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We All Fall Down
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We All Fall Down
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A new romantic thriller—with a dash of horror—from Natalie D. Richards, the New York Times bestselling author of YA psychological thriller books.

Theo's always been impulsive. But telling Paige how he feels? He's obsessed over that decision. And it's time. Tonight. At the party on the riverbank, under the old walking bridge, site of so many tales of love and death.

Paige has had a crush on Theo since they first met, but she knows her feelings are one-sided. She's trying to move on, to flirt. A party at the river is just what she needs. Except a fight breaks out, and when Paige tries to intervene—Theo's fist lands in her face.

All Theo and Paige want to do is forget that fateful night. But strange events keep drawing them back to the bridge. Someone, something is determined to make them remember...and pay for what they each did.

Perfect for readers who want:

  • YA mental health stories
  • Characters with ADHD in YA
  • Edge-of-your-seat reads
  • Praise for Natalie D. Richards:

    "As addictive as it is unpredictable. Natalie will keep you second guessing until the nail-biting end."—NATASHA PRESTON, New York Times bestselling author of The Cabin on My Secret to Tell

    "Brimming with suspense and intrigue."—MEGAN MIRANDA, New York Times bestselling author of All the Missing Girls on My Secret to Tell

    Also by Natalie D. Richards:

    Five Total Strangers

    Six Months Later

    Gone Too Far

    My Secret to Tell

    One Was Lost

    What You Hide

    A new romantic thriller—with a dash of horror—from Natalie D. Richards, the New York Times bestselling author of YA psychological thriller books.

    Theo's always been impulsive. But telling Paige how he feels? He's obsessed over that decision. And it's time. Tonight. At the party on the riverbank, under the old walking bridge, site of so many tales of love and death.

    Paige has had a crush on Theo since they first met, but she knows her feelings are one-sided. She's trying to move on, to flirt. A party at the river is just what she needs. Except a fight breaks out, and when Paige tries to intervene—Theo's fist lands in her face.

    All Theo and Paige want to do is forget that fateful night. But strange events keep drawing them back to the bridge. Someone, something is determined to make them remember...and pay for what they each did.

    Perfect for readers who want:

  • YA mental health stories
  • Characters with ADHD in YA
  • Edge-of-your-seat reads
  • Praise for Natalie D. Richards:

    "As addictive as it is unpredictable. Natalie will keep you second guessing until the nail-biting end."—NATASHA PRESTON, New York Times bestselling author of The Cabin on My Secret to Tell

    "Brimming with suspense and intrigue."—MEGAN MIRANDA, New York Times bestselling author of All the Missing Girls on My Secret to Tell

    Also by Natalie D. Richards:

    Five Total Strangers

    Six Months Later

    Gone Too Far

    My Secret to Tell

    One Was Lost

    What You Hide

    Formats disponibles-
    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
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    • Difficulté du texte:
      2 - 3

    Au sujet de l’auteur-
    • Natalie D. Richards writes books that will keep you up way past your bedtime. She lives with her family in Columbus, Ohio and when she's not writing or reading, you can probably find her wrangling Wookiee, her enormous dustmop of a dog. Visit her on Twitter @natdrichards or at nataliedrichards.com.

    • Kirkus

      July 15, 2017
      Two teens brought together by shared history and mental health issues try to break the spell cast by a haunted pedestrian bridge. Paige suffers from anxiety and Theo from ADHD, and while their longtime friendship means they understand how to support each other at crucial times, it's their long-simmering romance that brings the haunting into focus. Neither has admitted to the other their mutual interest, but when another boy flirts with Paige at a party, Theo gets into a fight in which he inadvertently hits Paige so hard she loses teeth. The result is Paige is banned from seeing Theo. The bridge has other ideas. On one side of the Muskingum River the bridge spans is a college campus where Paige is in a special program for the summer, and on the other is a small town where Theo works for his uncle in a shaky construction firm. Readers may find themselves hard-pressed to make sense of the nature of this haunted bridge, as vague voices gradually change into more threatening and powerful shadows. Side effects from the medications these two evidently white, middle-class teens are taking also play into the suspense, or at least they seem meant to, but how this plays into the paranormal plot never quite comes clear. Readers desperate for a romantic paranormal adventure may be satisfied, but they'll have to abandon logic to get there. (Paranormal suspense. 12-16)

      COPYRIGHT(2017) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    • School Library Journal

      August 1, 2017

      Gr 9 Up-Theo is the boy a mother would rather her daughter never set sights on. But Paige has always ignored the label others have given him-a screwup-only seeing the Theo she loves, the one who always keeps her anxiety at bay and makes her feel safe. At a party where everything about their relationship feels on the cusp of changing for the better, Theo does something he can never take back. Even if Paige wasn't the intended victim, she's the one who suffers the consequences. Four months later, they are both drawn repeatedly to the bridge that broke them for good, each experiencing the tragedy of the night over and over again, until they realize coming together to figure out who or what is haunting them may be the only way to finally put the night to rest. A chilling story about a boy and a girl haunted by one night and one bridge. Full of twists, eerie theories, and a satisfying conclusion, this will be thoroughly enjoyed by YA fans of April Henry and Demitria Lunetta. VERDICT A must-purchase where YA mysteries and thrillers are highly anticipated.-Meghan Oppelt, Whitehall School District, WI

      Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • School Library Journal "A chilling story about a boy and a girl haunted by one night and one bridge. Full of twists, eerie theories, and a satisfying conclusion, this will be thoroughly enjoyed by YA fans of April Henry and Demitria Lunetta."
    • Mindy McGinnis, author of The Female of the Species "A haunted love story about a couple who bring out the best-and worst-in each other."
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    We All Fall Down
    We All Fall Down
    Natalie D. Richards
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