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A Lady's Formula for Love
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A Lady's Formula for Love
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What is a Victorian lady's formula for love? Mix one brilliant noblewoman and her enigmatic protection officer. Add in a measure of danger and attraction. Heat over the warmth of humor and friendship, and the result is more than simple chemistry—it's elemental.
Lady Violet is keeping secrets. First, she founded a clandestine sanctuary for England's most brilliant female scientists. Second, she is using her genius on a confidential mission for the Crown. But the biggest secret of all? Her feelings for protection officer Arthur Kneland.
Solitary and reserved, Arthur learned the hard way to put duty first. But the more time he spends in the company of Violet and the eccentric club members, the more his best intentions go up in flames. Literally.
When a shadowy threat infiltrates Violet's laboratories, endangering her life and her work, scientist and bodyguard will find all their theories put to the test—and learn that the most important discoveries are those of the heart.
What is a Victorian lady's formula for love? Mix one brilliant noblewoman and her enigmatic protection officer. Add in a measure of danger and attraction. Heat over the warmth of humor and friendship, and the result is more than simple chemistry—it's elemental.
Lady Violet is keeping secrets. First, she founded a clandestine sanctuary for England's most brilliant female scientists. Second, she is using her genius on a confidential mission for the Crown. But the biggest secret of all? Her feelings for protection officer Arthur Kneland.
Solitary and reserved, Arthur learned the hard way to put duty first. But the more time he spends in the company of Violet and the eccentric club members, the more his best intentions go up in flames. Literally.
When a shadowy threat infiltrates Violet's laboratories, endangering her life and her work, scientist and bodyguard will find all their theories put to the test—and learn that the most important discoveries are those of the heart.
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  • From the book



    London, 1842


    Only after the second explosion did Violet start to worry.


    Having retired for the night, rung for her maid, and poured herself a glass of brandy, Violet Hughes, or Lady Greycliff, decided to ignore the first blast. She tried to ignore the second one as well until she considered her housekeeper's reaction.


    Violet paid Mrs. Sweet a small fortune to clean an astonishing variety of chemical compounds out of the walls, floors, and furniture of

    her home, Beacon House, and its adjoining property. She had neither the time nor the inclination to search the British Isles for another housekeeper who could remove scorch marks from damask.


    The third explosion, however, sent Violet scurrying from her bedchamber and down the back staircase.


    Linked to Beacon House, what once had been a series of outbuildings was now part of one structure with a front entrance the next street over. After sinking most of her funds into the construction of this addition, Violet had created London's first social club for ladies, Athena's Retreat. Even more dear to her heart was the club within the club. The public believed the Retreat to be a gathering place for ladies with a passing interest in the natural sciences. Behind closed doors, though, those same ladies were making discoveries advancing the fields of mathematics, biology, and chemistry, to name a few.


    Loud, smoke-filled discoveries.


    Before her, the thick oak door to the connecting hall stood open, revealing the club's first floor of hidden laboratories. An odor of sulfur and cheese hung in the air, along with an unsettling amount of green smoke.


    "No cause for alarm," cried a hoarse voice, followed by a round of coughing. "Made a slight miscalculation. Nothing to worry over."


    Violet cursed her luck as Mildred Thornton and her partner, Wilhelmina Smythe, emerged from a room where the smoke was thickest. The two ladies, affectionately known as Milly and Willy, had sworn they were no longer experimenting with unstable compound liquids.


    "You told me you were investigating the properties of powders," Violet cried. "How did you manage to create an explosion from talc?"


    "Whoops. Did we say talc powder? Apologies," rasped Milly. A fine veil of soot darkened her silver hair and settled like black beads in her eyebrows.


    "All sorts of powders, dear," Willy chimed in. A foot taller than Milly and half as wide, she shook a cloud of ash from her skirts. "Talc powder, rice powder . . ." She lowered her voice and found something interesting to examine in the vicinity of her shoes. "Gunpowder . . ."


