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Deep Freeze
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Deep Freeze
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Class reunions: a time for memories—good, bad, and, as Virgil Flowers is about to find out, deadly—in this New York Times bestselling thriller from John Sandford. 
Virgil knows the town of Trippton, Minnesota, a little too well. A few years back, he investigated the corrupt—and as it turned out, homicidal—local school board, and now the town’s back in view with more alarming news: A woman’s been found dead, frozen in a block of ice. There’s a possibility that it might be connected to a high school class of twenty years ago that has a mid-winter reunion coming up, and so, wrapping his coat a little tighter, Virgil begins to dig into twenty years’ worth of traumas, feuds, and bad blood. In the process, one thing becomes increasingly clear to him. It’s true what they say: High school is murder.
Class reunions: a time for memories—good, bad, and, as Virgil Flowers is about to find out, deadly—in this New York Times bestselling thriller from John Sandford. 
Virgil knows the town of Trippton, Minnesota, a little too well. A few years back, he investigated the corrupt—and as it turned out, homicidal—local school board, and now the town’s back in view with more alarming news: A woman’s been found dead, frozen in a block of ice. There’s a possibility that it might be connected to a high school class of twenty years ago that has a mid-winter reunion coming up, and so, wrapping his coat a little tighter, Virgil begins to dig into twenty years’ worth of traumas, feuds, and bad blood. In the process, one thing becomes increasingly clear to him. It’s true what they say: High school is murder.
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  • From the cover Chapter One
    David Birkmann sat in his living room with an empty beer can in his hand and stared sadly at his bachelor’s oversized television, which wasn’t turned on. A light winter wind was blowing a soft, lovely snow into the storm windows. He needed to get out to plow the drive in the morning. He wasn’t thinking about that, or the winter, or the storm.
                He’d gotten away with it, he thought. That didn’t make him much happier.
                David – he thought of himself as David, rather than Big Dave, Daveareeno, Daveissimo, D-Man, Chips or Bug Boy– didn’t consider himself a killer. Not a real killer.
                He was simply accident-prone. Always had been.
                Accidents were one reason he’d been elected as Class of ’92 funniest boy, like the totally unfunny time when he hadn’t gotten the corn chips out of the vending machine in the school’s junk-food niche. He’d tried to shake the bag loose and the machine had tipped over on him, pinning him to the cold ceramic tiles of Trippton High School.
                Everybody who’d seen it had laughed – the fat boy pinned like a spider under a can of peas – even before they were sure he wasn’t injured.
                Even George Marx, the assistant principal in charge of discipline, had laughed. He had, nevertheless, given David fifteen days of detention, plus the additional unwanted nickname of Chips, a nickname that had hung on like a bad stink for twenty-five years.
                His own father had laughed after he found out that Trippton High School wouldn’t make him pay for the damage to the vending machine.
                Big Dave, Daveareeno, Daveissimo, D-Man... Bug Boy... squashed like a bug.
    The latest accident had occurred that night, though David thought it was all perfectly explainable, if you understood the history and the overall situation. He knew that the cops wouldn’t buy it.
                The history:
                First, his father was the Bug Man of Trippton, the leading pest exterminator in Buchanan County. For nine months of the year, the brightly-colored Bug Man vans were seen everywhere you’d find a bug. For the other three months, in the heart of winter, even the bugs took time off.
                David had never been the most popular kid in school and because of his father’s rep, had been told to bug off or bug out when he tried to hang with the popular kids, even in elementary school. That’d become a tired thirteen-year-long joke in the trek between kindergarten and twelfth grade. He’d always laughed about it, trying to ingratiate himself with the Populars.
                He wasn’t laughing, now.
