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Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon find themselves exposed when a brilliant scientist blows their cover in the #1 New York Times–bestselling series by the grand master of adventure.
In 1902, the volcano Mt. Pelée erupts on the island of Martinique, wiping out an entire city of thirty thousand—and sinking a ship carrying a German scientist on the verge of an astonishing breakthrough. More than a century later, Juan Cabrillo will have to deal with that scientist’s legacy.
During a covert operation, Cabrillo and the crew meticulously fake the sinking of the Oregon—but when an unknown adversary tracks them down despite their planning and attempts to assassinate them, Cabrillo and his team struggle to fight back against an enemy who seems to be able to anticipate their every move. They discover that a traitorous American weapons designer has completed the German scientist’s work, and now wields extraordinary power, sending the Oregonon a race against time to stop an attack that could lead to one man ruling over the largest empire the world has ever known.

Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon find themselves exposed when a brilliant scientist blows their cover in the #1 New York Times–bestselling series by the grand master of adventure.
In 1902, the volcano Mt. Pelée erupts on the island of Martinique, wiping out an entire city of thirty thousand—and sinking a ship carrying a German scientist on the verge of an astonishing breakthrough. More than a century later, Juan Cabrillo will have to deal with that scientist’s legacy.
During a covert operation, Cabrillo and the crew meticulously fake the sinking of the Oregon—but when an unknown adversary tracks them down despite their planning and attempts to assassinate them, Cabrillo and his team struggle to fight back against an enemy who seems to be able to anticipate their every move. They discover that a traitorous American weapons designer has completed the German scientist’s work, and now wields extraordinary power, sending the Oregonon a race against time to stop an attack that could lead to one man ruling over the largest empire the world has ever known.

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  • From the book ONE
    Chesapeake Bay
    Nine months ago
    The X-47B prototype attack drone made a sweeping turn, only minutes away from the target eighty miles northwest of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Frederick Weddell adjusted the frequency-hopping algorithm of the jamming transmission. His mission was to block the control signal coming in from the drone’s operator at Naval Base Ventura County in California and recode its onboard navigation system, causing the aircraft and its one thousand pounds of fuel to smash into a derelict barge.
    Even without the two smart bombs it was capable of carrying, the drone could cause a deadly terrorist attack on the U.S.
    Weddell relished the challenge. “We’re gonna do it,” he said to no one in particular, although there were two other men in the small room filled to the brim with electronic equipment and displays. The eighty-foot communications vessel anchored near the mouth of the Potomac was otherwise unoccupied except for its captain, who was topside on the bridge. Weddell adjusted his wire-frame glasses and looked up at the largest monitor to check the view from a camera on the deck. The drone was in its first turn after takeoff, a white wedge against the orange glow of dusk behind it.
    To accomplish their mission, jamming the control signal wasn’t enough. If the drone’s contact with its controller was lost, it would revert to autonomous mode and return to its base at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the Maryland flight center that served as the test facility for most of the Navy’s aerial weapons systems. The key was to establish a new control authorization so that the coordinates for an alternative target designation could be loaded. In this case the unmanned aerial vehicle would be instructed to crash into the barge at five hundred miles per hour.
    This attack was the worst case scenario for the Pentagon. No one—not the drone designers nor the Joint Chiefs—thought that the onboard systems could be hacked. But ever since a top secret RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone crash-landed in Iran, top brass had demanded that the Air Force and Navy prove that their communications protocols were unbreakable. Apart from losing a drone that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build, the crash had given Iran a free peek inside one of America’s most advanced pieces of technology. If the Iranians could bring it down, they might be able to wrest a drone’s control away from its operator. The military was pouring funds into a program to make sure that never happened.
    That was the reason for this hijacking simulation.
    The call had gone out for the best and brightest in the drone community to put together a team to serve as the enemy infiltration unit. An electrical engineer by education and now the Air Force’s top communications specialist, Weddell had jumped at the chance. He was an expert in all manner of signal transmission, encryption, and disruption, so he was chosen to head up the signal intercept mission. His team consisted of two other top-notch scientists.
    Lawrence Kensit, a mousey fellow with a stooped gait and an acne-scarred face, was a computer scientist and physicist who had gotten his PhD from Cal Tech when he was twenty. Despite his penchant for calling anyone he felt didn’t rise to his level of brilliance “irredeemably stupid”—including officers who depended on his work—he nevertheless became the military’s most brilliant drone software developer. He sat to Weddell’s right tapping away on a keyboard set in front of three screens winking with data.
    The second man was Douglas Pearson,...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 23, 2015
    Bestseller Cussler scores a direct hit in the 10th Oregon Files novel (after 2013’s Mirage), coauthored with Morrison (The Ark). Juan Cabrillo, the captain of the Oregon, a tramp steamer that hides beneath its patina of rust a state-of-the-art battleship bristling with high-tech surface and undersea weaponry, must contend with mad scientific genius Lawrence Kensit, who’s determined to take over the world. The most immediate threat comes from Adm. Dayana Ruiz, the “top-ranking woman in the Venezuelan military,” who’s trying to take out Juan and the Oregon so she can implement one of Kensit’s plots, shooting down the American vice president’s plane. But this is a Cussler thriller, so action scenarios take second place to a blockbuster concept, in this case giant glowing green crystals in a secret cave that power a “neutrino telescope” capable of seeing anything, anywhere on the planet. Series fans will have a lot of fun. Agent: Peter Lampack, Peter Lampack Agency.

  • Kirkus

    March 15, 2015
    Cussler and Morrison open The Oregon Files and relate another action-adventure featuring Juan Cabrillo and his merry men.Oregon looks like tramp steamer, but the rust disguises a sophisticated terrorist-fighting ship. Ever poised to save the world, Cabrillo and crew are in Venezuela to intercept weapons marked for North Korea by a rogue admiral, Dayana Ruiz, "ready to sacrifice anyone or anything." They'll meet Ruiz again, but not before Cabrillo and crew escape attempted assassination in Jamaica, rescue the freighter Cuidad Bolivar from drone minisubs (the title piranhas) in the Caribbean, dodge C4 bombs in New York City, and survive a car-chase crashfest and shootout in Berlin. Cabrillo jets to Berlin to uncover an obscure physics paper written by a scientist killed in the 1902 eruption of Martinique's Mount Pelee. The Einstein-plus smart, double-Ph.D. villain, Lawrence Kensit, "a mousy fellow with a stooped gait and an acne-scarred face," is always two steps ahead, having constructed a see-anything-anywhere device, Sentinel, a "neutrino telescope." The subatomic science is superficial, but Sentinel's secreted in an impregnable Haitian cave filled with "selenium infused with copper impurities." With Haitian Hector Bazin, once an abused restavec (child servant) and former French Foreign Legionnaire, as his enforcer, Kensit plans to install a corrupt politician in the American vice presidency as his first step in taking over the U.S. and then the world. From QF-16 drones directed to knock the vice president's 747 into the Caribbean to the Exocet and 3M-54 Klub missile shootout between Ruiz and Cabrillo, the action is supercharged, exciting enough to dress up the sci-fi plot and drown out the clank of dialogue like "you'll discover my retribution is swift and mighty." One-dimensional characters but standard Cussler and Co. multidimensional action.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2014

    In 1902, owing to the eruption of Mt. Pelee on the island of Martinique, a nearby ship carrying a German scientist on the verge of something big hits ocean bottom. A century later, an evil American weapons designer who's wrapped up the scientist's work clearly has it in for Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon. Cussler's 59th!

    Copyright 2014 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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