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The Sicilian Inheritance
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The Sicilian Inheritance
A Novel
de Jo Piazza

One of the NY Post's Best Beach Reads, an US Weekly pick for "mystery novels to read on the beach”, an Eater food-filled beach read for your summer vacation ("an appealing mix of romantic escapism, whodunit intrigue, and feminist introspection.")

From bestselling author and award-winning journalist Jo Piazza, comes "A Journey to the Boot of Italy, With Murder, Romance and Ricotta” (The New York Times) about a disputed inheritance and a family secret that some will kill to protect . . .
Sara Marsala barely knows who she is anymore after the failure of her business and marriage. On top of that, her beloved great-aunt Rosie passes away, leaving Sara bereft with grief. But Aunt Rosie’s death also opens an escape from her life and a window into the past by way of a plane ticket to Sicily, a deed to a possibly valuable plot of land, and a bombshell family secret. Rosie believes Sara’s great-grandmother Serafina, the family matriarch who was left behind while her husband worked in America, didn’t die of illness as family lore has it . . . she was murdered.
Thus begins a twist-filled adventure that takes Sara all over the picturesque Italian countryside as she races to solve a mystery and learn the story of Serafina—a feisty and headstrong young woman in the early 1900s thrust into motherhood in her teens, who fought for a better life not just for herself but for all the women of her small village. Unsurprisingly the more she challenges the status quo, the more she finds herself in danger.
As Sara discovers more about Serafina, she also realizes she is coming head-to-head with the same menacing forces that took down her great-grandmother. At once an immersive multigenerational mystery and an ode to the undaunted heroism of everyday women, The Sicilian Inheritance is an atmospheric, page-turning delight.

One of the NY Post's Best Beach Reads, an US Weekly pick for "mystery novels to read on the beach”, an Eater food-filled beach read for your summer vacation ("an appealing mix of romantic escapism, whodunit intrigue, and feminist introspection.")

From bestselling author and award-winning journalist Jo Piazza, comes "A Journey to the Boot of Italy, With Murder, Romance and Ricotta” (The New York Times) about a disputed inheritance and a family secret that some will kill to protect . . .
Sara Marsala barely knows who she is anymore after the failure of her business and marriage. On top of that, her beloved great-aunt Rosie passes away, leaving Sara bereft with grief. But Aunt Rosie’s death also opens an escape from her life and a window into the past by way of a plane ticket to Sicily, a deed to a possibly valuable plot of land, and a bombshell family secret. Rosie believes Sara’s great-grandmother Serafina, the family matriarch who was left behind while her husband worked in America, didn’t die of illness as family lore has it . . . she was murdered.
Thus begins a twist-filled adventure that takes Sara all over the picturesque Italian countryside as she races to solve a mystery and learn the story of Serafina—a feisty and headstrong young woman in the early 1900s thrust into motherhood in her teens, who fought for a better life not just for herself but for all the women of her small village. Unsurprisingly the more she challenges the status quo, the more she finds herself in danger.
As Sara discovers more about Serafina, she also realizes she is coming head-to-head with the same menacing forces that took down her great-grandmother. At once an immersive multigenerational mystery and an ode to the undaunted heroism of everyday women, The Sicilian Inheritance is an atmospheric, page-turning delight.
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  • From the cover PROLOGUE

    The room was freezing. No windows, one rickety table, two metalchairs.

    “L’ha ucciso?” the detective asked with an uncompromising glare.

    I was lost in a fog as I blinked up at the kind-eyed older womanthey’d assigned to help translate for me even though I didn’t need her. I understood exactly what he’d asked: Did you kill him?

    My whole body ached. At least one, maybe more, of my ribs wasbroken, and the pain in my abdomen throbbed hot and sharp. Fat,salty tears rolled down my cheeks. Not for him, the man up on themountain, the one whose blood was dried on my skin and myclothes. I couldn’t cry for him at all. These tears were for me. Forwhat I was about to lose.

    Would I ever see my family again? My daughter? Why had I thought coming here would solve any of my problems?

    The questions were merely my brain trying to escape reality becauseI knew exactly what happened up there.

    And so, I nodded.



    Two weeks earlier . . .

    I often tried to pinpoint the exact moment when the life I'd worked so hard for began to fall apart. Because there's always a beginning, a place where you've screwed up so badly there's no putting it back together.

    It's what happens when you slice through the wrong tendon in a flank of meat. I ran a restaurant for years, but I started as a butcher, so I still think in terms of joints and muscles, the connective tissue of life. Cut the right one and you end up with a perfect steak. Cut the wrong one and the whole system breaks down. The meat falls apart in the places where you want it to stay close to the bone. Once you make that single wrong cut it's nearly impossible to keep everything else intact.

    When did I make the wrong cut?

    I thought about it, obsessed over it really, as I closed up my restaurant, probably for the very last time. I was so deep inside my memories that I didn't hear the knock on the door. The sound didn't register until it became an unrelenting pounding.

    "Mommy, let me in. I need to come in there right now!"

    Few things are more persistent than a four-year-old faced with a physical obstacle. Sophie's dad brought her over early. Jack was always early these days, probably because he was trying to catch me doing something he disapproved of.

    My body lurched toward my little girl's voice. I flung open the door and the two of us hurled ourselves at one another with a feverish intensity, colliding in a smush of skin and lips and complete and total adoration. I never realized how much I would miss this little creature until I could no longer see her whenever I wanted, until my custody of her hung in the balance.

    "Who's my best girl?" I asked her.

