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The Conscious Closet
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The Conscious Closet
The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good
From journalist, fashionista, and clothing resale expert Elizabeth L. Cline, “the Michael Pollan of fashion,”* comes the definitive guide to building an ethical, sustainable wardrobe you'll love.
Clothing is one of the most personal expressions of who we are. In her landmark investigation Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion, Elizabeth L. Cline first revealed fast fashion’s hidden toll on the environment, garment workers, and even our own satisfaction with our clothes. The Conscious Closet shows exactly what we can do about it.
Whether your goal is to build an effortless capsule wardrobe, keep up with trends without harming the environment, buy better quality, seek out ethical brands, or all of the above, The Conscious Closet is packed with the vital tools you need. Elizabeth delves into fresh research on fashion’s impacts and shows how we can leverage our everyday fashion choices to change the world through style. Inspired by her own revelatory journey getting off the fast-fashion treadmill, Elizabeth shares exactly how to build a more ethical wardrobe, starting with a mindful closet clean-out and donating, swapping, or selling the clothes you don't love to make way for the closet of your dreams.
The Conscious Closet is not just a style guide. It is a call to action to transform one of the most polluting industries on earth—fashion—into a force for good. Readers will learn where our clothes are made and how they’re made, before connecting to a global and impassioned community of stylish fashion revolutionaries. In The Conscious Closet, Elizabeth shows us how we can start to truly love and understand our clothes again—without sacrificing the environment, our morals, or our style in the process.
*Michelle Goldberg, Newsweek/The Daily Beast
From journalist, fashionista, and clothing resale expert Elizabeth L. Cline, “the Michael Pollan of fashion,”* comes the definitive guide to building an ethical, sustainable wardrobe you'll love.
Clothing is one of the most personal expressions of who we are. In her landmark investigation Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion, Elizabeth L. Cline first revealed fast fashion’s hidden toll on the environment, garment workers, and even our own satisfaction with our clothes. The Conscious Closet shows exactly what we can do about it.
Whether your goal is to build an effortless capsule wardrobe, keep up with trends without harming the environment, buy better quality, seek out ethical brands, or all of the above, The Conscious Closet is packed with the vital tools you need. Elizabeth delves into fresh research on fashion’s impacts and shows how we can leverage our everyday fashion choices to change the world through style. Inspired by her own revelatory journey getting off the fast-fashion treadmill, Elizabeth shares exactly how to build a more ethical wardrobe, starting with a mindful closet clean-out and donating, swapping, or selling the clothes you don't love to make way for the closet of your dreams.
The Conscious Closet is not just a style guide. It is a call to action to transform one of the most polluting industries on earth—fashion—into a force for good. Readers will learn where our clothes are made and how they’re made, before connecting to a global and impassioned community of stylish fashion revolutionaries. In The Conscious Closet, Elizabeth shows us how we can start to truly love and understand our clothes again—without sacrificing the environment, our morals, or our style in the process.
*Michelle Goldberg, Newsweek/The Daily Beast
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  • From the book

    If you want to change the world, there's no better place to start than with the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet. I'm not being dramatic. I believe it to my core. A look at the facts: Apparel is a 2.5-trillion-dollar business that holds up 3 percent of the global economy and employs hundreds of millions of people around the world, mostly young women.


    Clothes are our most personal and universal possession. I bet you're wearing the stuff right now.


    And yet the clothing industry is a far cry from the empowering, innovative, and uplifting force it should be. It is instead among the world's largest carbon emitters, water polluters, and users of toxic chemicals. As much as 8 percent of carbon emissions are caused by fashion. A third of the microplastic pollution junking up our oceans is coming from what we wear. A garbage truck's worth of unwanted fashion is landfilled in the United States every two minutes. And in an industry that makes some people so fantastically rich and famous, there are somehow only a handful of garment workers earning a living wage anywhere.


    More people than ever are aware of clothing's negative social and environmental impacts and want no part of them. No one wants to feel guilty when they get dressed in the morning. We want and expect to feel good in our clothes.


