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Presumed Guilty
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Presumed Guilty
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A fan-favorite novel by internationally bestselling author Tess Gerritsen

Miranda Wood thinks she has seen the last of Richard Tremain, her rich and married ex-lover--until she discovers him stabbed to death in her bed. With her knife.

Miranda is the obvious suspect, and she looks even guiltier when her bail is posted by an anonymous donor. Was this an act of kindness designed to buy her time to clear her name? Or is someone trying to manipulate Miranda and draw her into the dark and secret world of a murdered man, where everybody's presumed guilty?

With her world falling around her, Miranda is determined to discover who killed Richard. But proving her innocence may become secondary to staying alive....

A fan-favorite novel by internationally bestselling author Tess Gerritsen

Miranda Wood thinks she has seen the last of Richard Tremain, her rich and married ex-lover--until she discovers him stabbed to death in her bed. With her knife.

Miranda is the obvious suspect, and she looks even guiltier when her bail is posted by an anonymous donor. Was this an act of kindness designed to buy her time to clear her name? Or is someone trying to manipulate Miranda and draw her into the dark and secret world of a murdered man, where everybody's presumed guilty?

With her world falling around her, Miranda is determined to discover who killed Richard. But proving her innocence may become secondary to staying alive....

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  • From the book

    He called at ten o'clock, the same time he always did.

    Even before Miranda answered it, she knew it was him. She also knew that if she ignored it the phone would keep on ringing and ringing, until the sound would drive her crazy. Miranda paced the bedroom, thinking, I don't have to answer it. I don't have to talk to him. I don't owe him a thing, not a damn thing.

    The ringing stopped. In the sudden silence she held her breath, hoping that this time he would relent, this time he would understand she'd meant what she told him.

    The renewed jangling made her start. Every ring was like sandpaper scraping across her raw nerves.

    Miranda couldn't stand it any longer. Even as she picked up the receiver she knew it was a mistake. "Hello?"

    "I miss you," he said. It was the same whisper, resonant with the undertones of old intimacies shared, enjoyed.

    "I don't want you to call me anymore," she said. "I couldn't help it. All day I've wanted to call you. Miranda, it's been hell without you."

    Tears stung her eyes. She took a breath, forcing them back.

    "Can't we try again?" he pleaded. "No, Richard."

    "Please. This time it'll be different."

    "It'll never be different."

    "Yes! It will—"

    "It was a mistake. From the very beginning."

    "You still love me. I know you do. God, Miranda, all these weeks, seeing you every day. Not being able to touch you. Or even be alone with you—"

    "You won't have to deal with that any longer, Richard. You have my letter of resignation. I meant it."

    There was a long silence, as though the impact of her words had pummeled him like some physical blow. She felt euphoric and guilty all at once. Guilty for having broken free, for being, at last, her own woman.

    Softly he said, "I told her."

    Miranda didn't respond.

    "Did you hear me?" he asked. "I told her. Everything about us. And I've been to see my lawyer. I've changed the terms of my—"

    "Richard," she said slowly. "It doesn't make a difference. Whether you're married or divorced, I don't want to see you."

    "Just one more time."


    "I'm coming over. Right now—"


    "You have to see me, Miranda!"

    "I don't have to do anything!" she cried. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Miranda stared in disbelief at the receiver. He'd hung up. Damn him, he'd hung up, and fifteen minutes from now he'd be knocking on her door. She'd managed to carry on so bravely these past three weeks, working side by side with him, keeping her smile polite, her voice neutral. But now he was coming and he'd rip away her mask of control and there they'd be again, spiraling into the same old trap she'd just managed to crawl out of.

    She ran to the closet and yanked out a sweatshirt. She had to get away. Somewhere he wouldn't find her, somewhere she could be alone.

    She fled out the front door and down the porch steps and began to walk, swiftly, fiercely, down Willow Street. At ten-thirty, the neighborhood was already tucked in for the night. Through the windows she passed she saw the glow of lamplight, the silhouettes of families in various domestic poses, the occasional flicker of a fire in a hearth. She felt that old envy stir inside her again, the longing to be part of the same loving whole, to be stirring the embers of her own hearth. Foolish dreams.

    Shivering, she hugged her arms to her chest. There was a chill in the air, not unseasonable for...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Internationally bestselling author Tess Gerritsen is a graduate of Stanford University and went on to medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, where she was awarded her M.D. Since 1987, her books have been translated into 37 languages, and more than 25 million copies have been sold around the world. She has received the Nero Wolfe Award and the Rita Award, and she was a finalist for the Edgar award. Now retired from medicine, she writes full time. She lives in Maine.

  • San Jose Mercury News "Tess Gerritsen...throws one twist after another until the excitement is almost unbearable."
  • RT Book Reviews "Tess Gerritsen brings us action, adventure and compelling romance."
  • Los Angeles Times "Riveting... Gerritsen knows how to fashion credible, dimensional characters."
  • Bookreporter "Tess Gerritsen writes some of the smartest, most compelling thrillers around."
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    MIRA Books
  • OverDrive Read
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Presumed Guilty
Presumed Guilty
Tess Gerritsen
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