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A Step-by-Step Guide to Upholstery and Design
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Discover the joys of upholstery and bring new life to your worn-out furniture. With a few basic tools, an eye for color, and some ingenuity, you can customize your home with fabrics and textures that reflect your unique personality. This comprehensive guide features more than 900 photographs and includes five projects designed to teach you all you need to know to reupholster any piece of furniture. You’ll soon be confidently stripping down old sofas, stuffing sagging ottomans, and revamping chairs with your own distinctive style. 

Discover the joys of upholstery and bring new life to your worn-out furniture. With a few basic tools, an eye for color, and some ingenuity, you can customize your home with fabrics and textures that reflect your unique personality. This comprehensive guide features more than 900 photographs and includes five projects designed to teach you all you need to know to reupholster any piece of furniture. You’ll soon be confidently stripping down old sofas, stuffing sagging ottomans, and revamping chairs with your own distinctive style. 

Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Amanda Brown is the author of Spruce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Upholstery and Design. Brown is the owner of Spruce, a furniture redesign studio in Austin, Texas. Her fresh aesthetic for interiors has garnered acclaim from publications including the New York Times, Metropolitan Home, and Southern Living. She lives in Austin, Texas.

Table des matières-







    Chapter 1: Getting Inspired and Designing the Space


    PROJECT 1: An American in Paris: Upholstering a Louis Chair


    CHAPTER 2: Design Plan and Yardage Estimate

    CHAPTER 3: Tying Coil Springs for a Tight Seat

    CHAPTER 4: Padding and Upholstering a Tight Seat

    CHAPTER 5: Upholstering Arm Pads, a Picture Back, and Finishing the Chair


    PROJECT 2: A New Pair of Slippers


    CHAPTER 6: Determining Yardage for a Small Pattern

    CHAPTER 7: Prepping Sinuous Springs and Padding a Tight, Boxed Seat

    CHAPTER 8: Sewing and Attaching Fabric to a Boxed Seat

    CHAPTER 9: Upholstering a Channel Back

    CHAPTER 10: Finishing the Frame of the Slipper Chair

    CHAPTER 11: Making and Attaching the Skirt and Back Scroll Panels


    PROJECT 3: Spread Your Wings


    CHAPTER 12: Calculate Yardage for a Large Pattern

    CHAPTER 13: Spring Tying for a Loose Seat

    CHAPTER 14: Padding a T-Shaped Deck

    CHAPTER 15: Sewing and Attaching the Deck Fabric

    CHAPTER 16: Upholstering the Inside Arms and Wings

    CHAPTER 17: Upholstering the Inside Back

    CHAPTER 18: Finishing the Outside of the Wingback and Applying Nailhead Trim

    CHAPTER 19: Constructing a T-Cushion


    PROJECT 4: Three-Seater Tune-Up


    CHAPTER 20: Determining Yardage for Railroaded Fabric

    CHAPTER 21: Spring Tying with an Edge Wire

    CHAPTER 22: Padding a Straight Deck

    CHAPTER 23: Sewing and Attaching the Deck Fabric and Tack Band

    CHAPTER 24: Padding and Constructing Boxed Arms

    CHAPTER 25: Upholstering an Inside Back with Back Cushions

    CHAPTER 26: Attaching the Outside Back and Completing the Sofa Back

    CHAPTER 27: Fitting and Sewing Boxed Cushions


    PROJECT 5: Ottoman Empire


    CHAPTER 28: Material Requirements for Diamond Tufting and Leather Upholstery 101

    CHAPTER 29: Diamond Tufting the Cocktail Ottoman


    PROJECT 6: Topping It Off


    CHAPTER 30: Sewing Knife-Edge Pillows, Bolsters, and Boxed Pillows




    Setting Up Shop

    Stripping Furniture

    Sewing Tips and Tricks







  • Library Journal

    Starred review from September 1, 2013

    Brown, a professional upholsterer in Austin, TX, knows how to breathe life into tired old furnishings. Her style is hip, eclectic, and delightful, and she injects her personality into the projects, showing off her upholstery prowess. Brown rounds out the manual by offering interior design options. Accompanying photographs demonstrate technique and illustrate each step. Readers will find information on skills requiring more detail, such as sewing and stripping furniture, in the appendixes. VERDICT Though the author only covers five projects--a sofa, an ottoman, and three chairs--she does so in such great depth that quality wins out over quantity. Upholstering is for the brave, and there are a lot of specialty tools here that might intimidate would-be DIYers. Despite these limitations, this is a wonderfully readable volume that speaks to current style. Very highly recommended for any DIY collection.

    Copyright 2013 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from December 15, 2013
    It stands to reason that a big, heavily illustrated book of instructions on how to upholster furniture should be as attractive as the finished projects it presents. And that is certainly the case with this gorgeous book, which perfectly matches complete, precisely written directions with correspondingly crisp, helpful photographs. Brown is an Austin, Texasbased upholstery shop owner whose expertise simply leaps off every page. Her guiding philosophy is that upholstered furniture is the root of an interior, and to that end, she addresses nonprofessionals who are learning to upholster their own furniture, taking them through six projects that can be categorized as advanced but for which all necessary skills are taught along the way. These projects include a pair of slipper chairs, an ottoman, and a sofa. Specific activities required for completing the projects include padding and constructing boxed arms, attaching webbing and burlap to the arms, attaching the dust cover to the bottom of the sofa, and cutting out fabric for the cushions. Sound dizzyingly complicated? Take a breath and follow Brown step by step, and you'll be surprised at how talented you may become in the art of upholstery. This is a bible, a catalog, a wish book, and an excellent library reference source.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2013, American Library Association.)

Informations sur le titre+
  • Éditeur
    Storey Publishing, LLC
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Upholstery and Design
Amanda Brown
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