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Young Fredle
Couverture de Young Fredle
Young Fredle
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Cynthia Voigt crafts a novel about discovery, perspective, and the meaning of home—all through the eyes of an affable and worried little mouse. Fredle is an earnest young fellow suddenly cast out of his cozy home behind the kitchen cabinets—into the outside. It's a new world of color and texture and grass and sky. But with all that comes snakes and rain and lawnmowers and raccoons and a different sort of mouse (field mice, they're called) not entirely trustworthy. Do the dangers outweigh the thrill of discovery? Fredle's quest to get back inside soon becomes a wild adventure of predators and allies, of color and sound, of discovery and nostalgia. And, as Fredle himself will come to understand, of freedom.
Cynthia Voigt crafts a novel about discovery, perspective, and the meaning of home—all through the eyes of an affable and worried little mouse. Fredle is an earnest young fellow suddenly cast out of his cozy home behind the kitchen cabinets—into the outside. It's a new world of color and texture and grass and sky. But with all that comes snakes and rain and lawnmowers and raccoons and a different sort of mouse (field mice, they're called) not entirely trustworthy. Do the dangers outweigh the thrill of discovery? Fredle's quest to get back inside soon becomes a wild adventure of predators and allies, of color and sound, of discovery and nostalgia. And, as Fredle himself will come to understand, of freedom.
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    3 - 5

Prix remportés-
  • Chapter One 1

    Between the Walls

    "I'm not finished foraging," Fredle protested. There was something on the floor behind the table leg. It didn't smell like food, but you could never be sure. Besides, if it wasn't food, Fredle wondered, what was it?

    "That's metal," Axle said, adding, "Mice don't eat metal, Fredle," as if he didn't already know that.

    "You're a poet and you don't know it," he snapped back, touching the round, thin disk with his nose. In the dim light of the nighttime kitchen, where all colors were dark, this thing gleamed as silver as the pipes in the cupboard under the sink. It smelled of humans. Fredle wondered what they might use it for, and why its edges were ridged. He wondered about the design on its surface. He'd never seen anything like it—was that a nose sticking out? An eye? And where was the body, if this was a head? He wondered, but he wasn't about to ask his cousin. Sometimes he got tired of knowing less and being bossed around. "Metal rhymes with Fredle," he explained, to irritate her.

    "I'm not waiting around any longer," Axle announced, and she scurried off. Fredle planned to follow, just not right away. He tried licking the metal thing. Cool, and definitely not food. He raised his head and, ears cocked, peered into the darkness.

    A mouse could never know what awaited him out in the kitchen. There might be crusts of bread or bits of cookies, chunks of crackers, forgotten carrot ends, or the tasteless thick brown lumps that sometimes rolled up against a wall, behind the stove, or under the humming refrigerator. There were brown things in the cat's bowl, too, if you were hungry enough, if you dared. On the pantry shelf there might be a smear of sweet honey on the side of a glass jar, or a cardboard box of oatmeal or cornflakes to be chewed through, and sometimes it was Cap'n Crunch, which was Fredle's personal favorite, although, as his mother often warned him, his sweet tooth was going to get him into trouble. In the kitchen there were drops of water clinging to the pipes in the cupboard under the sink, enough to satisfy everybody's thirst. In the kitchen, at night, you never knew what good surprises might be waiting.

    However, any mouse out foraging in any kitchen knows to be afraid, and Fredle was no exception. He was out on the open floor under the kitchen table, with only one of its thick legs to hide behind, should the need arise. This flat, round metal thing was worthless, so Fredle moved on. He found a pea to nibble on and swallowed quickly, ears alert for any unmouselike sound, and wondered where Axle had gone off to. He knew better than to stop eating before he was entirely full. If you forage only at night, and always in great danger, you don't stop before you are full enough. Otherwise, you might have to wake early and wait a long, hungry time before the kitchen emptied and the mice could go out, foraging. Fredle would finish the pea before he ran off to find his cousin. He nibbled and chewed.


    The dark silence snapped in half. The kitchen mice froze, and listened. Then they all dashed back to the small hole in one of the pantry doors, shoving and crowding one another to get to a place where the cat—alerted by the sound they all knew was a trap, closing—could not get at them. Only when he was safe on the pantry floor, behind the closed doors, did Fredle step aside and let the rest of the kitchen mice pass him by. He was waiting for Grandfather, who was old and slow. When Grandfather squeezed through the hole, the two of them climbed up between the walls together.

    At their nest, the mice counted themselves—"Mother?" "Grandfather?" "Kortle?" "Kidle?" and on through all...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • CYNTHIA VOIGT is the acclaimed author of many books, including Dicey's Song, winner of the Newbery Medal, and A Solitary Blue, winner of a Newbery Honor. For the body of her work, Cynthia Voigt was honored with the Margaret A. Edwards Award for Outstanding Literature for Young Adults. She lives with her husband in Maine.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 29, 2010
    "If you will only have one chance, you want to make it the best it can be," reflects the narrator of Newbery Medalist Voigt's (Dicey's Song) adventure centered around Fredle, a curious mouse whose family pushes him out of their kitchen nest after he ventures too far and becomes ill, a process of elimination called "went." "Went was the scariest thing any mouse could do, and the scariest word any mouse spoke or heard, and he had no idea what it was." Brought outside, Fredle begins a harrowing and transformative quest as he fends for himself, after he recovers, with help from a pair of field mice. Fredle's wonder at this new world proves compelling as he encounters the stars, moon, colors, flowers, and giant green stalks (grass), while confronting new predators including raccoons and snakes. Readers will identify with the universal conflict at the heart of Fredle's journey—even as he longs for home, he enjoys the newfound freedom and experiences that contrast with the restrictive regulations of his clan. Yates's expressive cartoon spot art counters the book's darker, sadder moments with cheeriness. Ages 8–12.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from December 15, 2010

