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The Perfect Wife
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The Perfect Wife
A Novel
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The perfect life. The perfect love. The perfect lie. From the bestselling author of The Girl Before comes a gripping psychological thriller. . . .
“Mind-bending . . . Delaney takes domestic suspense beyond its comfort zone.”—The New York Times Book Review
Abbie awakens in a daze with no memory of who she is or how she landed in this unsettling condition. The man by her side claims to be her husband. He’s a titan of the tech world, the founder of one of Silicon Valley’s most innovative start-ups. He tells Abbie that she is a gifted artist, an avid surfer, a loving mother to their young son, and the perfect wife. He says she had a terrible accident five years ago and that, through a huge technological breakthrough, she has been brought back from the abyss.
She is a miracle of science. 
But as Abbie pieces together memories of her marriage, she begins to question her husband’s motives—and his version of events. Can she trust him when he says he wants them to be together forever? And what really happened to her, half a decade ago?
Beware the man who calls you . . .
The perfect life. The perfect love. The perfect lie. From the bestselling author of The Girl Before comes a gripping psychological thriller. . . .
“Mind-bending . . . Delaney takes domestic suspense beyond its comfort zone.”—The New York Times Book Review
Abbie awakens in a daze with no memory of who she is or how she landed in this unsettling condition. The man by her side claims to be her husband. He’s a titan of the tech world, the founder of one of Silicon Valley’s most innovative start-ups. He tells Abbie that she is a gifted artist, an avid surfer, a loving mother to their young son, and the perfect wife. He says she had a terrible accident five years ago and that, through a huge technological breakthrough, she has been brought back from the abyss.
She is a miracle of science. 
But as Abbie pieces together memories of her marriage, she begins to question her husband’s motives—and his version of events. Can she trust him when he says he wants them to be together forever? And what really happened to her, half a decade ago?
Beware the man who calls you . . .
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  • From the book Chapter 1

    You’re having that dream again, the one where you and Tim are in Jaipur for Diwali. Everywhere you look, every doorway and window, there are lanterns and candles, firecrackers and fairy lights. Courtyards have become flickering pools of flame, their entrances surrounded by intricate designs of colored rice paste. Drums and cymbals throb and sizzle. Surrendering to the din and confusion, you surge with the crowd through a market, the stallholders urging platters of sweets on you from every side. On an impulse you stop at a stall where a woman decorates faces with beautiful Hindi patterns, the smell of sandalwood from her brushes mingling with the acrid, savory cordite from the firecrackers and the aroma of kaaju, roasting cashew nuts. As she paints you, deft and quick, a cluster of young men dance past, their faces painted blue, their muscular torsos bare, then come back, dancing just for you, their expressions deadly serious. And then, the final touch, she paints a bindi on your forehead, right between your eyes, telling you how the scarlet dot marks you out as married, a woman with all the knowledge of the world. “But I’m not,” you protest, almost pulling away, fearful you’re going to offend some local sensibility, and then you hear Tim’s laugh and see the box he produces from his pocket and even before he goes down on one knee, right here in the midst of all this noise and mayhem, you know this is it, he’s really going to do it, and your heart overflows.

    “Abbie Cullen,” he begins, “ever since you erupted into my life, I’ve known we have to be together.”

    And then you’re waking up.

    Every part of you hurts. Your eyes are the worst, the bright lights searing into your skull, the ache in your brain connecting with the stiffness in your neck, soreness all the way down your spine.

    Machines beep and whir. A hospital? Were you in an accident? You try to move your arms. They’re stiff—you can barely bend your elbows. Painfully, you reach up and touch your face.

    Bandages encase your neck. You must have been in an accident of some kind, but you can’t remember it. That happens, you tell yourself groggily. People come around from crashes not remembering the impact, or even having been in a car. The important thing is, you’re alive.

    Was Tim in the car as well? Was he driving? What about Danny?

    At the thought that Danny or Tim might have been killed you almost gasp, but you can’t. Some change in the beeping machine, though, has alerted a nurse. A blue hospital uniform, a woman’s waist, passes at eye level, adjusting something, but it hurts too much to look up at her.

    “She’s up and running,” she murmurs.

    “Thank God,” Tim’s voice says. So he’s alive, after all. And right here, by your bedside. Relief floods through you.

    Then his face appears, looking down at you. He’s wearing what he always wears: black jeans, a plain gray T-shirt, and a white baseball cap. But his face is gaunt, the lines deeper than you’ve ever seen them before.

    “Abbie,” he says. “Abbie.” His eyes glisten with tears, which fills you with alarm. Tim never cries.

    “Where am I?” Your voice is hoarse.

    “You’re safe.”

    “Was there an accident? Is Danny okay?”

    “Danny’s fine. Rest now. I’ll explain later.”

    “Have I had surgery?”

    “Later. I promise. When you’re stronger.”

