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The Martian Chronicles
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The Martian Chronicles
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Mars was a distant shore, and the men spread upon it in waves. Each wave different, and each wave stronger. Bradbury's Mars is a place of hope, dreams, and metaphor. Of crystal pillars and fossil seas, where a fine dust settles on the great, empty cities of a silently destroyed civilization. It is here the invaders have come to despoil and commercialize, to grow and to learn. First a trickle, then a torrent, rushing from a world with no future toward a promise of tomorrow. The Earthman conquers Mars, and then is conquered by it, lulled by dangerous lies of comfort and familiarity, and enchanted by the lingering glamour of an ancient, mysterious native race. Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles is a classic work of 20th-century literature whose extraordinary power and imagination remain undimmed by time's passage. In connected, chronological stories, a true grandmaster once again enthralls, delights, and challenges us with his vision and his heart, starkly and stunningly exposing in brilliant spacelight our strength, our weakness, our folly, and our poignant humanity on a strange and breathtaking world where humanity does not belong. Of all the dazzling stars in the vast Bradbury universe, none shines more luminous than these masterful chronicles of Earth's settlement of the fourth world from the sun.

Mars was a distant shore, and the men spread upon it in waves. Each wave different, and each wave stronger. Bradbury's Mars is a place of hope, dreams, and metaphor. Of crystal pillars and fossil seas, where a fine dust settles on the great, empty cities of a silently destroyed civilization. It is here the invaders have come to despoil and commercialize, to grow and to learn. First a trickle, then a torrent, rushing from a world with no future toward a promise of tomorrow. The Earthman conquers Mars, and then is conquered by it, lulled by dangerous lies of comfort and familiarity, and enchanted by the lingering glamour of an ancient, mysterious native race. Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles is a classic work of 20th-century literature whose extraordinary power and imagination remain undimmed by time's passage. In connected, chronological stories, a true grandmaster once again enthralls, delights, and challenges us with his vision and his heart, starkly and stunningly exposing in brilliant spacelight our strength, our weakness, our folly, and our poignant humanity on a strange and breathtaking world where humanity does not belong. Of all the dazzling stars in the vast Bradbury universe, none shines more luminous than these masterful chronicles of Earth's settlement of the fourth world from the sun.

Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    3 - 4

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Ray Bradbury is a storyteller without peer, a poet of the possible, and, indisputably, one of America's most beloved authors. In a much celebrated literary career that has spanned six decades, he produced an astonishing body of work: unforgettable novels, including Fahrenheit 451 and Something Wicked This Way Comes; essays, theatrical works, screenplays and teleplays; The Illustrated Mein, Dandelion Wine, The October Country, and numerous other superb short story collections.

  • AudioFile Magazine The Martian Chronicles was probably never intended to represent the real planet. Bradbury's Mars is a shifting metaphor for "the frontier" or for mystery. This lush prose poem was obviously composed in terms of sound; even the production uses purely aural devices, such as echoing repetition. Peter Marinker demonstrates a clear understanding of the writer's intention, and he has the vocal technique to project it effectively. He makes it easy for the listener to become engulfed in the dreamy, luminous atmosphere that is as much Bradbury's message as the story line. J.N. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine
  • AudioFile Magazine Ray Bradbury explains his goals for his collection of stories about settlers on Mars in his introduction: It's a "fable"--with echoes of Sherwood Anderson's WINESBURG, OHIO. Narrator Stephen Hoye brings that fable quality alive with touches of bemusement and irony as he delivers the stories of the humans who want to shape a strange planet and the planet's unique ways of resistance. Rather than making the tales of Mars seem fantastic, Hoye makes them more poignant or eerie by giving them an everyday quality, whether he's telling how Martians fend off the first human invaders or how humans deal with the folly of other humans. Bradbury's parables hold up well today. J.A.S. (c) AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine
  • AudioFile Magazine This series of interconnecting short stories about life on Mars is not strictly science fiction but rather a thoughtful and elegant exploration of the human condition that just happens to be set on another planet. Scott Brick takes a slow pace that suits the tales, with their old-fashioned language, full of "goshes" and "gees." But the author's style doesn't detract from the power of his text, and Brick's smooth voice imparts all the drama and solemnity of humans making their way in an alien world. His voice trembles with rage and fear, soothes with velvet tones, and captures the drama of a newsreel announcer when talking about rocket ships. Brick is the perfect narrator to bring these classic stories to new listeners. G.D. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award (c) AudioFile 2010, Portland, Maine
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    ListenUp Audiobooks
  • OverDrive Listen
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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The Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles
Ray Bradbury
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