    Violet helped Milly bat out a few smoldering embers on the mancheron trimming of her left sleeve. "Either way, what were you thinking?" she moaned.


    "We were thinking how far ahead those insufferable Italians at the University of Turin are in the development of pyroglycerin," Milly said. "Although we cannot share our work with the world, a few men are privy to our research and take us seriously. England cannot afford to fall behind in this area."


    Mrs. Sweet's voice could now be heard above the din, her lilting West Indian accent softening the severity of her shouted evacuation orders. Doors opened along the corridor as women emerged from their labs in various states of excitement. Many wore canvas aprons over their dresses, and some sported thick, padded gloves.


    "Must we leave? My work is at a delicate stage," complained a fine-boned...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 9, 2020
    Everett debuts with an enjoyable feminist romance between a widowed viscountess and her bodyguard. In 1842 England, Lady Violet Hughes runs Athena’s Retreat, a secret club of eccentric and groundbreaking female scientists. Meanwhile, Omnium Democratia, an illegal workers’ organization demanding suffrage for all men, grows increasingly radical and violent. When Omnium brings a devastating new chemical weapon to their riots, the Crown tasks Violet with developing an antidote, and her stepson, Grey, hires protection officer Arthur Kneland to keep her safe as she completes the formula. Between contending with sabotage attempts on her work and keeping up the appearance of propriety to protect her beloved club, the last thing Violet needs is to let the “instantaneous, primal attraction” between her and Arthur cloud her judgement. The pair decides their affair must be fleeting and purely physical—but both soon realize that deeper feelings lie beneath their chemistry. Everett’s expert character development results in Violet and Arthur’s believable and scorching connection, though this is sometimes at the cost of the suspense plot, which is underdeveloped in comparison. Nevertheless, the diverse cast and admirable heroine will win over fans of historical romance. Everett’s off to a promising start. Agent: Ann Leslie Tuttle, Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2020

    DEBUT Lady Greycliff, Violet Hughes, established Athena's Retreat, a laboratory facility masquerading as a proper ladies' club, to provide fellow female scientists with a safe place to work. Unfortunately, someone is intent on halting Violet's most recent project, bringing violence to Athena's Retreat. Arthur Kneland, a bodyguard assigned by Violet's stepson to protect her, keeps his distance while solving the mystery of who wishes Violet harm. But will a mutual passion building between the two distract Arthur from his mission? Violet and Arthur's sexual chemistry initially feels abrupt rather than natural, and while Violet's eccentricities provide many entertaining moments, they diminish the suspenseful tension. Arthur appears domineering at times, clashing with Violet's independence, one of several scenarios highlighting Victorian views of empowered women. VERDICT Despite some shortcomings, Everett's Victorian-set debut keeps things light and amusing, depicting a world in which class and gender dictate everyday decisions, while spotlighting several women and one transgendered man who have chosen to rebel against such strictures.--Eve Stano, Ball State Univ. Muncie, IN

    Copyright 2020 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from December 1, 2020
    At first glance, Athena's Retreat, a club formed by Lady Violet Hughes and her closest friends, would seem to be nothing more than a woman's response to the gentleman's social clubs of Victorian London. But the real purpose of Athena's Retreat is to serve as a haven for women like Violet to explore their scientific interests. When Violet develops a chemical formula for the Crown, she and it are targeted by a secret organization, prompting her stepson to hire Arthur Kneland to act as her bodyguard. Given his past professional history, Arthur is determined to treat his protection of Violet strictly as an assignment and nothing more, until he finds the chemical reaction developing between them impossible to ignore. With its beguiling blend of danger, desire, and deliciously dry wit, the brilliantly conceived and smartly executed A Lady's Formula for Love is an exciting debut and a first-rate launch for Everett's The Secret Scientists of London series. Fans of Evie Dunmore's A League of Extraordinary Women books or Olivia Waite's historical romances will savor this fiercely feminist, achingly romantic, and intensely sensual love story.


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A Lady's Formula for Love
A Lady's Formula for Love
Elizabeth Everett
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