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All the Kremlin's Men
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All the Kremlin's Men
Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin
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An extraordinary behind-the-scenes portrait of the court of Vladimir Putin, the oligarchs that surround it, and the many moods of modern Russia that reads like a "real House of Cards"(Lev Lurie).
All the Kremlin's Men is a gripping narrative of an accidental king and a court out of control. Based on an unprecedented series of interviews with Vladimir Putin's inner circle, this book presents a radically different view of power and politics in Russia. The image of Putin as a strongman is dissolved. In its place is a weary figurehead buffeted — if not controlled — by the men who at once advise and deceive him.
The regional governors and bureaucratic leaders are immovable objects, far more powerful in their fiefdoms than the president himself. So are the gatekeepers-those officials who guard the pathways to power-on whom Putin depends as much as they rely on him. The tenuous edifice is filled with all of the intrigue and plotting of a Medici court, as enemies of the state are invented and wars begun to justify personal gains, internal rivalries, or one faction's biased advantage.
A bestseller in Russia, All the Kremlin's Men is a shocking revisionist portrait of the Putin era and a dazzling reconstruction of the machinations of courtiers running riot.
An extraordinary behind-the-scenes portrait of the court of Vladimir Putin, the oligarchs that surround it, and the many moods of modern Russia that reads like a "real House of Cards"(Lev Lurie).
All the Kremlin's Men is a gripping narrative of an accidental king and a court out of control. Based on an unprecedented series of interviews with Vladimir Putin's inner circle, this book presents a radically different view of power and politics in Russia. The image of Putin as a strongman is dissolved. In its place is a weary figurehead buffeted — if not controlled — by the men who at once advise and deceive him.
The regional governors and bureaucratic leaders are immovable objects, far more powerful in their fiefdoms than the president himself. So are the gatekeepers-those officials who guard the pathways to power-on whom Putin depends as much as they rely on him. The tenuous edifice is filled with all of the intrigue and plotting of a Medici court, as enemies of the state are invented and wars begun to justify personal gains, internal rivalries, or one faction's biased advantage.
A bestseller in Russia, All the Kremlin's Men is a shocking revisionist portrait of the Putin era and a dazzling reconstruction of the machinations of courtiers running riot.
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  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • AudioFile Magazine Bucking the trend of narrators with English accents reading accounts of Russia, Dan Woren gives a very good reading of this interesting look at how political power really works in Russia. This Russian bestseller contends that Vladimir Putin is not the tsar of the new Russia but a creation of the oligarchy that runs the nation. Woren's resonant bass is clear, easy to understand, and appropriately expressive. His deliberate pacing makes this work easy to follow and gives an overall authoritative effect to the entire production. He reads quotes from Russians with an adequate enough Russian-sounding accent. Those who know Russian may find his pronunciation of certain Russian words a bit grating, but this is, overall, a very good production. M.T.F. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine
  • Library Journal

    Starred review from October 1, 2016

    Zygar is a highly experienced journalist associated with Russia's disappearing independent media, and his book provides a detailed chronicle of Vladimir Putin's rule. The author depicts an unusual authoritarian governing style reconciling Putin's absolute power with a varied cavalcade of chief advisors. At his best, Zygar interprets intersecting webs of legal and political power wielded by shifting loyalties, tactics, and agendas. For some, such as Nikolai Patrushev, the former director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), ties to Putin may be redeemed in prosperous political longevity. The more common fate shared by many with the "tandem" president and "liberal" Dmitry Medvedev express sporadic conflict and political humiliation. Episodic events such as the annexation of Crimea, war in Chechnya, and the oppositional Bolotnaya mass protest are described in detail. Putin's unpredictability becomes mired in assumptions contrary to Western thinking. The content is well explained and consistently plausible, but in depending on extensive personal interviews, some accounts cannot be confirmed. Far less plausible are prospects for any "reset" in Russian-American relations. VERDICT This excellent book contains a continuous account of Putin's years in power seasoned with details that are poorly known to most readers, if known at all.--Zachary Irwin, Behrend Coll., Pennsylvania State Erie

    Copyright 2016 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    July 15, 2016
    A veteran journalist and former editor-in-chief of Russia's only independent TV news station paints a revealing group portrait of the entourage influencing Vladimir Putin.With the likely exception of Dmitry Medvedev, the hand-picked successor whose 2008-2012 reign allowed President Putin to skip over the constitution's annoying bar to a third consecutive term, few of the names Zygar highlights will resonate with a Western audience. Yet these bureaucrats, politicians, and businessmen, each with his own ego, ambition, and agenda, each attempting to divine the will of the leader, each reacting to events, account for Putin's decision-making. Based on his own research and close observation of the Russian scene for the past 15 years and a large number of personal interviews, Zygar pieces together the depressing story of Putin's declension. It's a regression exposed by the president's choice of best friends among the world's leaders: from Bush and Blair to Schroeder and Chirac, Berlusconi and al-Assad. It's a downward slope from necessary economic and military reforms and a commitment to combating Islamic terrorism to the effort to manipulate public opinion, discipline the oligarchs, suppress internal opposition, and steel the government against the "color revolutions" springing up in the post-Soviet and Arab states. Finally, there are the military interventions in Georgia and Ukraine, the seizure of Crimea, a shrinking economy, and a forthright anti-West foreign policy. Zygar touches on all the headline-making events familiar to Western readers--the Kursk submarine tragedy, the Chechen terrorist attack in a Moscow theater, the army hazing scandals, the Pussy Riot arrests, the Sochi Olympics, and the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya--but this time we see these events through the eyes of Putin's inner circle, courtiers intent on retaining power and propping up their man. Certainly for Kremlinologists but also for readers wishing to better understand how Putin's Russia has come to look so much like the old Soviet Union.

    COPYRIGHT(2016) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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All the Kremlin's Men
All the Kremlin's Men
Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin
Mikhail Zygar
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