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Don't miss the seventh picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Food Group series from Jory John and Pete Oswald!
The Big Cheese is the best at everything, and brags about it, too. When the annual Cheese-cathlon comes around, the Big Cheese is prepared to win, as always. But what happens when the quiet new kid, Wedge Wedgeman, comes out on top? Is a slice of humility all the Big Cheese needs to discover that some things are better than being the best?
Jory John and Pete Oswald serve up another heaping plate of laughs and lessons with this empowering, witty, and charming addition to their #1 New York Times bestselling series!
Check Out Jory John and Pete Oswald's other funny bestselling books for kids ages four to eight and anyone who wants a laugh:
The Bad Seed
The Good Egg
The Cool Bean
The Couch Potato
The Smart Cookie
The Sour Grape
The Good Egg Presents: The Great Eggscape!
The Bad Seed Presents: The Good, the Bad, and the Spooky!
The Cool Bean Presents: As Cool as It Gets!
The Bad Seed Goes to the Library
The Good Egg and the Talent Show
That's What Dinosaurs Do
An Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller!
Don't miss the seventh picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Food Group series from Jory John and Pete Oswald!
The Big Cheese is the best at everything, and brags about it, too. When the annual Cheese-cathlon comes around, the Big Cheese is prepared to win, as always. But what happens when the quiet new kid, Wedge Wedgeman, comes out on top? Is a slice of humility all the Big Cheese needs to discover that some things are better than being the best?
Jory John and Pete Oswald serve up another heaping plate of laughs and lessons with this empowering, witty, and charming addition to their #1 New York Times bestselling series!
Check Out Jory John and Pete Oswald's other funny bestselling books for kids ages four to eight and anyone who wants a laugh:
The Bad Seed
The Good Egg
The Cool Bean
The Couch Potato
The Smart Cookie
The Sour Grape
The Good Egg Presents: The Great Eggscape!
The Bad Seed Presents: The Good, the Bad, and the Spooky!
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En raison de restrictions imposées par l'éditeur, la bibliothèque n'est pas en mesure d'acheter des exemplaires supplémentaires de ce titre et nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses si la liste d'attente est longue. N'oubliez pas de regarder s'il existe d'autres exemplaires, car d'autres éditions sont peut-être disponibles.
Jory John is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and two-time E. B. White Read Aloud Honor recipient. Jory's work includes the award-winning Goodnight Already! series; the bestselling Food Group series, including The Bad Seed, The Good Egg, and more; the national bestseller All My Friends Are Dead; and many more popular picture books. You can visit him online at joryjohn.com.
September 15, 2023 A winning wheel of cheddar with braggadocio to match narrates a tale of comeuppance and redemption. From humble beginnings among kitchen curds living "quiet lives of pasteurization," the Big Cheese longs to be the best and builds success and renown based on proven skills and dependable results: "I stuck to the things I was good at." When newcomer Wedge moves to the village of Curds-on-Whey, the Cheese's star status wobbles and falls. Turns out that quiet, modest Wedge is also multitalented. At the annual Cheese-cathlon, Wedge bests six-time winner Cheese in every event, from the footrace and chess to hat making and bread buttering. A disappointed Cheese throws a full-blown tantrum before arriving at a moment of truth: Self-calming, conscious breathing permits deep relief that losing--even badly--does not result in disaster. A debrief with Wedge "that wasn't all about me" leads to further realizations: Losing builds empathy for others; obsession with winning obscures "the joy of participating." The chastened cheddar learns to reserve bragging for lifting up friends, because anyone can be the Big Cheese. More didactic and less pun-rich than previous entries in the Food Group series, this outing nevertheless couples a cheerful refrain with pithy life lessons that hit home. Oswald's detailed, comical illustrations continue to provide laughs, including a spot with Cheese onstage doing a "CHED" talk. From curds to riches, from meltdown to uplift--this multicourse romp delivers. (Picture book. 4-8)
Starred review from November 24, 2023
Gr 1-3-In their latest installment of "The Food Group" series, the dynamic duo introduces children to the complex emotions of pride and humility in one cheese-tastic package! Big Cheese is known throughout town for being the "biggest, cheesiest piece of cheddar around," and they make sure everyone knows it. They boast and brag about their accomplishments far and wide, because they've never lost; the secret to success is only competing in what you can win! That is, until the fateful day when Wedge competes in the Cheese-cathalon (in which Big Cheese has placed first for years) and beats Big Cheese by a cheese-nose! As if that wasn't surprising enough, Wedge seems humble about their win. Through talking with Wedge, Big Cheese goes on a transformative journey of examining how losses can lend perspective on what is most important. The clean and colorful illustrations match the signature style of the series. While sometimes a bit heavy handed in its discussion of SEL topics ("losing taught me about empathy and humility"), this entry is artfully arranged. It could be performed as a very discussible story time selection. VERDICT This is a must-purchase for all libraries, especially those with a SEL focus.-Katherine Forsman
Copyright 2023 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
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