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Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight
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Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight
The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down
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From the author of New York Times bestseller It's All Too Much, comes a 6-week program for acheiving significant weight loss and a calmer mind, by clearing the clutter and creating a more organized, happier life. 
A houseful of clutter may not be the only reason people pack on extra pounds, but research proves that it plays a big role. A recent study showed that people with super-cluttered homes were 77 percent more likely to be overweight or obese! Why? Organization guru Peter Walsh thinks it's because people can't make their best choices—their healthiest choices—in a cluttered, messy, disorganized home.
In Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight, Walsh leads you step-by-step through decluttering your home, your body, and your life in this 6-week program. He'll help you:
• Clear your home of excess "stuff" as you discover your vision for your personal space
• Clear your body of excess pounds as you follow a healthy, super-simple eating and exercise plan
• Clear your mind and spirit of the excess weight of too many possessions
With a room-by room organizing guide, dietitian-approved eating plan, exercise physiologist–developed fitness program, and quizzes to get to the root of your problem, Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight is the only book you need to help you clear the clutter and zap the pounds.
From the author of New York Times bestseller It's All Too Much, comes a 6-week program for acheiving significant weight loss and a calmer mind, by clearing the clutter and creating a more organized, happier life. 
A houseful of clutter may not be the only reason people pack on extra pounds, but research proves that it plays a big role. A recent study showed that people with super-cluttered homes were 77 percent more likely to be overweight or obese! Why? Organization guru Peter Walsh thinks it's because people can't make their best choices—their healthiest choices—in a cluttered, messy, disorganized home.
In Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight, Walsh leads you step-by-step through decluttering your home, your body, and your life in this 6-week program. He'll help you:
• Clear your home of excess "stuff" as you discover your vision for your personal space
• Clear your body of excess pounds as you follow a healthy, super-simple eating and exercise plan
• Clear your mind and spirit of the excess weight of too many possessions
With a room-by room organizing guide, dietitian-approved eating plan, exercise physiologist–developed fitness program, and quizzes to get to the root of your problem, Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight is the only book you need to help you clear the clutter and zap the pounds.
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  • From the book Part 1 How Clutter Invades Your Home, Your Body, and Your Mind

    Chapter 1


    Imagine a team of future archaeologists carefully examining the remains of one of today's typical homes. Hundreds of years from now, what would they think of the objects piled up in our rooms? Would they understand why we let our belongings take over so much of the space in our homes?

    We don't have to wonder how archaeologists would interpret our early 21st- century homes. They're already trying to make sense of them now.

    Earlier in her career, UCLA professor Jeanne Arnold, PhD, did the kind of work that the word archaeology more often brings to mind: examining bits of material left behind by ancient Native Americans. More recently, though, she shifted her focus to a very different society: modern-day Southern Californians. As part of an extended study, she and a team of researchers made in-depth explorations into 32 homes. They carefully photographed the rooms, noted exactly what types of household possessions the families treasured, and observed in real time how the residents used their homes. She wanted to find out what leads so many people to pack so much stuff inside and, once they bring it in, what they do with all of it.

    All the families in these homes had kids. In all the homes, both parents worked. These were typical families with busy schedules and not a lot of time for cleaning and sorting. But Dr. Arnold and her colleagues didn't go out of their way to include homes that were especially cluttered. (They accepted families into the study without first seeing their homes.) Nor did they see evidence that the homeowners cleaned up before the team visited.

    They found that many of these homes were so crowded that some of the rooms couldn't be used for their intended purposes. In three-quarters of the houses, the garage was so packed with items like sports equipment, boxes of files, lumber, and plastic bins filled with clothing that the cars were parked outside. The garage was too full to hold them.

    Dr. Arnold and her team took nearly 20,000 photos in the homes, some of which ended up in a book that she co-authored about the project, Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century. One shows a shower stall where no one can bathe because it's stuffed knee-high with clothes. In another photo, no one can sit comfortably in front of the computer because the home office is so jammed with clutter. No one can relax on a couch because it's littered with stuffed animals. No one can sort laundry on top of the washer or dryer because they're covered with stacks of groceries.


    The notion of "clutter" has different meanings. A household scene that looks like squalor to one might be "just a bit of a mess" to another. In this book, I'll use the word clutter a lot, and I'd like you to understand what I mean by this word.

    Dr. Jeanne Arnold, the archaeologist who explores the modern world, and I see eye to eye on the three factors that turn household objects into clutter:

    1. It's a lot of stuff.

    As you cast your eye around the room, it's hard to make sense of all the visual noise of colors and shapes. Merely owning an abundance of possessions doesn't necessarily mean that your home is cluttered, but it's a good start.

    2. It's out of place.

    Here's where clutter begins. If you see a fork in the middle of your floor, you know it doesn't belong there. That's because forks have a very specific home, and it's not on the floor. A pile of clothes in the shower (where a person belongs) looks like clutter. Cases of sodas on the washing machine (where clothes should...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • PETER WALSH is the author of six previous books, including the New York Times bestsellers It's all Too Much and Enough Already!. He is a popular organization expert who appears regularly on The Rachael Ray Show and writes a quarterly column for O the Oprah Magazine. He has hosted several TV shows, including Clean Sweep and Extreme Clutter. He lives in Los Angeles.
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Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight
Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight
The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down
Peter Walsh
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