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The Climate Book
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The Climate Book
The Facts and the Solutions
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We still have time to change the world. From Greta Thunberg, the world's leading climate activist, comes the essential handbook for making it happen.
You might think it's an impossible task: secure a safe future for life on Earth, at a scale and speed never seen, against all the odds. There is hope - but only if we listen to the science before it's too late.
In The Climate Book, Greta Thunberg has gathered the wisdom of over one hundred experts - geophysicists, oceanographers and meteorologists; engineers, economists and mathematicians; historians, philosophers and indigenous leaders - to equip us all with the knowledge we need to combat climate disaster. Alongside them, she shares her own stories of demonstrating and uncovering greenwashing around the world, revealing how much we have been kept in the dark. This is one of our biggest challenges, she shows, but also our greatest source of hope. Once we are given the full picture, how can we not act? And if a schoolchild's strike could ignite a global protest, what could we do collectively if we tried?
We are alive at the most decisive time in the history of humanity. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible. But it has to be us, and it has to be now.
* This audiobook edition includes a downloadable PDF of climate charts and trends from throughout the book.
We still have time to change the world. From Greta Thunberg, the world's leading climate activist, comes the essential handbook for making it happen.
You might think it's an impossible task: secure a safe future for life on Earth, at a scale and speed never seen, against all the odds. There is hope - but only if we listen to the science before it's too late.
In The Climate Book, Greta Thunberg has gathered the wisdom of over one hundred experts - geophysicists, oceanographers and meteorologists; engineers, economists and mathematicians; historians, philosophers and indigenous leaders - to equip us all with the knowledge we need to combat climate disaster. Alongside them, she shares her own stories of demonstrating and uncovering greenwashing around the world, revealing how much we have been kept in the dark. This is one of our biggest challenges, she shows, but also our greatest source of hope. Once we are given the full picture, how can we not act? And if a schoolchild's strike could ignite a global protest, what could we do collectively if we tried?
We are alive at the most decisive time in the history of humanity. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible. But it has to be us, and it has to be now.
* This audiobook edition includes a downloadable PDF of climate charts and trends from throughout the book.
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • From the cover 1.1

    To solve this problem, we need to understand it. 

    Greta Thunberg

    The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. It will no doubt be the issue that will define and shape our future everyday life like no other. This is painfully clear. In the last few years, the way we see and talk about the crisis has started to shift. But since we have wasted so many decades ignoring and downplaying this escalating emergency, our societies are still in a state of denial. This is, after all, the age of communication, where what you say can easily outweigh what you do. That is how we have ended up with such a great number of major fossil-fuel- producing – and high-emitting – nations calling themselves climate leaders, despite not having any credible climate mitigation policies in place. This is the age of the great greenwashing machine.

    There are no black-and-white issues in life. No categorical answers. Everything is a subject for endless debate and compromise. This is one of the core principles of our current society. A society which, when it comes to sustainability, has a lot to answer for. Because that core principle is wrong. There are some issues that are black and white. There are indeed planetary and societal boundaries that must not be crossed. For instance, we think our societies can be a little bit more or a little bit less sustainable. But in the long run you cannot be a little bit sustainable – either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable. It is like walking on thin ice – either it carries your weight, or it does not. Either you make it to the shore, or you fall into the deep, dark, cold waters. And if that should happen to us, there will not be any nearby planet coming to our rescue. We are completely on our own.

    It is my genuine belief that the only way we will be able to avoid the worst consequences of this emerging existential crisis is if we create a critical mass of people who demand the changes required. For that to happen, we need to rapidly spread awareness, because the general public still lacks much of the basic knowledge that is necessary to understand the dire situation we are in. My wish is to be part of the effort to change that.

    I have decided to use my platform to create a book based on the current best available science – a book that covers the climate, ecological and sustainability crisis holistically. Because the climate crisis is, of course, only a symptom of a much larger sustainability crisis. My hope is that this book might be some kind of go-to source for understanding these different, closely interconnected crises.

    In 2021, I invited a great number of leading scientists and experts, and activists, authors and storytellers to contribute with their individual expertise. This book is the result of their work: a comprehensive collection of facts,stories, graphs and photographs showing some of the different faces of the sustainability crisis with a clear focus on climate and ecology.

    It covers everything from melting ice shelves to economics, from fast fashion to the loss of species, from pandemics to vanishing islands, from deforestation to the loss of fertile soils, from water shortages to Indigenous sovereignty, from future food production to carbon budgets – and it lays bare the actions of those responsible and the failures of those who should have already shared this information with the citizens of the world.There is still time for us to avoid the worst outcomes. There is still hope, but not if we continue as we are...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 14, 2022
    Humanity must decarbonize or die, according to this impassioned anthology of writings on climate change. Climate activist Thunberg (No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference) gathers essays from scientists, journalists, and activists, starting with lucid and accessible explanations of the science of global warming and its possible effects. Other pieces include upbeat assessments of solar and wind energy by eco-pundit Bill McKibben and recommendations for vegetarianism and shifting from cars to bicycles and mass transit. Economists Lucas Chancel and Thomas Piketty call for redistributive taxes on carbon, while journalist Naomi Klein insists that “as we get clean, we must begin to redress the founding crimes of our nations. Land theft. Genocide. Slavery. Imperialism.” Thunberg’s own essays scold politicians for foot-dragging on decarbonization (“They read stock-market analysis to the waves of the ocean, like fools”) and call for “immediate, drastic, annual emission reductions on a scale unlike anything the world has ever seen.” While many authors sound an apocalyptic note, their doomsaying often relies on models with myriad variables, as when oceanographer Stefan Rahmstorf notes that “we have enough ice on Earth to raise sea levels by 65 metres,” a process that may unfold “over centuries and millennia to come.” Still, this is a comprehensive and articulate shock to the system. Illus.

  • AudioFile Magazine The young Swedish climate activist and symbol of the fight against global warming, Greta Thunberg, reads English surprisingly well at an effective pace. Her voice rings with passion, palpable emotion, and earnest commitment. She is joined by a talented trio of English narrators who bring skill and understanding to these often frightening essays. Climate experts and other scientists ranging from entomologists to hydrologists sound the alarm about the shocking state of our warming planet. The audiobook describes how we've arrived at this state, calls out the perpetrators--the media, politicos, corporate leaders--prescribes what governments on all levels must do, and asks everyone to do their part. This anthology of experts, artists, and, especially, the young woman influencing a generation is a clarion call. A.D.M. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine
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The Climate Book
The Climate Book
The Facts and the Solutions
Greta Thunberg
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