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You Gotta Eat
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You Gotta Eat
Real-Life Strategies for Feeding Yourself When Cooking Feels Impossible
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One of the Washington Post’s Best Cookbooks of 2024
“It is one of the most generous cookbooks I have ever read. It’s revolutionary; it’s a relief.”—Washington Post
A trained chef teaches you how to keep yourself fed—and maybe even enjoy it!—in the face of stress, burnout, and exhaustion.

Delivery is expensive. Eating a spoonful of peanut butter is depressing. You can’t imagine having the energy to chop an onion. But somehow, you gotta eat. How does anyone feed themselves under these conditions?
Enter You Gotta Eat, a friendly, accessible resource for getting something on your plate when you have too much on your plate. Part cookbook, part pep talk, and part action plan, You Gotta Eat offers tips and tactics—plus ten “do exactly this” recipes—for making effortless food that’s nourishing, tasty, and even a little fun. Choose your current energy level and learn important kitchen hacks such as the following.
  • If you can open a package: Turn instant ramen into a feast
  • If you can assemble a plate: Make a cheese board fit for a king
  • If you can press a button: Whip up perfect eggs in the microwave
  • If you can wield a knife: Turn any leftovers into a hearty casserole

  • Plus dozens more ideas for living deliciously without impossible effort!
    Whether you’re burned-out, depressed, overscheduled, a new parent, living away from home for the first time, or some combination of the above, let food editor, classically trained chef, and nacho enthusiast Margaret Eby show you how to make your eating experience easier—and better—in every way.
    One of the Washington Post’s Best Cookbooks of 2024
    “It is one of the most generous cookbooks I have ever read. It’s revolutionary; it’s a relief.”—Washington Post
    A trained chef teaches you how to keep yourself fed—and maybe even enjoy it!—in the face of stress, burnout, and exhaustion.

    Delivery is expensive. Eating a spoonful of peanut butter is depressing. You can’t imagine having the energy to chop an onion. But somehow, you gotta eat. How does anyone feed themselves under these conditions?
    Enter You Gotta Eat, a friendly, accessible resource for getting something on your plate when you have too much on your plate. Part cookbook, part pep talk, and part action plan, You Gotta Eat offers tips and tactics—plus ten “do exactly this” recipes—for making effortless food that’s nourishing, tasty, and even a little fun. Choose your current energy level and learn important kitchen hacks such as the following.
  • If you can open a package: Turn instant ramen into a feast
  • If you can assemble a plate: Make a cheese board fit for a king
  • If you can press a button: Whip up perfect eggs in the microwave
  • If you can wield a knife: Turn any leftovers into a hearty casserole

  • Plus dozens more ideas for living deliciously without impossible effort!
    Whether you’re burned-out, depressed, overscheduled, a new parent, living away from home for the first time, or some combination of the above, let food editor, classically trained chef, and nacho enthusiast Margaret Eby show you how to make your eating experience easier—and better—in every way.
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    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
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    Au sujet de l’auteur-
    • Margaret Eby is the deputy food editor for the Philadelphia Inquirer. She has written for the New York Review of Books, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Bon Appétit, the New Yorker, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times, among other publications. She is the author of South Toward Home: Travels in Southern Literature (Norton,2015). Margaret completed a certificate program at the International Culinary Center in 2019.
    • Library Journal

      Starred review from November 1, 2024

      Everyone needs to eat, but not everyone wants to cook. Eby, a trained chef and food writer/editor for publications ranging from the Philadelphia Inquirer to Food & Wine, understands this. Whether readers are overworked, overstressed, or under the weather physically or mentally, Eby is here to help, with strategies to make getting a meal on the table easier and doable. Divided into chapters like "Open Something" (a can, a container, a bag), "Assemble Something" (a sandwich, a quesadilla), and "Cook Something" (frittatas, stir-fries, casseroles, etc.), the book also sprinkles plenty of invaluable cooking tips throughout, such as how cooking dried pasta in a can of soup can release the delicious starchy powers of the pasta and help thicken the soup as well. Whether she is offering advice on guesstimating measurements or tossing off bons mots like "toasts are the convertibles of sandwiches," Eby writes with great wit, empathy, and insight. VERDICT Much in the manner that Peg Bracken's I Hate To Cook Book revolutionized cookbooks more than 50 years ago, Eby's fabulously fun and incredibly informative guide is a treat for cooks wherever they are on the culinary spectrum.--John Charles

      Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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      Quirk Books
    • OverDrive Read
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    • EPUB eBook
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    You Gotta Eat
    You Gotta Eat
    Real-Life Strategies for Feeding Yourself When Cooking Feels Impossible
    Margaret Eby
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