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The Day Tripper
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The Day Tripper
A Novel
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"I loved it!"—Shelby Van Pelt, New York Times bestselling author of Remarkably Bright Creatures
"An essential, profound read." —The Washington Post

The right guy, the right place, the wrong time.
It's 1995, and Alex Dean has it all: a spot at Cambridge University next year, the love of an amazing woman named Holly and all the time in the world ahead of him. That is until a brutal encounter with a ghost from his past sees him beaten, battered and almost drowning in the Thames.
He wakes the next day to find he's in a messy, derelict room he's never seen before, in grimy clothes he doesn't recognize, with no idea of how he got there. A glimpse in the mirror tells him he's older—much older—and has been living a hard life, his features ravaged by time and poor decisions. He snatches a newspaper and finds it's 2010—fifteen years since the fight.
After finally drifting off to sleep, Alex wakes the following morning to find it's now 2019, another nine years later. But the next day, it's 1999. Never knowing which day is coming, he begins to piece together what happens in his life after that fateful night by the river.
But what exactly is going on? Why does his life look nothing like he thought it would? What about Cambridge, and Holly? In this page-turning adventure, Alex must navigate his way through the years to learn that small actions have untold impact. And that might be all he needs to save the people he loves and, equally importantly, himself.
"I loved it!"—Shelby Van Pelt, New York Times bestselling author of Remarkably Bright Creatures
"An essential, profound read." —The Washington Post

The right guy, the right place, the wrong time.
It's 1995, and Alex Dean has it all: a spot at Cambridge University next year, the love of an amazing woman named Holly and all the time in the world ahead of him. That is until a brutal encounter with a ghost from his past sees him beaten, battered and almost drowning in the Thames.
He wakes the next day to find he's in a messy, derelict room he's never seen before, in grimy clothes he doesn't recognize, with no idea of how he got there. A glimpse in the mirror tells him he's older—much older—and has been living a hard life, his features ravaged by time and poor decisions. He snatches a newspaper and finds it's 2010—fifteen years since the fight.
After finally drifting off to sleep, Alex wakes the following morning to find it's now 2019, another nine years later. But the next day, it's 1999. Never knowing which day is coming, he begins to piece together what happens in his life after that fateful night by the river.
But what exactly is going on? Why does his life look nothing like he thought it would? What about Cambridge, and Holly? In this page-turning adventure, Alex must navigate his way through the years to learn that small actions have untold impact. And that might be all he needs to save the people he loves and, equally importantly, himself.
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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • James Goodhand has written two YA novels. His YA debut, Last Lesson, was called "a powerfully charged study in empathy," by the Financial Times. This is his adult debut. He lives in Englad with his wife and young son.
  • Library Journal

    October 1, 2023

    In 1995, incoming Cambridge student Alex Dean has a run-in with a childhood bully and ends up bloody and nearly drowned, awakening the next day to find that 15 years have passed. He then proceeds to bounce around in time, wondering why his life looks nothing like what he'd expected and whether he can change what he's seen. British author Goodhand's adult debut; with a 75,000-copy first printing. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    February 15, 2024
    In the summer of 1995, Alex enjoys the best day of his life. He's smitten with his first love, Holly, and has a bright future ahead of him. All is well until he runs into an old enemy. A tumble into the Thames River sends him 15 years into the future, where his life rests in shambles. He falls asleep only to wake up nine years later. Cursed to awaken in a different year every day, Alex searches for the disaster that spun him out of control. In doing so, he learns whether personal agency can outweigh fate. This is Goodhand's adult debut following two YA novels. The time-travel element of Alex's story offers a robust framework to examine how a young man shapes his destiny. The Day Tripper is a page-turner, even as it focuses on the mundanities of life: love, aging, the responsibilities of being a son and mentor. Empathetically told, with a bit of moralism, it offers a hopeful view of destiny and contemporary manhood.


  • Library Journal

    February 1, 2024

    On September 6, 1995, Alex Dean is having a perfect day with his girlfriend Holly. He's 20 years old, a musician; he has a place at Cambridge, he's in love and full of spontaneity. Then a chance encounter leads to a violent altercation, and Alex nearly dies. The next day he wakes up, and it's 2010. He's older, he's in a strange flat, he has an alcohol addiction, and Holly is nowhere to be found. Just as Alex begins to piece things together, he falls asleep again, only to wake up nine years later to an even grimmer future in 2019. Alex is now living a nonlinear life. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as he visits different days at random. What happened with Holly? How did Alex's bright future disappear? As Alex learns more about himself while journeying through the days, he discovers he might be able to build a brighter future. VERDICT Goodhand's (Man Down) adult debut is a compelling look at the way decisions, good and bad, build up over time to create a life. Recommended for fans of The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and readers who enjoy time-travel narratives.--Katie Lawrence

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    MIRA Books
  • OverDrive Read
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The Day Tripper
The Day Tripper
A Novel
James Goodhand
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