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From the award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wayward SonFangirl, Carry On, and Landline comes a hilarious and heartfelt novel about an office romance that blossoms one email at a time....

Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder know that somebody is monitoring their work e-mail. (Everybody in the newsroom knows. It's company policy.) But they can't quite bring themselves to take it seriously. They go on sending each other endless and endlessly hilarious e-mails, discussing every aspect of their personal lives.
Meanwhile, Lincoln O'Neill can't believe this is his job now—reading other people's e-mail. When he applied to be “internet security officer,” he pictured himself building firewalls and crushing hackers—not writing up a report every time a sports reporter forwards a dirty joke.
When Lincoln comes across Beth's and Jennifer's messages, he knows he should turn them in. He can't help being entertained, and captivated, by their stories. But by the time Lincoln realizes he's falling for Beth, it's way too late to introduce himself. What would he even say...?
From the award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wayward SonFangirl, Carry On, and Landline comes a hilarious and heartfelt novel about an office romance that blossoms one email at a time....

Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder know that somebody is monitoring their work e-mail. (Everybody in the newsroom knows. It's company policy.) But they can't quite bring themselves to take it seriously. They go on sending each other endless and endlessly hilarious e-mails, discussing every aspect of their personal lives.
Meanwhile, Lincoln O'Neill can't believe this is his job now—reading other people's e-mail. When he applied to be “internet security officer,” he pictured himself building firewalls and crushing hackers—not writing up a report every time a sports reporter forwards a dirty joke.
When Lincoln comes across Beth's and Jennifer's messages, he knows he should turn them in. He can't help being entertained, and captivated, by their stories. But by the time Lincoln realizes he's falling for Beth, it's way too late to introduce himself. What would he even say...?
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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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  • From the book













    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30

    CHAPTER 31

    CHAPTER 32

    CHAPTER 33

    CHAPTER 34

    CHAPTER 35

    CHAPTER 36

    CHAPTER 37

    CHAPTER 38

    CHAPTER 39

    CHAPTER 40

    CHAPTER 41

    CHAPTER 42

    CHAPTER 43

    CHAPTER 44

    CHAPTER 45

    CHAPTER 46

    CHAPTER 47

    CHAPTER 48

    CHAPTER 49

    CHAPTER 50

    CHAPTER 51

    CHAPTER 52

    CHAPTER 53

    CHAPTER 54

    CHAPTER 55

    CHAPTER 56

    CHAPTER 57

    CHAPTER 58

    CHAPTER 59

    CHAPTER 60

    CHAPTER 61

    CHAPTER 62

    CHAPTER 63

    CHAPTER 64

    CHAPTER 65

    CHAPTER 66

    CHAPTER 67

    CHAPTER 68

    CHAPTER 69

    CHAPTER 70

    CHAPTER 71

    CHAPTER 72

    CHAPTER 73

    CHAPTER 74

    CHAPTER 75

    CHAPTER 76

    CHAPTER 77

    CHAPTER 78

    CHAPTER 79

    CHAPTER 80

    CHAPTER 81

    CHAPTER 82

    CHAPTER 83

    CHAPTER 84

    CHAPTER 85

    CHAPTER 86

    CHAPTER 87

    CHAPTER 88

    CHAPTER 89




    From: Jennifer Scribner-Snyder
    To: Beth Fremont
    Sent: Wed, 08/18/1999 9:06 AM
    Subject: Where are you?

    Would it kill you to get here before noon? I’m sitting here among the shards of my life as I know it, and you …if I know you, you just woke up. You’re probably eating oatmeal and watching Sally Jessy Raphael. E-mail me when you get in, before you do anything else. Don’t even read the comics.

    <<Beth to Jennifer>> Okay, I’m putting you before the comics, but make it quick. I’ve got an ongoing argument with Derek about whether For Better or For Worse is set in Canada, and today might be the day they prove me right.

    <<Jennifer to Beth>> I think I’m pregnant.

    <<Beth to Jennifer>> What? Why do you think you’re pregnant?

    <<Jennifer to Beth>> I had three drinks last Saturday.

