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The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
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The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
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With over one million copies sold, this series of modern classics about the charming Penderwick family from National Book Award winner and New York Times bestseller Jeanne Birdsall is perfect for fans of Noel Streatfeild and Edward Eager.
When summer comes around, it's off to the beach for Rosalind . . . and off to Maine with Aunt Claire for the rest of the Penderwick girls, as well as their old friend, Jeffrey.
That leaves Skye as OAP (oldest available Penderwick)—a terrifying notion for all, but for Skye especially. Things look good as they settle into their cozy cottage, with a rocky shore, enthusiastic seagulls, a just-right corner store, and a charming next-door neighbor.  But can Skye hold it together long enough to figure out Rosalind's directions about not letting Batty explode?  Will Jane's Love Survey come to a tragic conclusion after she meets the alluring Dominic? Is Batty—contrary to all accepted wisdom—the only Penderwick capable of carrying a tune?  And will Jeffrey be able to keep peace between the girls . . . these girls who are his second, and most heartfelt, family?
It's a rollicking ride as the Penderwicks continue their unforgettable adventures in a story filled with laughs and joyful tears!
With over one million copies sold, this series of modern classics about the charming Penderwick family from National Book Award winner and New York Times bestseller Jeanne Birdsall is perfect for fans of Noel Streatfeild and Edward Eager.
When summer comes around, it's off to the beach for Rosalind . . . and off to Maine with Aunt Claire for the rest of the Penderwick girls, as well as their old friend, Jeffrey.
That leaves Skye as OAP (oldest available Penderwick)—a terrifying notion for all, but for Skye especially. Things look good as they settle into their cozy cottage, with a rocky shore, enthusiastic seagulls, a just-right corner store, and a charming next-door neighbor.  But can Skye hold it together long enough to figure out Rosalind's directions about not letting Batty explode?  Will Jane's Love Survey come to a tragic conclusion after she meets the alluring Dominic? Is Batty—contrary to all accepted wisdom—the only Penderwick capable of carrying a tune?  And will Jeffrey be able to keep peace between the girls . . . these girls who are his second, and most heartfelt, family?
It's a rollicking ride as the Penderwicks continue their unforgettable adventures in a story filled with laughs and joyful tears!
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  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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    4 - 6

  • From the book

    The Penderwick family was being torn apart. The tearing wouldn’t last long—only two weeks—but still it was uncomfortable. Mr. Penderwick was the first to go, flying off to England with his new wife, Iantha, for scientific conferences and a bit of honeymoon. With them went Ben, Iantha’s son, who was too small to be without his mother, honeymoon or not.

    That had been two days earlier, and now the remaining Penderwicks—four sisters named Rosalind, Skye, Jane, and Batty—were about to tear apart even more. Early the next morning, three of them would leave for Maine with their Aunt Claire, while the fourth headed to New Jersey with her best friend. The sisters had never been apart for an entire two weeks, and though all of them were nervous about it, the one going off on her own was the most nervous. This was the oldest, thirteen-year-old Rosalind, and she was having a terrible time accepting that her sisters could survive without her.

    Right now she was waiting in her bedroom for them to arrive. She didn’t want to be in her bedroom—she wanted to be with five-year-old Batty, getting her ready for bed just like she always did. But tonight Skye and Jane, the two middle sisters, were helping Batty with her bath and pajamas. Practice, Aunt Claire called it, or a dry run. She’d thought it would calm Rosalind to see that indeed she wasn’t absolutely needed when it came to Batty. And Rosalind would have been calm, except that the others were supposed to come to her room as soon as they were finished, and that should have been at least ten minutes ago. How could a simple bath take so long? They knew she wanted to have one last MOPS—that is, Meeting of Penderwick Sisters—before Batty had to go to sleep. One last MOPS before they were all separated for two weeks.

    “Two whole weeks,” groaned Rosalind, then looked up hopefully, because she heard footsteps in the hall. They were here.

    But it was only one of them—twelve-year-old Skye, the second sister—and she didn’t have the look of someone who’d just conducted a successful bath. Her blond hair was hanging in damp clumps and there were wet spots on her tee shirt.

    “It’s not as bad as it looks,” she said. “Batty’s fine. She didn’t drown or anything.”

    “Then what happened?”

    “Hound got into the tub with her.”

    That explained why Skye was so wet. The Penderwicks’ dog was large and enthusiastic—getting him out of a bathtub would make anyone wet. But it didn’t explain why he’d been in the bathroom the first place.

    “Hound always tries to get into the tub,” said Rosalind. “That’s why he’s not allowed near Batty at bath time. Didn’t you know that?”

    “Nope, and neither did Jane. But we know it now, and we’ll clean up the bathroom later. I promise.”

    A dry run! The irony wasn’t lost on Rosalind. She was determined not to scold, though, not this very last night. “Where are the others?”

    “Jane is helping Batty with her pajamas. They’ll be here soon.” Skye shook her head violently, tossing droplets of water across the room. “Where’s your Latin dictionary? I need to look up revenge.”

    “On my bookshelf, though I wish you wouldn’t.” Rosalind knew why Skye was thinking about revenge, and that she’d been thinking of little else for the last twenty-four hours. Which was absolutely not the best way to prepare for the next two weeks....
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Jeanne Birdsall lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, with her husband. Their house is old and comfortable, full of unruly animals, and surrounded by gardens. The Penderwicks at Point Mouette is her third novel.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from April 11, 2011
    The Penderwick sisters' third adventure brings them back in full entertaining force, despite the absence of their father, who is honeymooning in England, and Rosalind, who's vacationing with a friend in New Jersey. Birdsall fills the gaps in the family ranks with several new characters that the three remaining sisters meet while on a seaside Maine vacation with good-natured Aunt Claire and their beloved friend, Jeffrey. Friendly next-door neighbor Alec, an accomplished musician, takes musical prodigy Jeffrey under his wing, and the children also meet two siblings who are visiting their innkeeper grandparents: Dominic becomes the amusingly ill-fated love interest of aspiring romance writer Jane, and Mercedes is a suitably feisty friend for irrepressible Batty. With Rosalind away, Skye agonizes over her role as OAP (Oldest Available Penderwick), fretting that she won't be able "to keep Batty alive and undamaged for two weeks." Balancing the novel's comedy is an affecting, neatly crafted subplot that builds up to the emotionally charged revelation involving Jeffrey. From start to finish, this is a summer holiday to savor. Ages 8–12.

  • AudioFile Magazine Who but the Penderwicks could pack so much into two weeks? Without their parents and oldest sister, youngest sisters Batty and Jane--along with 13-year-old Skye filling in as the "OAP" (Oldest Available Penderwick)--are off to Maine with Aunt Claire. As the children explore the beauty of the shore, befriend the neighbors, and make a startling revelation, Penderwick warmth and charm abound. Susan Denaker brings a dignified voice to the role of narrator. Her steady pacing and precise diction make Birdsall's rich images especially vivid. Denaker's portrayal of each sister is spot-on. As the story builds to a climax, Denaker speeds up her voice and heightens the tension with a tight and clipped tone. Celebrate families and summer with the Penderwicks! A.R. (c) AudioFile 2011, Portland, Maine
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The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
Jeanne Birdsall
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