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A Novel
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A PEOPLE Magazine Must-Read Book for Fall 2023 | An Esquire Best Book of Fall 2023 | A Guardian Biggest New Book of 2023 | A LitHub Most Anticipated Book of 2023

An imaginative, feminist, and brilliantly relevant-to-today retelling of Orwell's 1984, from the point of view of Winston Smith's lover, Julia, by critically acclaimed novelist Sandra Newman.

Julia Worthing is a mechanic, working in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. It's 1984, and Britain (now called Airstrip One) has long been absorbed into the larger trans-Atlantic nation of Oceania. Oceania has been at war for as long as anyone can remember, and is ruled by an ultra-totalitarian Party, whose leader is a quasi-mythical figure called Big Brother. In short, everything about this world is as it is in Orwell's 1984.

All her life, Julia has known only Oceania, and, until she meets Winston Smith, she has never imagined anything else. She is an ideal citizen: cheerfully cynical, always ready with a bribe, piously repeating every political slogan while believing in nothing. She routinely breaks the rules, but also collaborates with the regime when necessary. Everyone likes Julia.

Then one day she finds herself walking toward Winston Smith in a corridor and impulsively slips him a note, setting in motion the devastating, unforgettable events of the classic story. Julia takes us on a surprising journey through Orwell's now-iconic dystopia, with twists that reveal unexpected sides not only to Julia, but to other familiar figures in the 1984 universe. This unique perspective lays bare our own world in haunting and provocative ways, just as the original did almost seventy-five years ago.

A PEOPLE Magazine Must-Read Book for Fall 2023 | An Esquire Best Book of Fall 2023 | A Guardian Biggest New Book of 2023 | A LitHub Most Anticipated Book of 2023

An imaginative, feminist, and brilliantly relevant-to-today retelling of Orwell's 1984, from the point of view of Winston Smith's lover, Julia, by critically acclaimed novelist Sandra Newman.

Julia Worthing is a mechanic, working in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. It's 1984, and Britain (now called Airstrip One) has long been absorbed into the larger trans-Atlantic nation of Oceania. Oceania has been at war for as long as anyone can remember, and is ruled by an ultra-totalitarian Party, whose leader is a quasi-mythical figure called Big Brother. In short, everything about this world is as it is in Orwell's 1984.

All her life, Julia has known only Oceania, and, until she meets Winston Smith, she has never imagined anything else. She is an ideal citizen: cheerfully cynical, always ready with a bribe, piously repeating every political slogan while believing in nothing. She routinely breaks the rules, but also collaborates with the regime when necessary. Everyone likes Julia.

Then one day she finds herself walking toward Winston Smith in a corridor and impulsively slips him a note, setting in motion the devastating, unforgettable events of the classic story. Julia takes us on a surprising journey through Orwell's now-iconic dystopia, with twists that reveal unexpected sides not only to Julia, but to other familiar figures in the 1984 universe. This unique perspective lays bare our own world in haunting and provocative ways, just as the original did almost seventy-five years ago.

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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Sandra Newman is the author of the novels The Men, The Heavens (a New York Times Notable Book of the Year), and The Country of Ice Cream Star, longlisted for the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction and named one of the best books of the year by the Washington Post and NPR, as well as several other works of fiction and nonfiction. Her writing has appeared in Harper's and Granta, among other publications. She lives in New York City.