    As I've learned, building a more conscious closet takes effort. Anything worth doing does. But it isn't hard or unstylish or expensive. It can be easy and beautiful and accessible to anyone, including you. Beyond that, it will help you get off the fast-fashion treadmill, regain your shopping sanity, and uncover your personal style. All while saving you money. It can change the world. And it will change your life.


    I know because all of this happened to me.


    Eight years ago, I set out to write my first book, Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. As I boarded a plane to investigate the sweatshops in Bangladesh and China, my closet was overflowing with clothes that I didn't like or care about. I recycled, shopped for organic food, used reusable shopping bags, and yet I was ignoring the enormous environmental crisis lurking in my closet. I rarely felt confident or happy in what I wore, despite owning 354 items of clothes. I was trapped in a sad clothing cycle, and I was eager to find a way out of it.


    Overdressed was one of the first investigations to draw a straight line between our increasing consumption of fashion and the critical problems of climate change, pollution, and poor working conditions. Driving it all was the meteoric rise of "fast fashion," a hyperaccelerated cycle of making, consuming, and trashing clothes that is wrecking our environment and keeping workers locked in poverty. After the book came out, countless people turned to me wanting to know how to dress with their values. They asked, "How should I shop? What's okay to wear?" The truth is, I was often asking myself the same questions.


    I struggled at first to build a conscious closet. I bought rainbow-colored eco-shoes and sewed a homemade lavender mesh top so amateurish it would have gotten me kicked out of home economics class. I stood up at a gathering of other conscious-fashion experts one winter's night after my first book's release and pleaded, "Please, someone just tell me what to wear!"


    In recent years, struggle has become progress. Before my eyes, sustainable and ethical fashion has transformed from a niche cause to a worldwide movement (you'll hear plenty from and about those movement leaders in this book). New reports and...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 8, 2019
    Journalist Cline follows up Overdressed, an investigation into the global impact of fast fashion, with this thoroughly researched blueprint for making sustainable, humane clothing decisions. Cline sets her sights on the apparel industry, which employs nearly a hundred million people around the world at poverty levels and accounts for as much as 8% of global carbon emissions. While the figures are daunting, Cline believes individual consumers have the power to change these worrying trends: “If you want to change the world, there’s no better place to start than with the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet.” She invites readers to take a closer look at their clothing choices by exploring the working conditions of garment workers and listing the many natural resources that go into each piece. She suggests tips for researching companies and a guide to stores that make lasting, well-made clothing. Much of the advice comes as helpful tips for renting and reselling items, and suggestions on how to make clothes last with smart laundering and mending. A final section, “The Fashion Revolution,” consists of Cline’s activism playbook and a discussion of the fight for living wages in the apparel industry. Melding worrisome facts, intuitive tips, and helpful resources, Cline’s intelligent work provides plenty of tips for making ethical consumer choices.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from July 1, 2019
    Cline (Overdressed, 2012) lays out the facts: The fashion industry accounts for three percent of the global economy, but eight percent of global carbon emissions. Most people wear only 30 percent of the clothing they own. A third of the world's microplastic debris emanates from clothing. Sooner or later, the planet will be choked by discards?it's time to source sustainably and buy/recycle more ethically. Luckily, Cline has a six-step process to help readers do just that. By no means an overnight process, her phases?goodbye, fast fashion; the art of less?and of more; a handbook to sustainable fashion; make it last; and the fashion revolution (which outlines making living wages a reality and other road maps for change)?require a lot of learning, and conscious efforts to curb the excess. The directions, though, are very readable and peppered with information readers will retain. She also includes interviews with executives at Canada Goose and Eileen Fisher, two brands known for their sustainability efforts; a cheat sheet for determining quality; and tips on how to sell re-sale and calculate a garment's CPW (cost per wear). A must-read for all fashion-lovers who care about the state of the planet.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2019, American Library Association.)

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The Conscious Closet
The Conscious Closet
The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good
Elizabeth L. Cline
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