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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Lose weight safely and easily while spending less time in the kitchen with Dr. Kellyann’s iconic bone broth diet plan.
“Empowering, user-friendly information supported by the most forward-thinking scientific research available.”—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain The New York Times says it “ranks with green juice and coconut water as the next magic potion in the eternal quest for perfect health.” ABC News calls it “the new juice craze.” Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Shailene Woodley, and Salma Hayek are hooked on it. It’s bone broth—and it’s the core of the New York Times bestseller Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet. As a naturopathic physician and weight-loss specialist, Dr. Kellyann has helped thousands of patients achieve spectacular weight loss and more youthful-looking skin through her bone broth diet. Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before. In just 21 days, you, too, can unlock these miraculous results with Dr. Kellyann’s delicious bone broth recipes and groundbreaking mini-fasting plan. You’ll learn the science of why bone broth works and how to lose weight safely and easily—cravings and hunger pains not included. The simple and tasty recipes for beef, turkey, chicken, and fish bone broths are loaded with flavor and nutrients. Unlike other diet plans that involve serious preparation and cooking, the bone broth diet allows you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your newfound vibrancy. With easy fitness routines and mindful meditation exercises, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet is your key to a healthier, happier, slimmer, and younger life.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Lose weight safely and easily while spending less time in the kitchen with Dr. Kellyann’s iconic bone broth diet plan.
“Empowering, user-friendly information supported by the most forward-thinking scientific research available.”—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain The New York Times says it “ranks with green juice and coconut water as the next magic potion in the eternal quest for perfect health.” ABC News calls it “the new juice craze.” Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Shailene Woodley, and Salma Hayek are hooked on it. It’s bone broth—and it’s the core of the New York Times bestseller Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet. As a naturopathic physician and weight-loss specialist, Dr. Kellyann has helped thousands of patients achieve spectacular weight loss and more youthful-looking skin through her bone broth diet. Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before. In just 21 days, you, too, can unlock these miraculous results with Dr. Kellyann’s delicious bone broth recipes and groundbreaking mini-fasting plan. You’ll learn the science of why bone broth works and how to lose weight safely and easily—cravings and hunger pains not included. The simple and tasty recipes for beef, turkey, chicken, and fish bone broths are loaded with flavor and nutrients. Unlike other diet plans that involve serious preparation and cooking, the bone broth diet allows you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your newfound vibrancy. With easy fitness routines and mindful meditation exercises, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet is your key to a healthier, happier, slimmer, and younger life.
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From the book
My 21-Day Challenge to You: Lose the Weight—And the Wrinkles!
New York City is my second home. And I love to eat—hey, I'm Italian!—so when I'm in town, I hit every place from Le Bernardin to the Pearl Oyster Bar.
But I did a double-take recently when I walked past Brodo in the East Village and saw its menu: bone broth. Just bone broth. Turkey broth. Pasture-fed beef broth. Amish chicken broth.
I was amazed to see that New Yorkers are discovering the food I've been prescribing for years—and now they can't get enough of it. They're abandoning Star-bucks in droves for their daily fix of bone broth. Chic restaurants all over the city are selling it faster than they can make it.
And it's not just a New York craze. Celebrities like Shailene Woodley, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kobe Bryant are hooked on their daily fix of bone broth; morning talk-show hosts are raving about it; and foodies everywhere are making it in their own kitchens.
Here's what I already know and the rest of the world is finding out: Bone broth isn't just broth. And it isn't just soup. It's concentrated healing. This broth, made from meat, poultry, or fish bones and simmered on the stove for hours until it turns into nutrient-rich "liquid gold," is one of the world's oldest and most powerful medicinal foods.
But here's what most people don't know yet: There's more to bone broth than meets the eye. That's because this magical food strips weight off your body and takes years off your age. When you combine the power of bone broth mini- fasts with a core diet of fat-burning foods, you will drop £ds like crazy—and at the same time, you'll erase wrinkles and under-eye bags.
In fact, if you're willing to commit to just 21 days on this diet, I promise you this: You will transform your body.
