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Born That Way
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Born That Way
Genes, Behavior, Personality
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A comprehensive view of the most heated debate of our time — are genes the primary influence on human personality and behavior? In presenting the recent findings, William Wright argues that in a century dominated by psychoanalytic thought, there has been an insistence that humans, unlike all other species, are brought into the world as blank slates on which personalities are etched by the environment. Wright describes the overthrow of this view by psychologists and geneticists whose discoveries, most dramatically through studies of identical twins separated at birth, have resulted in the recognition of the major role played by genes in personality and behavior. Wright describes how molecular biologists have reinforced these findings by locating the links between genes and behavior in DNA itself. And he explores the exciting future prospects of treating such conditions as depression, addiction, and hyper-aggressiveness that are implicit in the behavioral-genetic revolution.
A comprehensive view of the most heated debate of our time — are genes the primary influence on human personality and behavior? In presenting the recent findings, William Wright argues that in a century dominated by psychoanalytic thought, there has been an insistence that humans, unlike all other species, are brought into the world as blank slates on which personalities are etched by the environment. Wright describes the overthrow of this view by psychologists and geneticists whose discoveries, most dramatically through studies of identical twins separated at birth, have resulted in the recognition of the major role played by genes in personality and behavior. Wright describes how molecular biologists have reinforced these findings by locating the links between genes and behavior in DNA itself. And he explores the exciting future prospects of treating such conditions as depression, addiction, and hyper-aggressiveness that are implicit in the behavioral-genetic revolution.
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 1, 1998
    In spite of fascinating material and an engaging writing style, Wright (Sins of the Father) is largely unsuccessful in his attempt to portray the current state of the nature-vs.-nurture debate as it pertains to the underlying causes of human behavior. On the positive side, Wright does a fine job of explaining the controversy between those who believe that human behavior is significantly controlled by genetic influences and those opting for the primacy of environmental factors. Similarly, his descriptions of the results, both anecdotal and scientific, of the Minnesota Twin Study of identical twins raised apart and brought back together later in life are compelling, clearly demonstrating the importance of heredity. What detracts greatly from these successes is Wright's relentless attack on those who disagree with his pro-genes position (e.g., "Richard Lewontin, one of the Not in Your Genes authors, who has repeatedly proved he needs no collaborators in his campaign of distortion"). Wright's calling his opponents "gene police," "radical environmentalists" and "genophobes" does nothing to elevate the level of the debate. And while Wright interviews and fully develops the personalities of many of the scientists on the "nature" end of the continuum, he presents caricatures of those on the "nurture" side. Nonetheless, many important public policy questions are touched on in this otherwise useful book.

  • Library Journal

    May 15, 1998
    Following closely on the heels of Dean Hamer and Peter Copeland's Living with Our Genes (LJ 4/15/98) is another persuasive account of the extent to which genes influence human behavior. Like Hamer and Copeland, Wright summarizes recent research suggesting that genes play a far greater role in our emotional and psychological development than previously imagined. Yet he focuses on the extraordinary obstacles that geneticists and psychologists have faced in conducting, publishing, and defending their research. The author presents an especially detailed account of Bouchard's Minnesota Twin Study, which, because it demonstrates a high degree of similarity between identical twins reared apart, has been extremely controversial with "environmental determinists." Not trained as a scientist, Wright has a background in art and literature and is the author of 12 books. A gifted writer and an astute observer, he has carefully researched the issues and forcefully presented his arguments. While occasionally belaboring the recalcitrance of diehard environmentalists, Wright offers an informative and engrossing account of the fundamental shift in thinking on the nature/nurture issue. This book will nicely complement Hamer and Copeland's work in both public and academic libraries.--Laurie Bartolini, Illinois State Lib., Springfield

  • Edward O. Wilson, author of Consilience "It takes an independent writer and free spirit to tell the story straight, and thank God Wright
    has done it."
  • Robert Stone "A revelation and a pleasure. . . It presents the mysteries of human genetics and behavior in a way that leaves the reader enlightened, conversant, and entertained. A most rewarding book. . ."
  • Alison Lurie "It makes the genes-versus-environment conundrum not only comprehensible by the non-expert, but highly entertaining and sometimes even dramatic."
  • Robin Fox, Professor of Social Theory, Rutgers University "Science reporting as good as this is as rare as it is valuable. . . . It should capture the attention of
    professionals and the public alike."
  • Susan Miron, Philadelphia Inquirer "A riveting new book. . . . Wright writes with verve and clarity. . . . Wright discusses the turn-of-the-century eugenicists who all but ignored environmental influences and who failed to foresee dangers in 'procreational tinkering.' "
  • Derek Bickerton, The New York Times Book Review "A brisk and businesslike guide whose lively prose is lighted with flashes of wry humor. . . . His enthusiasm is contagious. . . . Born that Way is a stimulating and highly readable introduction to the nature-nurture debate."
  • Noah J. Efron, Boston Book Review "The research that Wright describes is captivating. . . . Born that Way is a paean to the influence genes exert on human thought and action."
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  • Éditeur
    Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
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  • EPUB eBook
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Born That Way
Born That Way
Genes, Behavior, Personality
William Wright
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