    Because, second, Birkmann had fallen in love with Gina Hemming in the summer after sixth grade, when the first freshet of testosterone hit. He’d loved her all through school, and...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • John Sandford is the pseudonym for the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John Camp. He is the author of twenty-seven Prey novels, most recently Golden Prey; four Kidd novels, ten Virgil Flowers novels, and six other books, including three YA novels co-authored with his wife Michele Cook.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from July 24, 2017
    Bestseller Johnson pays homage to Agatha Christie in his cleverly plotted 13th Walt Longmire novel (after 2016’s An Obvious Fact), which takes place in both the past and the present. In 1972, Walt, an Absaroka County deputy and newly returned Vietnam War vet, joins his boss, Sheriff Lucian Connelly, for the Wyoming Sheriffs’ Association annual excursion across the state aboard the steam train Western Star. In Walt’s pocket is a copy of Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. On the train, Walt attracts the attention of Kim LeClerc, the comely companion of Sheriff George McKay, who warns the deputy to stay away from her. Soon afterward, during a station stop, someone knocks Walt out just as he’s about to reboard the train. Walt hitches a ride to the next stop, where he learns that McKay has disappeared and another sheriff has been shot dead. In the present day, Walt is opposed to the release of a serial killer, who’s dying and has been imprisoned for decades, for a personal reason that will catch readers by surprise. Witty dialogue abounds; when Kim asks Walt if he killed many babies in Vietnam, he replies, “Hardly any, they’re small… Hard to hit.” And Johnson winds up the whodunit with a solution that Christie could never have imagined. 15-city author tour. Agent: Gail Hochman, Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents.

  • AudioFile Magazine Virgil Flowers goes to wintry Trippton, Minnesota, to investigate the death of the town's bank president, whose body was found in the icy river. Narrator Eric Conger reprises his portrayal of Flowers, who is somehow simultaneously irascible and mellow as he puzzles through the list of possible murderers. Conger's masculine voice is a satisfying choice for Flowers, especially the detective's dry humor surrounding the subplot of a secret ring with plans to manufacture X-rated Barbie dolls. Flowers is annoyed with the California lawyer brought in by Mattel, Inc., and her lack of appreciation for the state he reveres. Snappy conversations keep the story hopping, and Sandford's style of tagging the dialogue is key in helping listeners keep the characters straight. Conger delivers a straight, enjoyable narration. N.M.C. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 31, 2017
    Sandford’s fine 10th Virgil Flowers novel takes the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agent back to the little Mississippi River town of Trippton, the setting for 2014’s Deadline. A fisherman has discovered the ice-covered body of banker Gina Hemmings in the river near the outflow from the Trippton sewage plant. Meanwhile, the governor asks Virgil to locate Jesse McGovern, who supposedly has been manufacturing obscene Barbie Dolls—“Barbie Os”—in Trippton, though no one in the town has heard of her. Identifying the killer (who is known to the reader) in the Hemming case isn’t any easier for Virgil than tracking down Jesse and stopping the production and sale of Barbie Os. Along the way to the satisfying ending, Virgil displays the rough humor and rough justice that make him such an appealing character. Agent: Esther Newberg, ICM.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 22, 2018
    Actor Conger shines as Sandford’s protagonist Virgil Flowers, a lawman with a strong sense of humor. The agent of Minnesota’s Bureau of Criminal Appre-hension doesn’t just have the gift of gab, he sees past the gruesome aspects of his investigations to their absurd elements and reacts accordingly. In Virgil’s 10th outing, he is sent to the unfriendly town of Trippton, where the corpse of the town’s wealthiest woman (who has been murdered) has been plucked from the nearby Mississippi River. Meanwhile, the governor gives Virgil an additional assignment: locate and arrest a woman who’s been manufacturing obscene Barbie dolls. But workers in the impoverished town have become dependent on the sexy dolls’ sales and prove to be as dangerous as the murderer. Reader Conger has a crisp, resonant voice, and he smoothly conveys Virgil’s air of bemusement and the sarcastic edge that appears when he’s forced to deal with deceitful suspects and his merrily duplicitous boss, John Duncan. He plays the self-absorbed murderer, identified early on, as weak and depressed, and the others in the town of Trippton, such as Virgil’s gruff good-natured pal Johnson Johnson, with specificity. All the characters are as carefully vocalized by Conger as they are developed by Sandford in this satisfying audiobook. A Putnam hardcover.

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Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze
John Sandford
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