    Unexpectedly cast into alien territory, an inquisitive mouse discovers the world's an amazing place in this classic home-away-home tale. Raised on a shelf, Fredle knows the strict survival rules for house mice, but he is shocked when he's tossed out after breaking a rule by overindulging in a peppermint pattie. House mice never go outside or live alone, and suddenly Fredle's both alone and outside. Initially panicked and desperately lonely, Fredle gradually nests under the back porch and unearths culinary treats in the compost pile. His senses overload as he savors grass, rain, sun, flowers and stars and flees from predatory cats, owls, raccoons and snakes. Seasoned by his adventures, Fredle returns home a different mouse, open to life's possibilities. Readers will experience the world from Fredle's mouse-eye perspective as he literally takes time to smell the flowers and gaze up at the stars. Move over, Stuart Little, while young Fredle takes his place beside other mouse luminaries and proves breaking rules isn't always bad. Expressive black-and-white spot art heightens the drama. (Animal fantasy. 8-12)



  • School Library Journal

    February 1, 2011

    Gr 3-5-It was a Peppermint Pattie that was Fredle's undoing. A kitchen mouse who was already too curious for his own good (his mother admonishes, "Curiosity killed the cat. Think about what a terrible monster curiosity must be, if it can kill a cat"), Fredle becomes ill from consuming too much chocolate and is pushed out of the family's nest. The Missus traps him and releases him outside, a terrifying place for a creature with no familiarity with grass and sky, let alone raptors, snakes, and raccoons. Fredle's adventures and attempts to return home (and what is home, anyway?) are chronicled in a way that makes readers begin to grasp what it must be like to be a mouse, and the struggle to understand where he fits in. The allure of the world versus the beauty of belonging is just one of the many complex issues addressed in this engaging story about a plucky little mouse who, after his adventures, returns to his family and sets out to change things for himself and others like him.-Kathy Kirchoefer, Prince Georges County Memorial Library System, New Carrollton, MD

    Copyright 2011 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    January 1, 2011
    Grades 3-5 A companion book to Angus and Sadie (2005) in the Davis Farm series, this story features Fredle, a young mouse who lives behind the wall in the farmhouse kitchen. Captured by Missus and released outdoors, Fredle is blindsided by unfamiliar sensations and scared witless. Though he cautiously befriends Sadie the dog and a couple of outdoor mice, Fredle finds that he must gather his wits to deal with the previously unknown threats, such as raptors (flying predators!) and raccoons, largely on his own. Appealing black-and-white illustrations capture the characters actions and emotions with style. Cautious but growing in courage, cunning, and understanding, Fredle makes a sympathetic hero as he slowly discovers that the rules of his own small community do not necessarily make sense in the larger world. That could be a heartening lesson for readers who pick up on it, but others will simply enjoy the hair-raising adventures of this little mouse as he tries to survive alone in the world, find his way back home, and figure out where he really belongs.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2011, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    Starred review from March 1, 2011
    Fredle the house mouse makes a small mistake and finds himself banished to the great outdoors. He longs for home, but it takes an extended mouse odyssey before he returns there. From his very first experience of the wider world, the "not-floor" that is the earth, he is mystified, frightened, awed, and energized. As in any epic, he encounters dangers, sees wonders, is aided by strangers, learns new skills, survives a dark night of the soul, and returns home changed. The supporting cast is delicious: Sadie the kindly and dim-witted pet dog, Bardo the know-it-all field mouse, the ruffian frat-boy raccoons. We've known them all in their human forms. So too do we recognize the emotions: the pain of betrayal, the undulating nature of loneliness, the poignancy of outgrowing your family. The adventures are gripping and mouse-plausible. A mouse-eye view of our world holds the fascination of the miniature. The language is spare and wry. When a sick, injured, or aged mouse is banished from the nest, the state they go to is called "went." Raccoons refer to the stars as "moonbits" and have a legend to explain them. This is a writer at the top of her form, warm without sentimentality, wise without pretension. The territory here lies alongside Charlotte's Web, The Borrowers, and Watership Down, but it is a country all its own. sarah ellis

    (Copyright 2011 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Kirkus (starred review)

    "Move over, Stuart Little."

  • The Horn Book (starred review) "The adventure is gripping . . . this is a writer at the top of her form, warm without sentimentality, wise without pretension."
  • Publishers Weekly "Compelling . . . readers will identify with the universal conflict at the heart of Fredle's journey--even as he longs for home, he enjoys the newfound freedom."
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  • Éditeur
    Random House Children's Books
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
    Date de publication:
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Young Fredle
Young Fredle
Cynthia Voigt
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