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Ghouls Gone Wild
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Ghouls Gone Wild
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From R.L. Stine, master horror author of the Goosebumps series and the Fear Street trilogy—now streaming on Netflix—comes another spooky tale!
Max’s parents are planning to sell their house and move the family far, far away. But Max can’t leave Nicky and Tara, the two ghosts who live with him. They need him. He’s the only one who can help them become kids again! Max has to stop his parents!
From R.L. Stine, master horror author of the Goosebumps series and the Fear Street trilogy—now streaming on Netflix—comes another spooky tale!
Max’s parents are planning to sell their house and move the family far, far away. But Max can’t leave Nicky and Tara, the two ghosts who live with him. They need him. He’s the only one who can help them become kids again! Max has to stop his parents!
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  • From the book 8

    Mom smiled at Colin and me. “That’s why we’re having this lovely steak dinner. To celebrate the good news.”


    Was it good news?

    Leave my friends? My school?

    Start over again in a whole new place?

    That’s not good news. That’s bad news.

    But whoa. Wait. Hold on a minute.

    No more ghosts! I could get away from those ghosts. Have a normal life.

    Goodbye, Nicky and Tara. Goodbye, pests! I’m off to Texas and leaving you behind.

    No way
    could they ruin my life in Texas!

    Colin turned to Dad. Another car crash came on the TV news. Colin had to shake Dad by the shoulders to get his attention. “You know I’ve got to work out, Dad. Keep my body fit. Will there be room in the new house for my own gym?”

    Dad nodded. “Yeah. Plenty of room. Wow. That guy got rear-ended by three SUVs. His car looks like an accordion!”

    Colin grinned at me. “My own gym. Max, I won’t have to use you as a punching bag anymore.” His grin grew wider. “Well . . . only sometimes.”

    I wasn’t thinking about Colin’s gym. I was thinking about my new life. A life without ghosts. A life where I wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of the whole town!
    The car accident report was over. Dad turned to me. “Texas will make a man out of you, Max,” he said. “You’ll learn to ride horses.”

    “Horses?” I said. My voice cracked. “Horses make me sneeze. Even when I see them on TV!”

    “You’ll get used to them,” Mom said softly.

    “Let’s all have a lovely celebration dinner. Enjoy your steak, Maxie.”

    “Hey–who let Buster in the house?” Dad shouted.

    I didn’t see the big dog in time. All I saw was a blur of dark fur.

    Buster leaped up and grabbed the whole steak off my plate. He gobbled it down in seconds without even chewing.

    “My steak!” I cried. I stared down at the dog, who was licking his chops.

    Dad tossed back his head and hee-hawed. “That dog is crazy for meat!”

    I gazed at my empty plate. My stomach growled. Or was that Buster?

    Mom turned to my brother. “Colin, share your steak with Max,” she said.

    “I can’t,” Colin said. “Coach says I need protein.”

    He sawed off a big chunk of meat, shoved it into his mouth, and chewed it in my face.

    Mom let out a sigh. “Sorry, Max. There’s no more steak.” She stood up and walked to the food cabinet. She brought me a bowl and the box of Frosted Flakes. “Here. You like these.”

    So I ate Frosted Flakes while everyone else ate steak.

    “I’ve already put the house on the market,” Dad said. “Mr. Grimmus, my new boss, is coming all the way from Texas in a few days. He wants to meet you all. I guess he wants to check us out. Make sure I’m right for the job.”

    Mom patted Dad’s hand. “Of course you’re right for the job,” she said.

    Dad let out a really loud burp.

    Sometimes he and Colin have burping contests. They go for loudness and for length of time. I tried to join in once, but I barfed up my entire dinner.

    We all turned back to the TV. On the news, they were showing the swimming pool accident again. There I was, holding up the mayor’s pants
    while he flopped and floundered in the pool.

    Dad shook his head. “It’s a really good thing we’re...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Robert Lawrence Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of one of the bestselling children’s authors in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the bestselling Goosebumps series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon—leading to a top-rated TV show on Fox and the all-time most successful children’s video line. Stine’s major teen series, Fear Street, has sold more than 80 million copies.R. L. Stine is dedicated to doing everything he can to encourage literacy for kids. He was the honored guest of Governor Jeb Bush in 2001, launching Florida’s statewide Celebration of Reading campaign, received the first-ever Champion of Reading Award from the Free Public Library of Philadelphia, and established a writing program in the middle schools of his hometown of Columbus, Ohio. In fall 2003, First Lady Laura Bush asked R. L. Stine to be part of a select group of authors to accompany her to Russia to promote literacy.When he’s not writing, Stine travels the country talking to kids and can be found every October at the National Book Festival in Washington, DC. R. L. Stine’s Haunted Lighthouse, a spine-chilling 4-D movie, is featured at Busch Gardens and SeaWorld.R. L. Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids’ Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the National Education Association's Read Across America program.Mostly Ghostly is R. L. Stine’s latest creation—a terrifyingly fun new series for middle-grade readers. The first two books in the series are Who Let the Ghosts Out? and Have You Met My Ghoulfriend?
  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2005
    In three superficial supernatural stories, Max rescues two ghost friends from evil spirits ( "Doom" ); he attends summer camp to get an enchanted pendant back from his obnoxious brother--before an evil ghost does ( "Camp" ); and ghosts try to sabotage Max's family's move ( "Ghouls" ). These simple tales move quickly, but the repetitive narration and flat characters make the books ultimately unsatisfying.

    (Copyright 2005 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Random House Children's Books
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Ghouls Gone Wild
Ghouls Gone Wild
R.L. Stine
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