    <<Beth to Jennifer>> I think we need to have a little talk about the birds and the bees. That’s not exactly how it happens.

    <<Jennifer to Beth>> Whenever I have too much to drink, I start to feel pregnant. I think it’s because I never drink, and it would just figure that the one time I decide to loosen up, I get pregnant. Three hours of weakness, and now I’m going to spend the rest of my life wrestling with the special needs of a fetal...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 17, 2011
    In sweet, silly, and incredibly long digital missives, best newsroom pals Beth and Jennifer trade gossip over their romances—Beth with her marriage-phobic boyfriend, Chris, and Jennifer with her baby-mania-stricken husband, Mitch. What they don't know is that the newly hired computer guy, Lincoln, an Internet security officer charged with weeding out all things unnecessary or pornographic, is reading their messages. But lonely Lincoln lets the gals slide on their inappropriate office mail and gets hooked on their soapy dalliances, falling head over heels for the unlucky-in-love Beth. Debut novelist and real-life newspaper columnist Rowell has the smarts for this You've Got Mail–like tale of missed connections, but what doesn't work so well is the firewall between the traditional narrative reserved for Lincoln's emergence from shy guy to Beth's guy, and heroines who are confined to the e-epistolary format. Despite the structural problems, there's enough heart and humor to save these likable characters from the recycle bin.

  • Kirkus

    March 15, 2011

    Can love survive in the information age? It can when a newspaper's IT guy begins reading the e-mails of the film critic.

    Set long ago in 1999, when people still cared about privacy, Beth, a film critic at a Nebraska paper and Jennifer, a copy editor across the room, trade daily e-mails when boredom strikes at work. What they don't suspect is that Lincoln, working the graveyard shift, reads their highly personal missives as part of his job, monitoring flagged e-mails for inappropriate material. He could stop (they're neither gambling, browsing porn nor harassing co-workers), but he doesn't want to—Beth and Jennifer are funny and friendly and have a life—something Lincoln desperately wants for himself. Handsome and addicted to college—he just finished his second master's degree—Lincoln is also awkward, heartbroken from his cheating girlfriend, happy to count D&D as a social life, and has just moved back in with his counter-culture mother. Somehow, reading Beth and Jennifer's e-mails make him feel normal. And he gets an eyeful of their normal: Jennifer is obsessed with pregnancy and how to avoid it, even though good guy husband Mitch wants nothing more than to start a family. Beth wishes she was as secure in her relationship with musician Chris, but he's hardly the type to settle down. As the two trade emails, Lincoln feels increasingly like a cyber-stalker, but then something funny happens: Beth begins confessing a crush on a mystery man at work. Her cute guy eats dinner in the break room with old Doris, helps Jennifer change a flat and sounds an awful lot like Lincoln to Lincoln. He thinks he may be falling in love (even though he's never seen Beth), but what about Chris? All's well that ends well in this romance that switches from the women's e-mails to Lincoln's narrative of his slow rise from sad sack to confident boyfriend material.

    A certain light charm pervades the novel—a Spring Break kind of book.


  • Library Journal

    February 15, 2011

    As an Internet security officer at a newspaper, Lincoln reads emails sent among his coworkers and administers warnings about proper content. Although he hates this part of his job, Lincoln is instantly captivated by the exchanges between best friends Beth and Jennifer; instead of giving them a warning, he continues to read Jennifer's news about her husband and Beth's revelations about her boyfriend. Lincoln soon finds himself falling in love with Beth, even though they have never met. But the deeper he falls, the more keenly aware Lincoln becomes of his precarious position. He begins to realize that he may not have a chance with the woman whose privacy he has so grossly invaded. VERDICT Set at the turn of the 21st century, this debut novel by a newspaper columnist includes convincing details about the attitude toward computer use in the workplace and brushes over anxieties associated with Y2K. Chick-lit fans may enjoy the engaging dialog and likable characters, but this reviewer was disappointed at the slow unfolding of the romantic elements; the few brief encounters were not enough to result in the full-blown relationship that develops in the span of a few pages at the novel's end.--Natasha Grant, New York

    Copyright 2011 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Penguin Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
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