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Urban Planning For Dummies
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Urban Planning For Dummies
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How to create the world's new urban future

With the majority of the world's population shifting to urban centres, urban planning—the practice of land-use and transportation planning to help shape cities structurally, economically, and socially—has become an increasingly vital profession. In Urban Planning For Dummies, readers will get a practical overview of this fascinating field, including studying community demographics, determining the best uses for land, planning economic and transportation development, and implementing plans. Following an introductory course on urban planning, this book is key reading for any urban planning student or anyone involved in urban development.

With new studies conclusively demonstrating the dramatic impact of urban design on public psychological and physical health, the impact of the urban planner on a community is immense. And with a wide range of positions for urban planners in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors—including law firms, utility companies, and real estate development firms—having a fundamental understanding of urban planning is key to anyone even considering entry into this field. This book provides a useful introduction and lays the groundwork for serious study.

  • Helps readers understand the essentials of this complex profession
  • Written by a certified practicing urban planner, with extensive practical and community-outreach experience
  • For anyone interested in being in the vanguard of building, designing, and shaping tomorrow's sustainable city, Urban Planning For Dummies offers an informative, entirely accessible introduction on learning how.

    How to create the world's new urban future

    With the majority of the world's population shifting to urban centres, urban planning—the practice of land-use and transportation planning to help shape cities structurally, economically, and socially—has become an increasingly vital profession. In Urban Planning For Dummies, readers will get a practical overview of this fascinating field, including studying community demographics, determining the best uses for land, planning economic and transportation development, and implementing plans. Following an introductory course on urban planning, this book is key reading for any urban planning student or anyone involved in urban development.

    With new studies conclusively demonstrating the dramatic impact of urban design on public psychological and physical health, the impact of the urban planner on a community is immense. And with a wide range of positions for urban planners in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors—including law firms, utility companies, and real estate development firms—having a fundamental understanding of urban planning is key to anyone even considering entry into this field. This book provides a useful introduction and lays the groundwork for serious study.

  • Helps readers understand the essentials of this complex profession
  • Written by a certified practicing urban planner, with extensive practical and community-outreach experience
  • For anyone interested in being in the vanguard of building, designing, and shaping tomorrow's sustainable city, Urban Planning For Dummies offers an informative, entirely accessible introduction on learning how.

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    Table des matières-
    • Foreword xix

      Introduction 1

      Part I: What Is Urban Planning? 7

      Chapter 1: Making Great Cities: Why Planning Matters 9

      Chapter 2: Changing Places: Planning for the 21st Century 23

      Chapter 3: Who Makes Urban Plans and Why 43

      Chapter 4: Making Plans: A Step-by-Step Approach 57

      Part II: Putting All the Pieces Together: The Main Components of an Urban Plan 75

      Chapter 5: Land Use: A Place for Everything 77

      Chapter 6: Housing: A Place to Call Home 97

      Chapter 7: Moving the City: Transportation 119

      Chapter 8: The City Beautiful: Urban Design 135

      Chapter 9: The Great Outdoors: Natural Resources, Open Space, and More 149

      Chapter 10: Infrastructure and Public Services: Something for Everyone 163

      Part III: Hot Topics and Urban Planning Challenges 179

      Chapter 11: Greening the City: Making Sustainable Places 181

      Chapter 12: Urban Revitalization: Cities on the Rebound 195

      Chapter 13: Rushing to the Suburbs: Managing Sprawl 207

      Chapter 14: Healing the City: Planning and Disasters 223

      Chapter 15: Taking Care of Business: Jobs and Economic Development 237

      Chapter 16: Global Urban Planning: Answering the Challenges of Growth and Development 253

      Part IV: Getting Involved and Going Further 267

      Chapter 17: Getting Involved in Your Community 269

      Chapter 18: Becoming a Professional Urban Planner 279

      Part V: The Part of Tens 291

      Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Make Your Community a Better Place to Live, Work, and Play 293

      Chapter 20: Ten Great Cities with Great Plans 301

      Chapter 21: Ten Urban Plans You Can Find Online 309

      Appendix: Resources 317

      Index 325

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    • EPUB eBook
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