    “I’m stronger now.”...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • The New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Before and Believe Me, JP Delaney has previously written fiction under other names.
  • Kirkus

    June 1, 2019
    Perfect wife, perfect life, right? Not so fast. Delaney (Believe Me, 2018, etc.) returns with a domestic artificial-intelligence thriller. Five years after an accident, Abbie wakes up covered in bandages and surrounded by machines. The catch? This isn't the real Abbie; this Abbie is a cobot, or "companion robot." The real Abbie--a wild, beautiful artist and devoted mother--was never found. Her husband, Tim, a Steve Jobs type complete with God complex and anger issues, owns Scott Robotics, a cutting-edge Silicon Valley darling. Tim has spent half a decade and an enormous amount of resources to bring his wife back. The novel is told from the alternating perspectives of Abbie the cobot, who propels the novel forward, and Scott Robotics employees, who provide a Greek chorus of exposition. Cobot Abbie doesn't just look like her namesake: She has her thoughts, memories, and voice; feels maternal toward Danny, her autistic son; and begins to learn the original Abbie's secrets. But she also is her own person--well, robot. The tension between the inherited and innate is portrayed nicely, and the ethical questions surrounding Abbie are interesting. If robots are capable of feelings, empathy, and pain, should they have the same rights as humans? If not, how should they be treated? There's a particularly heartbreaking scene when cobot Abbie makes a bouillabaisse--without senses of taste or smell--and uses rotten fish bones. With shame and despair, Abbie thinks, "Your stock--your beautiful, elaborate, saffron-infused fumet--was poisoned from the start." To add insult to injury: Artificial smelling technology exists but Tim has cut corners. A fitting metaphor. The twist--or, rather, twists--is genuinely surprising and quite disturbing, but it feels like a slap in the face by taking away what little agency had been given to the female characters. A well-paced page-turner with a sour ending.

    COPYRIGHT(2019) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 24, 2019
    This compulsively readable psychological thriller from bestseller Delaney (Believe Me), a pseudonym of British adman Tony Strong, asks some provocative questions. Did Silicon Valley visionary Tim Scott, the founder of Scott Robotics, murder his wife, Abbie Cullen-Scott? Or did the free-spirited artist and devoted mother drown while surfing one night near their California beach house? Her body was never found. Five years after her disappearance, and four years after murder charges against Tim were dismissed due to lack of evidence, a woman sees someone who could be Abbie in a San Francisco computer store. When the woman asks this Abbie look-alike what happened, Abbie says she doesn’t remember. Furthermore, Abbie doesn’t deny that she’s back with her husband. Though the woman is pleased to have confirmation that Tim didn’t kill Abbie, she calls the police to report that the missing celebrity has seemingly returned from the dead. The ensuing publicity has devastating consequences for the resurrected Abbie, eccentric genius Tim, and their now nine-year-old son, Danny
    . Delaney keeps the suspense high throughout. The highly unusual setup sets this one above the thriller pack. Agent: Caradoc King, United Artists (U.K.).

  • Booklist

    May 1, 2019
    If androids dream of electric sheep, what do cobots dream of? A cobot is a companion robot that replicates a lost one in appearance and behavior, often to provide comfort for the bereaved. When Abbie wakes from what she believes is a pleasant dream, her husband explains that it was actually a memory upload. The real Abbie died five years earlier in a terrible accident, but he, a millionaire robotics entrepreneur, has created a perfect copy of his perfect wife so they can resume their perfect marriage. It doesn't take the Abbie-bot long to figure out that there are some serious problems in their marriage and that she isn't just a few bytes short of a full upload. How did the real Abbie die? Was she murdered? Is she even really dead? Readers may need to suspend their disbelief at points but will be rewarded with a fresh take on the domestic thriller that will leave them satisfied, although, perhaps, at times, perplexed. Delaney is the internationally best-selling author of The Girl Before (2017) and Believe Me (2018).(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2019, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    July 19, 2019

    Abbie Cullen Scott disappeared five years ago, leaving behind a son with special needs. Her tech genius husband, Tim, was tried but acquitted for her murder since there was no body. When she wakes up in a hospital bed with no recollection of where she's been for the last five years, she's forced to piece together the remnants of her memory. The warnings that appear on her cell phone and the discovery of things hidden in her bookshelf make her realize something is very wrong. Written in alternating first- and second-person points of view, this latest from Delaney (after Believe Me) thrusts readers into Abbie's new world and the cultish dynamic of her husband's cutting-edge company, Scott Robotics. What is Tim willing to do to make sure he has the perfect wife? VERDICT Psychological thriller enthusiasts will love being floored by page five and blown away by page 91. Discovering the identity of the unknown narrator amid the shocking conclusion is like stepping on a land mine. Readers will crave answers to the questions: Is there such a thing as a perfect person, and how far will science go to achieve one? [See Prepub Alert, 2/11/19.]--K.L. Romo, Duncanville, TX

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    July 19, 2019

    Abbie is a talented artist and loving wife and mother who suffered a terrible accident five years ago and is finally returning to consciousness with the help of new technology. Or so says the man who claims to be her husband. From a two-time LibraryReads author.

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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The Perfect Wife
The Perfect Wife
A Novel
JP Delaney
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