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Wives Like Us
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Wives Like Us
A Novel
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"Wives Like Us made me laugh so hard I actually knocked over my lamp. Can a book be so wickedly smart, so effortless, so chic and hilarious that you would stumble through the night to find a new lightbulb just so you can keep reading way past your bedtime? In a word, yes." —Kevin Kwan

Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcee, three rich wives, two tycoons, a pair of miniature sausage dogs and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us, the new novel from the best-selling author of Bergdorf Blondes and Party Girls Die In Pearls, Plum Sykes.

If you think the English countryside is all green wellies, muddy Land Rovers and grey-haired ladies in tweed, then you've never visited 'The Bottoms.'

Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire, and the tony Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.

Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to The Old Coach House to teach her husband Bryan a lesson.

But things don't go to plan: Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcée who has inherited the beautiful estate next door, is refusing Tata's overtures at friendship; Tata's best friends, Sophie Thompson and Fernanda Ovington-Williams, are distracted by their own heartache, and the posh Pennybacker-Hoare sisters are plotting to prevent Tata regaining her crown as Queen of the Bottoms. Worst of all, Ian has nowhere to store his collection of vintage Gucci loafers.

Will Tata ever return to the comforts of the Manor? Will Selby find her Prince Charming? Will the Pennybacker-Hoares prevail? With the help of a pig farmer-ess moonlighting as a Personal Assistant, a male model moonlighting as a stable hand and a London barrister moonlighting as a gentleman farmer, can Ian restore harmony to The Bottoms?

"Wives Like Us made me laugh so hard I actually knocked over my lamp. Can a book be so wickedly smart, so effortless, so chic and hilarious that you would stumble through the night to find a new lightbulb just so you can keep reading way past your bedtime? In a word, yes." —Kevin Kwan

Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcee, three rich wives, two tycoons, a pair of miniature sausage dogs and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us, the new novel from the best-selling author of Bergdorf Blondes and Party Girls Die In Pearls, Plum Sykes.

If you think the English countryside is all green wellies, muddy Land Rovers and grey-haired ladies in tweed, then you've never visited 'The Bottoms.'

Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire, and the tony Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.

Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to The Old Coach House to teach her husband Bryan a lesson.

But things don't go to plan: Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcée who has inherited the beautiful estate next door, is refusing Tata's overtures at friendship; Tata's best friends, Sophie Thompson and Fernanda Ovington-Williams, are distracted by their own heartache, and the posh Pennybacker-Hoare sisters are plotting to prevent Tata regaining her crown as Queen of the Bottoms. Worst of all, Ian has nowhere to store his collection of vintage Gucci loafers.

Will Tata ever return to the comforts of the Manor? Will Selby find her Prince Charming? Will the Pennybacker-Hoares prevail? With the help of a pig farmer-ess moonlighting as a Personal Assistant, a male model moonlighting as a stable hand and a London barrister moonlighting as a gentleman farmer, can Ian restore harmony to The Bottoms?

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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Plum Sykes was born in London and educated at Oxford. She is the author of the novels Bergdorf Blondes, The Debutante Divorcée, and Party Girls Die in Pearls. She is a contributing editor at World of Interiors and American Vogue. She lives in the English countryside with her daughters.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2023

    Fashion journalist and best-selling novelist Sykes (Bergdorf Blondes) turns her sights on the English villages of the Cotswolds. There, rich Londoners and Americans descend, and drama and hilarity ensue among wealthy wives, tycoons, a U.S. divorc�e, and a butler. With a 100K-copy first printing. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    April 15, 2024
    The Real Housewives meets Downton Abbey in this modern-day comedy of manners. In the idyllic countryside of Oxfordshire, everyone in the Bottoms is abuzz about the arrival of a wealthy American divorc�e. Meanwhile, after an argument with her husband, Tata Hawkins has decamped with her daughter and butler, Ian, to the coach house, and her two best friends are in the midst of their own relationship problems. Luckily, the ever-professional Ian and his cool head have a plan for everything. Whether matchmaking, plotting a reunion between Tata and her husband, or planning a birthday bash, the always-competent Ian intends to set the Bottoms to rights. Full of sly commentary (everyone is described by their real age as well as the age they appear), this novel isn't forging any new ground, but readers wanting an escapist, dishy read about the moneyed country elite may find it diverting. Hand it to fans of Kevin Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians (2013) or Jenny Jackson's Pineapple Street (2023).


  • Kirkus

    April 15, 2024
    The world's most competent butler navigates a storm of romantic and financial complications among the British elite. Sykes gives Kevin Kwan a run for his money in this saga of obscene wealth, designer outfits, miniature dog breeds, and over-the-top landscaping set in Oxfordshire, a rural area of vast estates now mostly in the hands of the nouveau riche. Ian Palmer, a summa cum laude graduate of the Greycoats' Butler Institute in Mayfair, is known not just for his impeccable outfits, his Colin-Firth-in-A-Single-Man eyeglasses, and his vintage Gucci loafer collection, but for his superhuman ability to manage his employers' lives. His boss, Tata Hawkins, needs his help as never before since her businessman husband, Bryan, has opened a spot in his in-house mentoring program to a "bikini influencer" named Tallulah de Sanchez ("twenty-six, looked thirty-six due to addiction to eyelash extensions and lip fillers") and her dog, Pikachu. (As Kwan does with educational resumes, Sykes intros each character with a beady-eyed assessment of their real and apparent ages.) Infuriated by finding a receipt in Bryan's office for a piece of jewelry that certainly wasn't a gift for her, Tata has taken her beloved factotum and her daughter, Minty, and decamped to a guesthouse on the property, creating a tsunami of snarky gossip and leaving Ian with nowhere appropriate to store his loafer collection. Of course the solution involves throwing a massive party--supposedly an intimate "Kitchen Supper"--to welcome the area's newest arriviste, an American named Selby Fairfax, and naturally this causes Tata's friends to compete by throwing their own parties, one of which is a hilariously elaborate equestrian event called a hack. Poor Selby has had to flee New York after her husband very publicly left her for his boyfriend, but Sykes thoughtfully provides her with a Mr. Darcy, a hot, rich farmer who storms into the story when her children accidentally kill his cow. Crazy Rich Brits may not have the amazing cuisine of their Asian counterparts, but they are just as scheming, fabulous, and fun to read about. If you like this sort of thing, you'll dive in and never look back.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2024

    Sykes's (Bergdorf Blondes) new novel moves from New York to the English countryside but maintains her humorous focus on the elite lives of rich (though not always happy) women. The Oxfordshire villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom ("the Bottoms") have been overrun by wealthy families building their country homes--near enough to London for the husbands to commute to work, and far enough for the wives to set up their own social hierarchy. First among those wives is Tata Hawkins, wife of Bryan and employer of executive butler Ian. Tata has quarreled with Bryan and moved herself, her daughter, and Ian to their coach house. She won't move home until Bryan apologizes and begs her to come back, but Bryan has dug in and refuses to do so. Caught in the middle is Ian, who longs to return to the manor house and the social standing he derives from Tata's status. While Tata wrestles with her marital woes, her friends Fernanda and Sophie and new neighbor Selby Fairfax all face their own personal struggles. It will take a cast of several, led by Ian, to restore the loves and lives of the inhabitants of the Bottoms. VERDICT Light and fun with just a hint of gentle satire, this novel will delight Sykes's fans.--Jane Jorgenson

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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Wives Like Us
Wives Like Us
A Novel
Plum Sykes
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