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Joy at Work
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Joy at Work
Organizing Your Professional Life
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Declutter your desk and brighten up your business with this transformative guide from an organizational psychologist and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers, endless emails, and unnecessary tasks? These are the modern-day hazards of working, and they can slowly drain the joy from work, limit our chances of career progress, and undermine our well-being.
There is another way. In Joy at Work, bestselling author and Netflix star Marie Kondo and Rice University business professor Scott Sonenshein offer stories, studies, and strategies to help you eliminate clutter and make space for work that really matters.
Using the world-renowned KonMari Method and cutting-edge research, Joy at Work will help you overcome the challenges of workplace mess and enjoy the productivity, success, and happiness that come with a tidy desk and mind.
Declutter your desk and brighten up your business with this transformative guide from an organizational psychologist and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers, endless emails, and unnecessary tasks? These are the modern-day hazards of working, and they can slowly drain the joy from work, limit our chances of career progress, and undermine our well-being.
There is another way. In Joy at Work, bestselling author and Netflix star Marie Kondo and Rice University business professor Scott Sonenshein offer stories, studies, and strategies to help you eliminate clutter and make space for work that really matters.
Using the world-renowned KonMari Method and cutting-edge research, Joy at Work will help you overcome the challenges of workplace mess and enjoy the productivity, success, and happiness that come with a tidy desk and mind.
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 9, 2020
    Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) extends her tidying empire to the workplace with this upbeat collaboration with organizational psychologist Sonenshein (Stretch). The authors contend that tidying one’s workspace is “an epic voyage of self-discovery” and “the first and most effective step toward realizing your vision of a joyful career.” Kondo contributes four chapters and Sonenshein contributes seven, but their voices work well together and the chapters transition seamlessly. First, Kondo instructs readers in tidying their workspace in order to increase efficiency and refocus on their values. (The rule of thumb for stacks of papers: “Discard everything.”) Sonenshein then opines on tidying less tangible matters: digital documents, decisions, and even meetings and teams. Throughout, the recommended method is to view everything at once (nonphysical items should be written on index cards), reflect on what is truly essential or joyful, and strive to eliminate the rest. The authors’ program doesn’t always transfer easily to the complexities of a workplace (most of their advice will only apply to those who work strictly at a desk) and certain topics—such as taming one’s inbox—receive inadequate attention. Even so, any cubicle-dwelling Kondo-phile will appreciate this inviting guide.

  • AudioFile Magazine Joy at work? The concept may seem a stretch for many, but as the authors explain, there are concrete ways to bring Marie Kondo's renowned tidying strategies to the workplace. American actress Brittany Ishibashi performs the segments written by Kondo in a convincing and encouraging tone. Sonenshein's chapters are narrated by Dan Woren, who is excellent at clearly delivering the recommendations and the theories behind them. Ishibashi chimes in on Woren's chapters with Kondo's personal stories. Asking yourself if a work document, email, or task sparks joy may seem silly; nonetheless, listeners may find themselves with a sudden urge to start tidying even while they're listening. E.Q. © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine
  • Booklist

    March 1, 2020
    Kondo brings the philosophy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (2014) to the office, with organizational psychologist Sonenshein (Stretch, 2017) as coauthor. They begin with the case for tidiness, citing studies and client feedback as evidence of its success. Devotees of Kondo's work will be familiar with the basic procedure: sort things into categories, ask a set of questions, then decide to keep each item or thank it for its service. But this guide goes beyond managing excess sticky notes. The authors advocate tidying digital, mental, and organizational messes, too. Readers who dream of a neat email inbox will find a process to follow. Any reader who has spent more time in a meeting than was strictly necessary (everyone, probably) will be interested in the chapters on tidying one's schedule. Ultimately, tidiness will enable the worker to focus on what sparks joy at work, making them happier and more productive. The gentle tone and clear, simple language make the task of creating a tidy work life seem less daunting, and the idea of embracing work with purpose a joyful one. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: Remember how many holds were placed on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? That will probably happen again.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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Joy at Work
Joy at Work
Organizing Your Professional Life
Marie Kondo
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