    "Meeeee. Who's my best mamma?"


    "You!" The part that both killed me and kept me getting out of bed every morning was that she meant it. This gorgeous, brilliant child of mine truly thought I was the best despite all recent evidence to the contrary.

    Jack, my almost ex-husband, was certain I was no longer the best at anything. I could feel his bitterness as he stood behind Sophie and took in the nearly empty restaurant. The tables, chairs, and furniture I had painstakingly selected only five years earlier had been sold to a new place opening down on Passyunk Avenue. Various kitchen equipment was pushed against the walls, ready to be hauled off to the highest bidder. All that remained was our mascot, a massive plaster pink pig flying from the ceiling, its lips curled in a cheeky smile and the restaurant's name emblazoned on its flank, La Macellaia-the butcher woman.

  • Library Journal

    November 1, 2023

    Piazza (We Are Not Like Them, a GMA Book Club pick, cowritten with Christine Pride) pens an intergenerational, dual-timeline story that blends historical fiction and mystery. Sara gets a new chance at life when she inherits land in Sicily, only to discover that her great-great-grandmother Serafina might have been murdered. Focused on both women, the story is getting buzz, with an iHeart Radio podcast in the works and blurbs from Emily Giffin, J. Courtney Sullivan, and Pam Jenoff. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 12, 2024
    Piazza (Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win) delivers an entertaining and suspenseful novel of an Italian American woman’s dangerous attempt to reconcile her family history in Sicily. Sara Marsala, a 30-something Philadelphia chef, travels to the Sicilian village of Caltabellessa to fulfill the final wishes of her great-aunt Rosie, who requested in a letter to Sara that her ashes be spread there. Aunt Rosie’s letter also tasks Sara with claiming a piece of land deeded more than 100 years earlier to Rosie’s mother, Serafina Forte, and finding out why Serafina never joined Rosie in the U.S. around that same time. Sara has her own troubles back in Philly: a failed restaurant, a failed marriage, and the loss of custody of her four-year-old daughter. These problems pale in comparison, however, to what awaits her in Sicily. First her passport is stolen, then she’s kidnapped and threatened by local thugs, incidents she suspects are related to her attempted land claim, and which prompt her to go undercover as a tourist. Piazza alternates Sara’s story with Serafina’s and mirrors the two thematically, offering bracing depictions of an oppressive patriarchy in early 20th-century Sicily and its legacy in the present. This paean to furbezza, the “devious intelligence” of women, succeeds on all counts. Agent: Byrd Leavell and Pilar Queen, UTA.

  • Booklist

    March 15, 2024
    Sara Marsala is on the brink. She went from being a well-respected butcher and entrepreneur on the Philly restaurant scene to bankrupt, divorced, and terrified of losing custody of her four-year-old daughter. This is before the death of her beloved Aunt Rosie, who held their family together. Rosie leaves behind a mission for Sara: travel to the family's native Sicily and investigate a century-old deed to land. If Rosie's records are correct, the sale of the plot could pay for Sara's divorce and restaurant debts. In Sicily, Sara's senses are overwhelmed. Local hotelier Guisy, a rare female business owner on the island, and her friends assist, feed, and care for Sara, but nothing and no one can be trusted. Piazza's talent for readable, engrossing stories shines. Perspective alternates between Sara and her great-grandmother, Serafina, who was a much-discussed figure in the village at the turn of the twentieth century. Piazza offers mystery and romance and great questions about who does what work in society and why, as she brings to life both the realities of 1900s Sicilian women as their husbands left for the U.S. and the present-day discrimination and corruption in Sara's world. Smart, adventurous, and impossible to put down.


  • Kirkus

    Starred review from February 15, 2024
    In this multigenerational novel inspired by Piazza's own family, two women tell a story that begins in Sicily a hundred years ago and leads to a return in the present day. The first narrative belongs to Sara Masala, a Philadelphia chef whose husband has just filed for divorce and full custody of their daughter; on top of that, her once-thriving restaurant has gone bankrupt and her great-aunt Rosie has died. It had always been Rosie's dream to visit her birthplace in Sicily and take Sara with her, but now Sara will be making the trip solo--Rosie booked and paid for a nonrefundable ticket and hotel room for her. Although it seems impossible for Sara to leave right now, Rosie threw in one more twist--leaving Sara a deed to a plot of land that belonged to Rosie's mother, Serafina. If Sara sells it, she can use the money to save her restaurant and, hopefully, her family. Sara makes the journey to the ancient mountain town of Caltabellessa and is taken under the wing of Giusy, the innkeeper and town gossip. As a child, Sara was always told that Serafina had died from the flu before she could make it to America. Giusy rips that idea apart when she drops the bomb that Serafina was actually murdered. As Sara digs into century-old secrets, her presence becomes a growing threat to the town's carefully protected way of life. Interspersed with Sara's journey is a secondary narrative belonging to Serafina, who provides context with Caltabellessa's history and the challenges faced by women in early-20th-century Sicily. Serafina's story is the beating heart of this novel, an honest look into the sacrifices of a young mother: "I barely had time to remember all the things I once wanted, all the lives I hoped to lead, but sometimes the desire all flooded back and I felt a small death." This novel almost feels like two books in one, but the stories are inextricably bound, most effectively through the way Piazza writes about the universal experience of what it means to be a woman and a mother. Fans of historical fiction, women's fiction, and mystery novels will be equally dazzled.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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The Sicilian Inheritance
The Sicilian Inheritance
A Novel
Jo Piazza
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