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Charming Billy
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Charming Billy
A Novel
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*Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary with a brand new audiobook recording*

*Winner of the 1998 National Book Award for Fiction*
*Program includes a bonus conversation between Alice McDermott and Matthew Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of the critically-acclaimed novel, We Are Not Ourselves*
Alice McDermott's striking audiobook, Charming Billy, is a study of the lies that bind and the weight of familial love, of the way good intentions can be as destructive as the truth they were meant to hide.
Billy Lynch's family and friends have gathered to comfort his widow, and to pay their respects to one of the last great romantics. As they trade tales of his famous humor, immense charm, and consuming sorrow, a complex portrait emerges of an enigmatic man, a loyal friend, a beloved husband, an incurable alcoholic.

*Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary with a brand new audiobook recording*

*Winner of the 1998 National Book Award for Fiction*
*Program includes a bonus conversation between Alice McDermott and Matthew Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of the critically-acclaimed novel, We Are Not Ourselves*
Alice McDermott's striking audiobook, Charming Billy, is a study of the lies that bind and the weight of familial love, of the way good intentions can be as destructive as the truth they were meant to hide.
Billy Lynch's family and friends have gathered to comfort his widow, and to pay their respects to one of the last great romantics. As they trade tales of his famous humor, immense charm, and consuming sorrow, a complex portrait emerges of an enigmatic man, a loyal friend, a beloved husband, an incurable alcoholic.

Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Alice McDermott is the author of several novels, including The Ninth Hour; Someone; After This; Child of My Heart; Charming Billy, winner of the 1998 National Book Award; and At Weddings and Wakes—all published by FSG. That Night, At Weddings and Wakes, and After This were all finalists for the Pulitzer Prize. Her stories and essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, and elsewhere. For more than two decades she was the Richard A. Macksey Professor of the Humanities at Johns Hopkins University and a member of the faculty at the Sewanee Writers Conference. McDermott lives with her family outside Washington, D.C.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from December 1, 1997
    The death of charming Billy Lynch from alcoholism is the starting point from which McDermott (At Weddings and Wakes) meticulously develops this poignant and ironic story of a blighted life set in the Irish-American communities of Queens, the Bronx and the Hamptons. With dialogue so precise that a word or two conjures a complex relationship, she examines the curse of alcoholism and the cost it takes on family and friends. Did Billy drink because of a broken heart caused by the death of Eva, the young woman he ardently loved who had gone back to Ireland after their brief summer together? If so, his cousin Dennis has much on his conscience, since he knew that Eva used the money Billy sent her for return passage to put a down payment on a gas station for the man she decided to marry. Dennis spared Billy the humiliation of public jilting by inventing the story of Eva's demise. Or is alcoholism "the genetic disease of the Irish," a refuge for souls who can sustain their religious faith in an afterlife only if earthly existence is pursued through a bleary haze? Was plain, courageous Maeve, the woman Billy eventually married, devastated by his drinking, or was her uncomplaining devotion yet another aspect of an ancient pattern in Irish families? McDermott sensitively probes the ties of a people bound by blood, long acquaintance, shared memories, the church and the tolerance of liquor in its men. If Billy drank to sustain his belief in heaven, to find redemption for his unfulfilled life on earth, is the church's teaching about death "a well intentioned deception"? McDermott's compassionate candor about the demands of faith and the realities of living brings an emotional resonance to her seamlessly told, exquisitely nuanced tale.

  • AudioFile Magazine If you're prone to crying or misting up at a sad tale well told, don't drive while listening to this book. Billy Lynch had a hard life, which led to hard drinking, which killed him. Between all that is a wonderful story. Narrator Roses Prichard expertly inhabits the book and uses her quirky, high-pitched voice to make it both wrenching and fascinating. She doesn't need to use character voices because her voice is so enchanting. It has a childlike quality at first, but it ages with the book until Prichard becomes the adult bearer of tragic tidings. She even gets to sing, which she also does well. It's hard to stop listening to both McDermott and Prichard--but have tissues ready. R.I.G. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine
Informations sur le titre+
  • Éditeur
    Macmillan Audio
  • OverDrive Listen
    Date de publication:
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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Charming Billy
Charming Billy
A Novel
Alice McDermott
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