How do I know this? It's my job. I'm a naturopathic physician and a certified nutritional consultant with more than 20 years of clinical experience, and my specialty is transforming people. What's more, I'm really good at it. (You may have seen a couple of my transformations on The Doctors recently.) Over the course of my career, I've helped thousands of people lose weight and become healthy, sexy, and energetic again. My success stories include everyone from 450-£d patients who lost all of their excess weight to Hollywood celebrities who need to have perfect bodies and faces for the big screen. And bone broth is a key to my transformations.
Jenny showed up in my office weighing 180 £ds. As soon as I said hi, she started to cry.
Why? Because she was sure I couldn't help her. "Nobody has," she said. She told me she went on her first diet at 13, and 20 years later—after Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and a dozen other diets—she weighed more than ever. Now she was borderline diabetic. And after watching her mother die from complications of diabetes, she was terrified that it would happen to her.
Jenny knew she needed to lose weight. But every diet she'd tried left her weak, trembly, and hungry. She'd lose 5 or 6 £ds right away, but she could never keep the momentum. After the first few days, her cravings would grow so strong that she couldn't do anything except obsess about food. After a week or two, she'd crash, bingeing on ice cream and pizza. And then she'd feel disgusted with herself.
She'd seen me on TV, and she wanted to believe that I could help. But she'd been burned too often to really think I could.
So I didn't promise her anything. Instead, I simply described my program. And then I said, "Just give me 3 weeks."
She did. At the end of that time, she'd lost 20 £ds. Six months later, she now...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND, is a board-certified naturopathic physician, a certified nutrition consultant, and the author of four books, including the New York Times bestseller Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet and The 10-Day Belly Slimdown. A concierge doctor for celebrities in New York and Los Angeles, Dr. Kellyann has been a host for Public Television specials and has been featured on Dr. Oz, The Doctors, Good Morning America, and Today.
November 2, 2015 Naturopathic physician Petrucci, having prescribed the benefits of a bone-broth diet for more than 20 years, now shares an easy-to-follow plan that, she says, removes the “pain and fear” from dieting. Early in her career, Petrucci worked with obese patients interested in rapid weight loss. For them she created a diet combining bone broth and “mini-fasts,” providing the full benefits of fasting “without the pain.” Without hype, the book outlines a simple, straightforward approach that should get even the most jaded dieter excited. Petrucci gives day-by-day descriptions of how dieters may feel during the program, as well as brief, motivational success stories. By the end of the three-week-long diet, she predicts, participants will “look and feel amazing.” The remaining text is a healthy-eating cookbook with convenient “hate to cook” options and a helpful “kitchen basics list.” It includes long lists of “yes” foods and beverages; simple, at-a-glance meal plans; and of course, bone broth recipes. The emphasis is on healthy eating choices and jump-starting weight loss, though Petrucci does briefly discuss exercise, stress management, and a “slim mind-set.” Vegan and vegetarian dieters will have to look elsewhere, but for anyone else searching for quick and dramatic results, Petrucci’s plan should look appealing. Agent: Margot Maley Hutchison, Waterside Productions.
BRETT HOEBEL, creator of the 20 Minute BodyTM and celebrity trainer on NBC's The Biggest Loser
"Your life isn't about losing a few pounds right now, and then falling back into old habits. Instead, it's about empowering you to take control of your body and your mind for the rest of your life. Dr. Kellyann offers you the tools you need to be healthy, slim, and young, not just now, but forever."
STEVE MASLEY,MD, FAHAA, FACN, FAAFP, CNS, bestselling author of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up and Smart Fat, and creator of the top health & wellness show on public television, 30 Days to a Younger Heart
"Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet provides a terrific plan to lose weight. Fasting twice per week has always been a great way to lose weight, but few could succeed. Dr. Petrucci makes it easy for you by adding nutrient-packed bone broth plus great recipes that are nourishing and satisfying. Her emphasis on clean sources of fat and protein make great sense."
KATHY SMITH, New York Times bestselling author and fitness DVD Hall-Of-Famer
"Dr. Kellyann'sBone Broth Diet is a must-read for anyone who wants to say goodbye toold habits and de-age their bodies. The easy-to-follow strategies will rescueyou from old patterns and jumpstart your metabolism. Dr. Kellyann's plan willhelp create the "glow" that comes from having endless energy, a trim body and aradiant complexion."
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