #1 New York Times bestseller!
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Reckoners series, the Mistborn trilogy, and the Stormlight Archive comes the second book in an epic series about a girl with a secret in a dangerous world at war for humanity's future.
All her life, Spensa's dreamed of becoming a pilot and proving herself a hero like her father. She made it to the sky, but the truths she learned there were crushing. The rumors of her father's cowardice are true—he deserted his Flight during battle against the Krell. Worse, though, he turned against his team and attacked them.
Spensa is sure that there's more to the story. And she's sure that whatever happened to her father that day could happen to her. When she made it outside the protective shell of her planet, she heard the stars—and what they revealed to her was terrifying. Everything Spensa has been taught about her world is a lie.
Humankind has always celebrated heros, but who defines what a hero is? Could humanity be the evil the galaxy needs to be protected from? Spensa is determined to find out, but each answer she discovers reveals a dozen new questions: about the war, about her enemies, and even, perhaps, about Spensa herself.
But Spensa also discovered a few other things about herself—and she'll travel to the end of the galaxy to save humankind if she needs to.
"Sanderson delivers a cinematic adventure that explores the defining aspects of the individual versus the society. . . . Fans of Sanderson will not be disappointed." —SLJ
"It is impossible to turn the pages fast enough."Booklist
"He's simply a brilliant writer. Period." —Patrick Rothfuss, author of the New York Times bestseller The Name of the Wind, on Brandon Sanderson.
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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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    3 - 4

  • From the book



    I slammed on my overburn and boosted my starship through the middle of a chaotic mess of destructor blasts and explosions. Above me extended the awesome vastness of space. Compared to that infinite blackness, both planets and starships alike seemed insignificant. Meaningless. 

    Except, of course, for the fact that those insignificant starships were doing their best to kill me.

    I dodged, spinning my ship and cutting my boosters midturn. Once I’d flipped around, I immediately slammed on the boosters again, burning in the other direction in an attempt to lose the three ships tailing me. 

    Fighting in space is way different from fighting in atmosphere. For one thing, your wings are useless. No air means no airflow, no lift, no drag. In space, you don’t really fly. You just don’t fall.

    I executed another spin and boost, heading back toward the main firefight. Unfortunately, maneuvers that had been impressive down in the atmosphere were commonplace up here. Fighting in a vacuum these last six months had provided a whole new set of skills to master. 

    “Spensa,” a lively masculine voice said from my console, “you remember how you told me to warn you if you were being extra irrational?” 

    “No,” I said with a grunt, dodging to the right. The destructor blasts from behind swept over the dome of my cockpit. “I don’t believe I did anything of the sort.” 

    “You said, ‘Can we talk about this later?’ ”

    I dodged again. Scud. Were those drones getting better at dogfighting, or was I losing my touch? 

    “Technically, it was ‘later’ right after you spoke,” continued the talkative voice—my ship’s AI, M-Bot. “But human beings don’t actually use that word to mean ‘anytime chronologically after this moment.’ They use it to mean ‘sometime after now that is more convenient to me.’ ” 

    The Krell drones swarmed around us, trying to cut off my escape back toward the main body of the battlefield.

    “And you think this is a more convenient time?” I demanded. 

    “Why wouldn’t it be?” 

    “Because we’re in combat!” 

    “Well, I would think that a life-and-death situation is exactly when you’d like to know if you’re being extra irrational.”

    I could remember, with some measure of fondness, the days when my starships hadn’t talked back to me. That had been before I’d helped repair M-Bot, whose personality was a remnant of ancient technology we still didn’t understand. I frequently wondered: Had all advanced AIs been this sassy, or was mine just a special case? 

    “Spensa,” M-Bot said. “You’re supposed to be leading these drones toward the others, remember?” 

    It had been six months since we’d beaten back the Krell attempt to bomb us into oblivion. Alongside our victory, we’d learned some important facts. The enemy we called “the Krell” were a group of aliens tasked with keeping my people contained on our planet, Detritus, which was kind of a cross between a prison and a nature preserve for human civilization. The Krell reported to a larger galactic government called the Superiority. 

    They employed remote drones to fight us—piloted by aliens who lived far away, controlling their drones via faster-than-light communications. The drones were never driven by AIs, as it was against galactic law to let a ship pilot itself....

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Brandon Sanderson is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Reckoners series: Steelheart, Firefight, and Calamity, and the e-original Mitosis; the New York Times bestsellers Skyward and its sequel Starsight; the internationally bestselling Mistborn trilogy; and the Stormlight Archive. He was chosen to complete Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series, an adaptation of which is coming to Amazon Prime Video in November 2021. His books have been published in more than thirty-five languages and have sold 22 million copies worldwide. Brandon lives and writes in Utah. To learn more about him and his books, visit him at brandonsanderson.com or follow @BrandSanderson on Twitter and Instagram.
  • Kirkus

    November 1, 2019
    As if the threat of huge, raging monsters from hyperspace isn't scary enough, hotshot fighter pilot Spensa Nightshade becomes embroiled in an alien empire's politics. On a desperate mission to steal hyperdrive technology from the crablike invading Krell who are threatening to destroy her beleaguered home colony on Detritus, Spensa, who is white, holographically disguises herself as a violet-skinned UrDail and slips into a Krell pilot training program for "lesser species." The discovery that she's being secretly trained not to fight planet-destroying delvers but to exterminate humans, who are (with some justification, having kindled three interstellar wars in past centuries) regarded in certain quarters as an irrationally aggressive species, is just one in a string of revelations as, in between numerous near-death experiences on practice flights, she struggles to understand both her own eerie abilities and the strange multispecies society in which she finds herself. There are so many characters besides Spensa searching for self-identity--notably her comic-relief sidekick AI M-Bot, troubled human friend Jorgen back on Detritus, and Morriumur, member of a species whose color-marked sexes create trial offspring--that even with a plot that defaults to hot action and escalating intrigue the pacing has a stop and start quality. Still, Spensa's habitual over-the-top recklessness adds a rousing spark, and the author folds in plenty of banter as well as a colorful supporting cast. Not quite the wild ride of Skyward (2018) but still great fun. (Science fiction. 12-15)

    COPYRIGHT(2019) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist "No one has more fun writing or is better at describing galactic dogfights.... Read the first one for fun or enjoy the second on its own."
  • Booklist "Reading this book is like standing inside a video game: all action and movement. Sanderson's aerial dogfights are so masterful that it is impossible to turn the pages fast enough."
  • Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review "[A] nonstop, highflying opener."
  • Publishers Weekly, Starred Review "With this action-packed trilogy opener, Sanderson offers up a resourceful, fearless heroine and a memorable cast."
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    Random House Children's Books
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