  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2023

    Newman's retelling of Orwell's 1984 focuses on Winston Smith's lover, the glibly apolitical Julia, who works as a mechanic in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. But one day she surprises herself by slipping Winston a note and starts rethinking her world. From the author of The Heavens, The Country of Ice Cream Star, and the recent, controversy-stirring Men. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2023
    In a retelling of 1984, Winston Smith's lover takes center stage. As the author of two previous dystopian novels (The Heavens, 2019; The Men, 2022) and a humorous guide to classic literature (The Western Lit Survival Kit, 2012), Newman seems uniquely qualified to update Orwell's anti-fascist cri du coeur. If you haven't recently read 1984, it's worth perusing a plot summary to appreciate her achievement, placing Julia Worthing at the center of the action and moving Smith to a supporting role. All the familiar lineaments are here--Airstrip One, Oceania, Big Brother, Newspeak, the Ministries of Truth and Love, the dreaded Room 101, the rats (oy, the rats), as well as every character, many of them revised in clever ways. Though Newman sticks with the worldbuilding Orwell planned in 1949, not adding post-'84 developments like smartphones, home assistants, or the internet (though these actually do seem to play the surveillance role that Orwell assigned to the telescreens), she embroiders the edges of the original WWII-flavored vision with myriad amusing flourishes (and if you remember anything about 1984, you remember that amusing is not one of the adjectives that comes to mind). For example, though Julia is still a mechanic, working on the machines of Fiction, her first job at the Ministry of Truth was producing porno novels for proles, e.g., Inner Party Sinners: 'My Telescreen is Broken, Comrade!' She meets "a very willing but ignorant girl with the preposterous name of Typity. It was one of the new ultra-Party names; its letters stood for 'Three-Year Plan In Two Years.' " Orwell described Julia as "a rebel from the waist down" and Newman runs with that, making Winston Smith one of many lovers and recasting his noble anti-state obsessions through Julia's much more pragmatic eyes. "Most folk muddled along, but Old Misery Smith couldn't even say 'ungood' without looking as if it scalded his mouth." Book clubs could have great fun reading the two together. Adding a major plot twist, a nice shot of (somewhat cynical) hope, and more graphic sex should win over even purists.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 21, 2023
    Newman (The Men) delivers a provocative feminist retelling of George Orwell’s 1984 from the perspective of Julia Worthing, a mechanic working on the machines in the Ministry of Truth’s Fiction Department, where she’s become a master at subverting surveillance. As a result, Julia enjoys a healthy clandestine sex life and averts the ever-present threat of the ironically named Ministry of Love’s “eyeless mice gnawing at her in the dark.” She soon becomes fascinated by Records Department colleague and fellow apostate Winston Smith, whom she dubs “old Misery.” Unlike Orwell’s Julia, Newman’s is dominant and fastidious. Still, Newman stays true to Orwell’s dystopian details as she places Julia at the center of 1984’s plot points, such as having her feign allegiance and alliance to Big Brother and avoid even the suggestion of malfeasance and the horrors of Room 101 at all costs, until she can’t. Julia’s narrative voice is refreshingly fearless as she navigates her way around the Party’s nefarious thought policing, and a wicked plot twist spins the original narrative on its ear. Newman adds a fresh coat of menacing gray to Orwell’s gloomy world.

  • Booklist

    September 1, 2023
    This brilliant novel by the author of The Men (2022) and The Heavens (2019) is about as ambitious as you can get: a retelling of George Orwell's 1984 from the point of view of the protagonist's love interest, Julia, who plays a key supporting role in Orwell's dystopian classic. Here, Julia is an ideal citizen of Oceania, the fictionalized surveillance state Orwell dreamt up, who becomes unmoored when she falls for a colleague, Winston Smith (and Orwell's lead). The novel closely follows the original story, but also expands on it, opening up new corners of the world to make it even darker, more vividly real. Although it never feels like Newman is imitating Orwell's writing style, the novel has the same texture, and in scenes providing Julia's take on passages from the original, Newman reproduces Orwell's original dialogue verbatim. This is not a rewriting of 1984; it's a faithful, respectful retelling of a familiar story from a fresh new angle. Wonderful.


  • Library Journal

    Starred review from October 27, 2023

    Enter into the world of Big Brother, Newspeak, and the Thought Police as George Orwell's classic novel 1984 is brilliantly retold and feminized in this fantastic retelling. This time around, Julia Worthing is the main character and Winston Smith fills a secondary but important role. Julia is a mechanic working in the Fiction Department of the Ministry of Truth, where the ideas for book plots are assembled with mechanical gears to be further developed and written by people. She is a pretty, amiable young woman who doesn't know the meaning of the word hate. After suffering through many ordeals and graphic torture, she does admit that she hates Big Brother and The Party. Newman changes the ending of her edition to a welcome one of guarded optimism for the future. Her flawless writing skillfully captures the tenor of this dystopian novel, which would make a great choice for book discussion groups. VERDICT Heartily recommended; a well-executed story with as much significance in today's world as Orwell's original was in 1949. --Lisa Rohrbaugh

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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A Novel
Sandra Newman
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