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Girls Who Green the World
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Girls Who Green the World
Thirty-Four Rebel Women Out to Save Our Planet
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Part biography, part guidebook to the contemporary environmental movement, this book is the perfect gift for future and current activists and changemakers! Girls Who Green the World features the inspiring stories of 34 revolutionaries fighting for our future!
An inspired collection of profiles, featuring environmental changemakers, social entrepreneurs, visionaries and activists.  
Journalist Diana Kapp has crisscrossed this country writing for and about empowered girls, girls who expect to be leaders, founders and inventors. This book takes it a step further. It says to girls: while you’re striving to be CEOs and world leaders, consider solving the biggest challenge of our lifetime, too—because you can do both at the same time, and here are 34 women doing just that.
Part biography, part guidebook to the contemporary environmental movement, this book is the perfect gift for future and current activists and changemakers! Girls Who Green the World features the inspiring stories of 34 revolutionaries fighting for our future!
An inspired collection of profiles, featuring environmental changemakers, social entrepreneurs, visionaries and activists.  
Journalist Diana Kapp has crisscrossed this country writing for and about empowered girls, girls who expect to be leaders, founders and inventors. This book takes it a step further. It says to girls: while you’re striving to be CEOs and world leaders, consider solving the biggest challenge of our lifetime, too—because you can do both at the same time, and here are 34 women doing just that.
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    6 - 8

Prix remportés-
  • From the cover Mona Hanna-Attisha
    Health Activist, and Pediatrician at Hurley Medical Center
    The Erin Brockovich of Flint, Michigan
    I AM ODDLY GOOD AT: puzzles
    I AM ODDLY BAD AT: all domestic duties
    MY GREATEST FEAR: not doing enough
    AN OCCASION WHEN I LIE: to protect my kids
    A HABIT I’M TRYING TO GIVE UP: nail-biting
    On April 25, 2014, city and state officials gathered at the Flint, Michigan, water treatment plant for a photo opportunity. The mayor counted down dramatically—five, four, three, two, one—and then pushed a black button, switching the city’s water source from the Detroit Water and Sewage De­partment, which gets its water from Lake Huron and the Detroit River, to pulling from the Flint River. So much money would be saved by transition­ing to the newly formed Karegnondi Water Authority, which was build­ing a pipeline to transit water from Lake Huron. This interim step using delicious and clean Flint River water was how the city would bridge the change during two years of construction, cheered government officials. For the cameras, Flint’s mayor lifted his glass of Flint River water and took a gulp. He would come to wish he hadn’t.
    Pretty much immediately, Flint residents started reporting rust rims around their sinks and toilet bowls. Their tap water looked like pee, or worse. Demonstrations proliferated, with angry locals holding up bottles filled with yellow-brown water. Save a few “boil alerts” issued here and again, the mayor, other city officials, and the governor ignored every cry.
    At first, pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha was racing through rounds at Flint’s public hospital, too busy to pay attention. If the government said the water was fine, the water must be fine, she told her childhood best friend, once an investigator at the Environmental Protection Agency, in August 2015 while catching up in Mona’s backyard. Elin Warn Betanzo, the friend, shook her head. Elin had just moved back to Michigan from Wash­ington, DC, where she’d been focused almost exclusively on water pollu­tion issues. Once upon a time, Elin and Mona had been proud members of their high school’s environmental club, mixing their “grungy, R.E.M.-listening, Doc Marten” vibe, as Mona put it, with real action like fighting to shut down an incinerator spewing toxic pollution one town over. They both retained their stay-and-fight attitudes. Elin had inside information showing that Flint’s new water wasn’t being properly treated. An essential anti-corrosion element wasn’t being added, which meant Flint’s water was likely leaching lead out of the water pipes, poisoning everyone in town.
    Lead is a neurotoxin, meaning it affects the brain. In kids, it lowers IQ levels. In pregnant women, it can lead to miscarriage. There is no minimum safe threshold to stay below. The safe amount is zero. No amount of lead is ever remotely okay.
    That night, Mona couldn’t sleep. Every hour brought a new emotion: fear, disappointment, anxiety. By morning, the feelings had distilled into just one: anger.
    The Flint children that Mona treated at the hospital had already been facing a long list of issues associated with poverty—crumbling schools, irregular diet, and unemployed parents. The idea that their most basic need, water, couldn’t be met was unconscionable.
    Then Mona had a breakthrough. She thought of a way to...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Diana Kapp is a business journalist with an MBA from Stanford University who has written about education and entrepreneurism for most of the major media outlets. She is also the author of Girls Who Run the World. You can find her online at dianakapp.com.
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Girls Who Green the World
Girls Who Green the World
Thirty-Four Rebel Women Out to Save Our Planet
Diana Kapp
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