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Construction People
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Construction People
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book
An NCTE Notable Poetry Book
Fourteen poems compiled by award-winning poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins introduce readers to the various construction people who collaborate to create a high-rise hotel building, from architect to crane operator to glaziers and more.

How does an empty lot transform into a new hotel? This anthology begins with a busy construction site, and an architect's (and her daughter's) dreams drawn on blueprint paper. Next, workers with huge machines—backhoes, dump trucks, cement mixers, etc.—roll in. Poems full of noise and action describe every step of the construction process. From welders and carpenters building the skeleton of the building to plumbers and electricians making its insides work, this book celebrates people and equipment working together to build something magnificent.
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book
An NCTE Notable Poetry Book
Fourteen poems compiled by award-winning poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins introduce readers to the various construction people who collaborate to create a high-rise hotel building, from architect to crane operator to glaziers and more.

How does an empty lot transform into a new hotel? This anthology begins with a busy construction site, and an architect's (and her daughter's) dreams drawn on blueprint paper. Next, workers with huge machines—backhoes, dump trucks, cement mixers, etc.—roll in. Poems full of noise and action describe every step of the construction process. From welders and carpenters building the skeleton of the building to plumbers and electricians making its insides work, this book celebrates people and equipment working together to build something magnificent.
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Read
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    2 - 3

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Lee Bennett Hopkins was a poet and anthologist who Guinness World Records recognized as "the world's most prolific anthologist of poetry for children." In addition, he has been honored with the Christopher Award, the Regina Medal, the NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children, and the University of Southern Mississippi's Medallion for "lasting contributions to children's literature."
    Ellen Shi is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design. She is the illustrator of Lee Bennett Hopkins's School People and Jane Yolen's Little Frog and the Scary Autumn Thing, among other titles. Visit ellenshi.com
  • Publisher's Weekly

    December 23, 2019
    Using a framework based on boxing match rounds, Rosenstock describes the pitched battle between two complicated historical figures. Alice Paul, a fierce advocate for the passage of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote, faces the conservatism of President Woodrow Wilson, who blocked the amendment for years (it was ratified in 1920). Rosenstock’s fidelity to the boxing metaphor (“So he ducks. He dodges,” “Alice spins and catches Woodrow off guard”) creates a rigid framework that sometimes distracts, and Paul and Wilson’s personal motivations remain opaque—supplemental materials help somewhat and note Paul’s compromised legacy due to her support of discriminatory practices against black suffragists. Stylized, colorful illustrations by Green are accented with bold black lines and incorporate boxing motifs. Ages 7–10.

  • School Library Journal

    February 1, 2020

    Gr 2-5-Rosenstock explains the history of women's suffrage and the eventual ratification of the 19th amendment in the form of a boxing match between activist Alice Paul and President Woodrow Wilson. The diligence and coordination of Paul and her supporters and their battle to win public support, especially in light of World War I, are portrayed in an enticing and accessible manner. The narrative framework works well to depict the struggles the suffragettes faced. It took nearly five years to convince President Wilson to support women's voting rights. The full-color illustrations, rendered in muted tones, are reminiscent of vintage boxing posters and add to the boxing match aesthetic. The text provides substantial information in an approachable manner for young readers. An author's note, a time line, and a plentiful bibliography present more details for those interested in delving deeper or conducting additional research. VERDICT This title, especially with the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment approaching, is likely to be a favorite for children interested in history and activism, as well as educators. A suggested purchase for all collections.-Ellen Conlin, Naperville Public Library, IL

    Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    January 1, 2020
    It's Alice Paul versus Woodrow Wilson! Utilizing the language and structure of a boxing match, this fast-paced selection covers Alice Paul's activism, ongoing support of women's suffrage, and continuing advocacy for passage of the 19th Amendment during Woodrow Wilson's two presidential terms. Illustrations based on Jazz Age lithographs and boxing posters combine nicely with suspenseful, articulate text that includes some of Paul's ancillary accomplishments (she led both the first pickets of the White House, for example, and a successful hunger strike while incarcerated) along the way to success. Wilson's befuddlement and confusion at her strength and dedication to the cause are covered here, too, as are the negative responses of men who resisted Paul's actions and beliefs. Ultimately, the focus is on positive change: the ratification of the amendment, Wilson's developing viewpoint, and America's growing acceptance of women's rights. While the text presents her dedication and accomplishments with verve and excitement, the endnotes provide a timeline, bibliography, and additional historical context in which the white woman's support of her organization's discrimination against African American women is explored, presenting a picture of a flawed yet accomplished heroine. A lively, inspiring depiction of an indomitable fighter for women's rights. (Picture book/biography. 6-10)

    COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    January 1, 2020
    Grades 1-4 This accessible storybook uses the metaphor of a prizefight to explain the battle between suffragist Alice Paul and President Woodrow Wilson over votes for women. "In this corner, standing five feet six inches . . ." begins the text, and from there, the action seesaws back and forth, with some rounds going to Wilson, others awarded to Paul. (She organizes parades; he ignores her. Women picket the White House; he has them arrested.) The action culminates with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment and Paul declared the winner. The illustrations invoke period photographs, and while most portray actual historical events, some creatively show the protagonists squaring off in a boxing ring. Appended material fills out the story, helped by a time line, bibliography, and chapter notes, though only brief mention is made of the racist attitudes of many white women in the suffrage movement. It might require a bit of explanation to clarify what actually did take place, but overall this is an engaging way of making history fun and relevant.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from March 1, 2020
    Fourteen poems capture a skyscraper's construction, from beginning to completion, in vivid detail. In the first verse, by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, the nascent high-rise, narrating from an empty lot, excitedly contemplates its future: the workers and materials its construction will entail and how it will eventually ascend to lofty heights; in the last, also by Dotlich, the finished structure proudly announces its presence on the "spectacular skyline." The remaining robust poems, each by a different contributor and presented on double-page spreads, describe the various skilled jobs and professionals involved in a skyscraper's planning and building and also--take note, vehicle mavens--the trucks required at a construction site. Apart from enjoying jaunty rhymes that scan well and include numerous delightful turns of phrase, readers gain insight into the many workers who collaborate on a new building's successful, safe skyward climb. Additionally, children will build their vocabularies with nifty words like "glaziers" and "welders." Onomatopoeia is used to good, dramatic effect where applicable. Lively, appealing artwork grounds this collection: Many of its action-filled illustrations also highlight verticals and horizontals. Women are well represented throughout as skilled, busy professionals in various nonstereotypical or supervisory positions. Workers are depicted with varied skin tones, hairstyles, and racial presentations, including the female Asian architect and her daughter, recurring characters. Endpapers are rich ocher, the color of soil. A lovely foundation for forays into poetry and for building a love of buildings. (Picture book/poetry. 4-8)

    COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    March 1, 2020

    PreS-Gr 4-This compilation of 14 poems, assembled by the late Hopkins, is an ode to the diverse types of people that are needed to erect a building. Fittingly, the poems feature many different poets' voices. Rebecca Kai Dotlich's opening and closing poems bookend the reading experience ("What Will I Become?" and "What I Am"). The work opens with the building thinking about its future, knowing only that it "will rise." A close-up view of the plans for Hopkins Towers accompanies the text. Readers then move through the stages of construction, from the architect's musings to the backhoe operator that digs the foundation, to the glaziers that add the windows. Most of the poems focus on the "construction people," their thoughts, feelings, and specialized knowledge as they conduct their jobs. Dotlich's poems do not fit this narrative theme: they take on the voice of the building. Similarly, Ralph Fletcher's "Cement Speaks" provides the cement's perspective on the construction process. Shi's design and artwork employ a muted color scheme (browns and blues) to capture the dirt and sky. Pops of color (a red bucket, a welder's orange uniform) encourage the eye to dance across the page as the skyscraper grows. The depictions of the workers include a variety of genders and races, which makes the book feel warm and inclusive. VERDICT This is the prolific Hopkins's last collection of poetry and a high-interest topic for young people. It will surely attract attention. Recommended.-Shannon O'Connor, Unami Middle School, Chalfont, PA

    Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    March 1, 2020
    Grades 1-3 This anthology from the late Hopkins collects 14 verses from a range of poets that celebrate and educate on the many roles, tools, and processes vital to the construction of a building?in this case, a skyscraper. Entries track the process in order, beginning with the architect's blueprints and going on to cover backhoes, dump trucks, cement (from its own point of view), crane operators, welders, carpenters, plumbers, project managers, glaziers, elevator installers, and electricians. It's a wonderfully comprehensive bunch, with Shi's illustrations capturing each step of the collaboration. Smiling workers labor beneath sweeping blue skies, with the same architect and her daughter serving as a visual touchstone as they watch their plans unfold. Each spread bears a single poem, often making use of rhythm, rhyme, and onomatopoeia?though the verses eschew silliness in favor of wonder, respect, and information. This poetry collection works as a literacy tool for early elementary groups, a natural launchpad for writing prompts, or a more involved introduction to the world of construction.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

  • Kirkus Reviews, starred review ★ "Fourteen poems capture a skyscraper's construction, from beginning to completion, in vivid detail. Apart from enjoying jaunty rhymes that scan well and include numerous delightful turns of phrase, readers gain insight into the many workers who collaborate on a new building's successful, safe skyward climb. Lively, appealing artwork grounds this collection... (a) lovely foundation for forays into poetry and for building a love of buildings."
  • Booklist "This anthology from the late Hopkins collects 14 verses from a range of poets that celebrate and educate on the many roles, tools, and processes vital to the construction of a building--in this case, a skyscraper. It's a wonderfully comprehensive bunch, with Shi's illustrations capturing each step of the collaboration. Each spread bears a single poem, often making use of rhythm, rhyme, and onomatopoeia--though the verses eschew silliness in favor of wonder, respect, and information. This poetry collection works as a literacy tool for early elementary groups, a natural launchpad for writing prompts, or a more involved introduction to the world of construction."
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    Astra Publishing House
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Construction People
Construction People
Lee Bennett Hopkins
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