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The Everlasting Meal Cookbook
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The Everlasting Meal Cookbook
Leftovers A-Z
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* A James Beard Award Nominee *

* A National Bestseller * Named a Best Book of the Year by Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Wired, Smithsonian, Publishers Weekly, and more *

Award-winning author Tamar Adler's inspiring, money-saving, environmentally responsible, A-to-Z collection of simple recipes that utilize all leftovers—perfect for solo meals or for feeding the whole family.
Food waste is a serious issue—nearly forty percent of the food we buy gets tossed out. Most of us look around the kitchen and struggle to use everything we buy, and when it comes to leftovers we're stuck. Tamar Adler can help—her area of culinary expertise is finding delicious destinies for leftovers. Whether it's extra potatoes or meat, citrus peels or cold rice, a few final olives in a jar or the end of a piece of cheese, she has an appetizing solution.

The Everlasting Meal Cookbook offers more than 1,500 easy and creative ideas for nearly every kind of leftover. Now you can easily transform a leftover burrito into a lunch of fried rice, or stale breakfast donuts into bread pudding. These inspiring and tasty recipes don't require any precise measurements, making this cookbook a go-to resource for when your kitchen seems full of meal endings with no clear meal beginnings. From applesauce to truffles, potato chip crumbs to cabbage—this comprehensive guide makes it easy to find a use for all everything.

Sensible, frugal, and consistently delicious, the recipes in The Everlasting Meal Cookbook allow you to prepare meals with economy and grace, making this a vital resource for every home cook.
* A James Beard Award Nominee *

* A National Bestseller * Named a Best Book of the Year by Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Wired, Smithsonian, Publishers Weekly, and more *

Award-winning author Tamar Adler's inspiring, money-saving, environmentally responsible, A-to-Z collection of simple recipes that utilize all leftovers—perfect for solo meals or for feeding the whole family.
Food waste is a serious issue—nearly forty percent of the food we buy gets tossed out. Most of us look around the kitchen and struggle to use everything we buy, and when it comes to leftovers we're stuck. Tamar Adler can help—her area of culinary expertise is finding delicious destinies for leftovers. Whether it's extra potatoes or meat, citrus peels or cold rice, a few final olives in a jar or the end of a piece of cheese, she has an appetizing solution.

The Everlasting Meal Cookbook offers more than 1,500 easy and creative ideas for nearly every kind of leftover. Now you can easily transform a leftover burrito into a lunch of fried rice, or stale breakfast donuts into bread pudding. These inspiring and tasty recipes don't require any precise measurements, making this cookbook a go-to resource for when your kitchen seems full of meal endings with no clear meal beginnings. From applesauce to truffles, potato chip crumbs to cabbage—this comprehensive guide makes it easy to find a use for all everything.

Sensible, frugal, and consistently delicious, the recipes in The Everlasting Meal Cookbook allow you to prepare meals with economy and grace, making this a vital resource for every home cook.
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Tamar Adler is the James Beard and IACP Award–winning author of An Everlasting Meal; Something Old, Something New; and An Everlasting Meal Cookbook. She is a contributing editor at Vogue, has been a New York Times Magazine columnist, and the host of the Luminary podcast, Food Actually. She has cooked at Chez Panisse, and lives in Hudson, New York.
  • Library Journal

    February 1, 2023

    Adler, who has won both a James Beard and an IACP award and wrote An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace, uses her cooking philosophy to create a practical guide to utilizing all the ingredients that enter one's kitchen. This encyclopedic approach to leftovers is divided by type of staple, such as beans and rice, dairy, and vegetables. Leaving nothing behind, Adler has recipes for using every leftover dreg, sprinkle, meal, scrap, and peel. Although this work has a formulaic presentation, Adler finds places to weave in her signature prose and to challenge readers to use all of their senses when executing recipes. Fans of her previous writing will love this book, and it will appeal to those who are conscious of kitchen waste. It will also appeal to home cooks who are days out from their weekly shopping trip and looking in the fridge at the odds and ends, leftovers, and wilting veggies, now with a new tool to create a beautiful meal. VERDICT Unique and practical, Adler's title encourages home cooks to achieve what seems impossible: clean out the fridge, not into the garbage but into an appealing meal.--Sarah Tansley

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from March 20, 2023
    James Beard Award winner Adler presents an impressive encyclopedia of recipes for elevated but frugal and environmentally friendly eating. Building on her 2012 essay collection An Everlasting Meal, she offers more than 1,500 recipes intended to reduce food waste by giving new life to everything from wilted cucumbers and old garlic to leftover escargot. For Adler, unused ingredients and remainders are an opportunity, and her philosophy proves infectious. Cores and leaves of cabbages and cauliflowers, for example, are not to be squandered; instead prepare an “any vegetable” sabzi or minestra. Cube leftover Halloumi and fry with olives, chili flakes, and herbs. Rewarm fried oysters and add them to a Remoulade-sauced omelet. What to do with leftover guanciale ends? Make classic pasta All’Amatriciana. And for something sweet, stale cookie crumbles get a chocolate-covered makeover as “cookie clusters.” Recipes run the gamut in international flavor profiles, techniques, and sophistication, occasionally requiring some harder-to-source ingredients (fenugreek, eel, pokeberries). There are also plenty of practical, family-friendly options, and it’s this range that really sets the book apart. Adler’s thorough guide will inspire all levels of cooks to say goodbye to waste and embrace the ABCs of leftovers. Agent: Kari Stuart, CAA.

  • Booklist

    March 10, 2023
    Leftovers from a meal need not be dumped unceremoniously into the garbage. With some imagination, tonight's dinner can become part of the next day's meal, with no one the wiser. Adler (Something Old, Something New, 2018) bursts with ideas for an encyclopedia's worth of leftovers. Leftover scrambled eggs in the fridge? Add them to an impromptu fried rice. Leftover risotto becomes crunchy, deep-fried arancini, and stale tortillas get fried to make hearty chilaquiles. Kids will love leftover chicken turned into chicken fingers. Adler's comprehensive approach finds uses for virtually every smidgen of food left from a meal. (Though it's hard to imagine that many cooks are likely ever to find themselves in a quandary over what to do with leftover caviar or eggs Benedict). These are not prescriptive recipes as much as a challenge to cooks to fire up their own creativity. If all else fails, or the leftovers have grown too old, Adler gently suggests they be composted to nourish a new generation of fruits and vegetables.


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The Everlasting Meal Cookbook
The Everlasting Meal Cookbook
Leftovers A-Z
Tamar Adler
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