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Long Island
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Long Island
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OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB PICK * INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * "Stunning." —People * "Dazzling yet devastating...Tóibín is simply one of the world's best living literary writers." —The Boston Globe * "Momentous and hugely affecting." —The Wall Street Journal *

From the beloved, critically acclaimed, bestselling author comes a spectacularly moving novel featuring Eilis Lacey, the complex and enigmatic heroine of Brooklyn, Tóibín's most popular work in twenty years.
Eilis Lacey is Irish, married to Tony Fiorello, a plumber and one of four Italian American brothers, all of whom live in neighboring houses on a cul-de-sac in Lindenhurst, Long Island, with their wives and children and Tony's parents, a huge extended family. It is the spring of 1976 and Eilis is now forty with two teenage children. Though her ties to Ireland remain stronger than those that hold her to her new land and home, she has not returned in decades.

One day, when Tony is at work an Irishman comes to the door asking for Eilis by name. He tells her that his wife is pregnant with Tony's child and that when the baby is born, he will not raise it but instead deposit it on Eilis's doorstep. It is what Eilis does—and what she refuses to do—in response to this stunning news that makes Tóibín's novel so riveting and suspenseful.

Long Island is a gorgeous story "about a woman thrashing against the constraints of fate" (Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air). It is "a wonder, rich with yearning and regret" (Star Tribune, Minneapolis).
OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB PICK * INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * "Stunning." —People * "Dazzling yet devastating...Tóibín is simply one of the world's best living literary writers." —The Boston Globe * "Momentous and hugely affecting." —The Wall Street Journal *

From the beloved, critically acclaimed, bestselling author comes a spectacularly moving novel featuring Eilis Lacey, the complex and enigmatic heroine of Brooklyn, Tóibín's most popular work in twenty years.
Eilis Lacey is Irish, married to Tony Fiorello, a plumber and one of four Italian American brothers, all of whom live in neighboring houses on a cul-de-sac in Lindenhurst, Long Island, with their wives and children and Tony's parents, a huge extended family. It is the spring of 1976 and Eilis is now forty with two teenage children. Though her ties to Ireland remain stronger than those that hold her to her new land and home, she has not returned in decades.

One day, when Tony is at work an Irishman comes to the door asking for Eilis by name. He tells her that his wife is pregnant with Tony's child and that when the baby is born, he will not raise it but instead deposit it on Eilis's doorstep. It is what Eilis does—and what she refuses to do—in response to this stunning news that makes Tóibín's novel so riveting and suspenseful.

Long Island is a gorgeous story "about a woman thrashing against the constraints of fate" (Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air). It is "a wonder, rich with yearning and regret" (Star Tribune, Minneapolis).
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Colm Tóibín is the author of eleven novels, including Long Island, an Oprah's Book Club Pick; The Magician, winner of the Rathbones Folio Prize; The Master, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; Brooklyn, winner of the Costa Book Award; The Testament of Mary; and Nora Webster; as well as two story collections and several books of criticism. He is the Irene and Sidney B. Silverman Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University and has been named as the Laureate for Irish Fiction for 2022–2024 by the Arts Council of Ireland. Three times shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Tóibín lives in Dublin and New York.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from March 4, 2024
    The quietly devastating sequel to Brooklyn picks up two decades later with Eilis Lacey, now in her 40s, hemmed in by her overbearing in-laws on Long Island in 1976. First Eilis discovers that her husband, Tony, has been unfaithful, then she learns his family has decided without her consent to raise the child of his illicit affair. Furious, Eilis returns to Enniscorthy, the small town in Ireland she left in the 1950s, and arranges for her and Tony’s teenaged daughter and son to join her there to celebrate her mother’s birthday. Eilis hasn’t been back since the death of her sister, Rose, many years earlier. On that trip, though she was already married to Tony without her family’s knowledge, she fell in love with pub owner Jim Farrell. Jim has never married but is soon to become engaged to the widow Nancy Sheridan, Eilis’s dear old friend. Now, Eilis’s second homecoming upends life in the village as she and Nancy each stumble toward what they believe they deserve, and Jim considers what’s more important: his commitments or his desires. Tóibín is brilliant at tallying the weight of what goes unsaid between people (“They could do everything except say out loud what it was they were thinking”), and at using quotidian situations to illuminate longing as a universal and often-inescapable aspect of the human condition. Tóibín’s mastery is on full display here. Agent: Peter Straus, RCW Literary.

  • Booklist

    March 1, 2024
    Eilis and Tony, first introduced in T�ib�n's acclaimed best-seller Brooklyn (2009), have now been married 20 years. The routines of domesticity, parenthood, and Sunday dinners with the surrounding Fiorello clan in Lindenhurst, Long Island, have suddenly brought them to middle age. Their brilliant daughter Rosella is preparing for college, and son Larry is finishing high school. This picture of domestic sanguinity is disrupted when a man arrives and informs Eilis that Tony has impregnated the man's wife and that the baby will be handed over to Tony to raise. Eilis objects but meets resistance from Tony and his family. Since Eilis' mother will soon be celebrating her eightieth birthday, Eilis uses the opportunity to return to Ireland for the first time in two decades and, hopefully, clear her head. As Eilis gets settled back in Enniscorthy, she renews her friendship with the now widowed Nancy Sheridan and wonders about Jim Farrell, her fling of years ago. T�ib�n writes with unparalleled fluidity and grace. Each character is intricately drawn with psychological acuity, emerging as fully, almost achingly human. T�ib�n is a philosopher of the soul. He understands the complex emotions, the dreams, fear, doubt, and hope that drive human activity. Eilis is complicated, fearless, and compelling, much like her brilliant creator.HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: Readers will be thrilled by T�ib�n's return to the story of Irish immigrant Eilis Lacey.


  • Kirkus

    March 1, 2024
    An acclaimed novelist revisits the central characters of his best-known work. At the end of Brooklyn (2009), Eilis Lacey departed Ireland for the second and final time--headed back to New York and the Italian American husband she had secretly married after first traveling there for work. In her hometown of Enniscorthy, she left behind Jim Farrell, a young man she'd fallen in love with during her visit, and the inevitable gossip about her conduct. T�ib�n's 11th novel introduces readers to Eilis 20 years later, in 1976, still married to Tony Fiorello and living in the titular suburbia with their two teenage children. But Eilis' seemingly placid existence is disturbed when a stranger confronts her, accusing Tony of having an affair with his wife--now pregnant--and threatening to leave the baby on their doorstep. "She'd known men like this in Ireland," T�ib�n writes. "Should one of them discover that their wife had been unfaithful and was pregnant as a result, they would not have the baby in the house." This shock sends Eilis back to Enniscorthy for a visit--or perhaps a longer stay. (Eilis' motives are as inscrutable as ever, even to herself.) She finds the never-married Jim managing his late father's pub; unbeknownst to Eilis (and the town), he's become involved with her widowed friend Nancy, who struggles to maintain the family chip shop. Eilis herself appears different to her old friends: "Something had happened to her in America," Nancy concludes. Although the novel begins with a soap-operatic confrontation--and ends with a dramatic denouement, as Eilis' fate is determined in a plot twist worthy of Edith Wharton--the author is a master of quiet, restrained prose, calmly observing the mores and mindsets of provincial Ireland, not much changed from the 1950s. A moving portrait of rueful middle age and the failure to connect.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Long Island
Long Island
Colm Toibin
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