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The Passengers
Couverture de The Passengers
The Passengers
You’re riding in your self-driving car when suddenly the doors lock, the route changes and you have lost all control. Then, a mysterious voice tells you, “You are going to die.”
Just as self-driving cars become the trusted, safer norm, eight people find themselves in this terrifying situation, including a faded TV star, a pregnant young woman, an abused wife fleeing her husband, an illegal immigrant, a husband and wife, and a suicidal man.
From cameras hidden in their cars, their panic is broadcast to millions of people around the world. But the public will show their true colors when they are asked, "Which of these people should we save?...And who should we kill first?"
Read by Clare Corbett, Roy McMillan, Tom Bateman, Shaheen Khan, Kristin Atherton, and Patience Tomlinson
You’re riding in your self-driving car when suddenly the doors lock, the route changes and you have lost all control. Then, a mysterious voice tells you, “You are going to die.”
Just as self-driving cars become the trusted, safer norm, eight people find themselves in this terrifying situation, including a faded TV star, a pregnant young woman, an abused wife fleeing her husband, an illegal immigrant, a husband and wife, and a suicidal man.
From cameras hidden in their cars, their panic is broadcast to millions of people around the world. But the public will show their true colors when they are asked, "Which of these people should we save?...And who should we kill first?"
Read by Clare Corbett, Roy McMillan, Tom Bateman, Shaheen Khan, Kristin Atherton, and Patience Tomlinson
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  • From the cover ***This excerpt is from an advance uncorrected copy proof***

    Copyright © 2019 John Marrs






    By the time the front door closed, the car was parked outside Claire Arden’s home, waiting for her.

    She lingered inside the porch, re-reading the notes she had made on her phone until she heard the faint beep-beep-beep of the alarm as the house secured itself. She gave a furtive glance across the suburban estate, one of many just like it in Peterborough. Sundraj from number twenty-seven was the only other neighbour outside, guiding his noisy young family-of-four into a people carrier like a farmer trying to herd sheep from one field to another. When he spotted her, he gave her a half-smile and an equally half-hearted wave. She reciprocated with the same.

    Claire recalled Sundraj and his wife Siobhan’s fifteenth anniversary party last spring. They’d celebrated with a barbecue and most of the street in attendance. He found time to drunkenly corner Claire in the downstairs bathroom and suggested that if she and her husband Ben were ever inclined to invite a third person into their bedroom, he was open to offers. Claire politely declined and he panicked, begging her not to tell Siobhan. She promised she wouldn’t, and she meant it. She hadn’t even told Ben. Claire wagered every person in that street had at least one secret they kept hidden from the rest of the world, including her. Especially her.

    As Sundraj’s vehicle eased out of the cul-de-sac, Claire took a handful of deep, calming breaths and stared uneasily at her own car. It had been three weeks since Ben had signed the lease and she was still struggling to acclimatise herself to its many new functions. The biggest contrast between it and their last vehicle was that this one no longer contained a steering wheel, pedals or a manual override option. It was completely driverless and it scared her.

    They had watched in fascination at the car’s arrival as it delivered itself to their home and parked on the driveway. Sensing both Claire’s unease and reluctance, Ben assured her anyone could operate it, even her, and that it was “idiot proof.” As they personalised their settings from an App, she responded with narrowed eyes and a jab to his arm. He protested, claiming he hadn’t meant she was the idiot in question.

     ‘I don’t like not being in control,’ she’d told him on their maiden voyage to the doctor’s surgery. She gripped the seat when the car indicated and overtook another one of its own accord.

    ‘That’s because you’re a control freak,’ he’d replied. ‘You need to learn to start putting your trust in things you’re not in charge of. Besides, the insurance is next to nothing and we need to start saving some money, don’t we?’

    Claire gave a reluctant nod. As a man who thrived on the detail, Ben had spent considerable time and effort researching the right vehicle to suit their changing circumstances. And after a hellish few months, she was glad to see him returning to his old self. He had attempted to involve her in the process by suggesting she pick the paintwork colour and seating fabric. But she’d dismissed him as a misogynist for suggesting that buying a car was “man’s work” and that the aesthetics were all she was capable of understanding. In the last few days, Claire found herself snapping at him frequently. It was never his fault and she’d immediately regretted it. But it hadn’t prevented...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • John Marrs is the author of The One which is being made into a ten-part Netflix series, as well as The Good Samaritan, Her Last Move, When You Disappeared, and Welcome to Wherever You Are. Until recently, he worked for twenty-five years as a freelance journalist based in London, England, where he interviewed celebrities from the world of television, film, and music for national newspapers and magazines. He has written for publications including the Guardian's Guide and Guardian Online, Total Film, the Huffington Post, Empire, Q, GT, the Independent, S Magazine, and Company. He is now a full-time author.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 24, 2019
    Set in a near-future Britain where automated driverless cars have replaced traditional vehicles, this enjoyable, if flawed, techno-thriller from Marrs (The One) plunges eight people into a nightmare when each of their cars malfunctions: the doors suddenly lock, their route changes to an unknown destination, and a mysterious male voice—the Hacker—informs them that they’re likely to die soon. The Hacker simultaneously seizes control of social media outlets and broadcasts the passengers’ frantic reactions to a worldwide audience. When he later announces that viewers will get to vote on who will live or die, the event becomes a global blood sport. Despite an intriguing premise, much of the novel’s action occurs offstage. The hijacking’s climax follows familiar lines, and experienced genre readers won’t be surprised by the Hacker’s identity once it’s revealed. The book’s strength lies in its well-developed characters and in its exploration of issues such as the growing role of AI, mob psychology, and the ethics of who gets to decide who lives or dies. Though this isn’t the strongest of showings, Marrs remains a writer to watch. Agent: Rae Shirvington, Ebury (U.K.).

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The Passengers
The Passengers
John Marrs
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