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The Pharaoh's Secret
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The Pharaoh's Secret
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When the NUMA crew is exposed to a dangerous toxin, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala will stop at nothing to find a cure foretold by Ancient Egyptian lore in this exhilarting novel from the #1 New York Times–bestselling series 
Head of NUMA special assignments, Kurt Austin and his most trusted friend, Joe Zavala tangle with a ruthless powerbroker scheming to build a new Egyptian empire as glorious as those of the Pharaohs. Part of their adversary's plan rests on the manipulation of a newly discovered aquifer beneath the Sahara, but an even more devastating weapon at his disposal may threaten the entire world: a plant extract known as the black mist, discovered in the City of the Dead and rumored to have the power to take life from the living and restore it to the dead.
With the balance of power in Africa and Europe on the verge of tipping, Kurt, Joe, and the rest of the NUMA team will have to fight to discover the truth behind the legends—but to do that, they have to confront in person the greatest legend of them all: Osiris, the ruler of the Egyptian underworld.


When the NUMA crew is exposed to a dangerous toxin, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala will stop at nothing to find a cure foretold by Ancient Egyptian lore in this exhilarting novel from the #1 New York Times–bestselling series 
Head of NUMA special assignments, Kurt Austin and his most trusted friend, Joe Zavala tangle with a ruthless powerbroker scheming to build a new Egyptian empire as glorious as those of the Pharaohs. Part of their adversary's plan rests on the manipulation of a newly discovered aquifer beneath the Sahara, but an even more devastating weapon at his disposal may threaten the entire world: a plant extract known as the black mist, discovered in the City of the Dead and rumored to have the power to take life from the living and restore it to the dead.
With the balance of power in Africa and Europe on the verge of tipping, Kurt, Joe, and the rest of the NUMA team will have to fight to discover the truth behind the legends—but to do that, they have to confront in person the greatest legend of them all: Osiris, the ruler of the Egyptian underworld.


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  • From the book


    M.V. Torino, seventy miles west of Malta
    Present Day
     The M.V. Torino was a three hundred foot steel hulled freighter built in 1973.  With her advancing age, small size and slow speed, she was nothing more than a ‘coaster’ now, traveling short routes across the Mediterranean, hitting various small islands on a circuit that took in Libya, Sicily, Malta and Greece.  
    In the hour before dawn, she was sailing west, seventy miles from her last port of call in Malta and heading for the small Italian controlled island of Lampedusa.
    Despite the early hour, several men crowded the bridge.  Each of them nervous and with good reason. For the past hour an unmarked vessel running without lights had been shadowing them.  
    “Are they still closing on us?”
    The question came as a shout from the ship’s master, Constantine Bracko, a stocky man with pile-driver arms, salt and pepper hair and stubble on his face like coarse sandpaper. 
    With his hand on the wheel he waited for an answer. “Well?”
    “The ship is still there,” the first mate shouted.  “Matching our turn. And still gaining.” 
    “Shut off all our lights,” Bracko ordered.  Another crewman closed a series of master switches and the Torino went dark.  With the ship blacked out, Bracko changed course yet again. 
    “This won’t do us much good if they have radar or night vision goggles,” the first mate said. 
    “It’ll buy us some time,” Bracko replied.
    “Maybe it’s the customs service?” another crewman asked.  “Or the Italian coast guard?”
    Bracko shook his head.  “We should be so lucky.”
    The first mate knew what that meant.  “Mafia?”
    Bracko nodded.  “We should have paid.  We’re smuggling in their waters. They want their cut.”
    Thinking he could slip by in the dark of night, Bracko had taken a chance.  His roll of the dice had come out badly. “Break out the weapons,” he said. “We have to fight.”
    “But Constantine…” the first mate asked.  “That will go badly with what we’re carrying.”
    The Torino’s deck was loaded with shipping containers, but hidden in most of them were pressurized tanks as large as city busses and filled with liquefied propane. They were smuggling other things as well, including twenty barrels of some mysterious substance brought on board by a customer out of Egypt, but because of the rampant fuel taxes throughout Europe, it was the propane that brought the big money.
    “Even smugglers have taxes to pay,” Bracko muttered to himself.  Between protection money, transit money and docking fees, the criminal syndicates were as bad as the governments. “Now we’ll pay double.  Money and cargo.  Maybe even triple, if they want to make an example of us.” 
    The first mate nodded. He had no wish to pay for someone else’s fuel with his life. “I’ll get the guns,” he said. 
    Bracko tossed him a key.  “Wake the men. We fight or we die.”
    The crewman took off for the weapons locker and the berths on the lower deck. As he disappeared, another figure entered the wheelhouse.  A passenger who went by the odd sounding name of name Ammon Ta.  Bracko and the crew called him the Egyptian
    Thin and spindly, with deep...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 18, 2016
    In bestseller Cussler's 13th NUMA Files novel (after 2014's Ghost Ship, also coauthored with Brown), it's business as usual for Kurt Austin of the National Underwater and Marine Agency as he and his cohorts battle modern-day mad men armed with an ancient deadly weapon. Kurt and partner Joe Zavala are diving for relics in the Mediterranean when they respond to a distress call from a nearby island, where they find hundreds of people who have been put into a state of suspended animation after inhaling an ancient Egyptian substance called the Black Mist. The man controlling the mist, Tariq Shakir, a former member of the Egyptian secret police, has built an organization, Osiris, whose goal is to conquer all of North Africa. Shakir is also draining an aquifer deep beneath the Sahara, which will bring Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya under his control. Toss in vast underground chambers, pits of voracious alligators, Napoleon's foray into Egypt, mummified bullfrogs, and you could be anywhere in any number of other Cussler novels. But no matter the recycling of the same old stuff; Cussler fans will be perfectly happy. Agent: Peter Lampack, Peter Lampack Agency.

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Bahreïn, Égypte, Hong Kong, Iraq, Israël, Jordanie, Koweït, Liban, Mauritanie, Maroc, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Arabie saoudite, Soudan, République arabe syrienne, Tunisie, Turquie, Émirats arabes unis, et le Yémen


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The Pharaoh's Secret
The Pharaoh's Secret
Clive Cussler
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