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John Green
Couverture de John Green
John Green
Star Author, Vlogbrother, and Nerdfighter
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On June 2, 2014, more than 1,200 fans wildly cheered the arrival of author John Green at the premiere of The Fault in Our Stars—the blockbuster movie based on his young adult novel of the same name. While he did not write the screenplay or have a starring role in the movie, John commanded just as much star power as the film's talented actors. The Fault in Our Stars book—John's fifth novel—sold more than 7 million copies, and John landed a coveted spot on Time magazine's 2014 list of the 100 Most Influential People. Even before The Fault in Our Stars made John a household name, he had built up an enormous following among teens. In 2007, after penning his first two YA novels, he cofounded the YouTube channel Vlogbrothers with his brother, Hank Green. The brothers began posting videoblogs as a communications experiment—and soon, they found themselves interacting with legions of fans who call themselves Nerdfighters. The channel grew in popularity and now has more than 2 million followers. Follow John's journey from shy student to powerhouse social media engager and best-selling YA author. Learn how he turned quirkiness and talent into a winning formula that has earned him millions of fans around the world.
On June 2, 2014, more than 1,200 fans wildly cheered the arrival of author John Green at the premiere of The Fault in Our Stars—the blockbuster movie based on his young adult novel of the same name. While he did not write the screenplay or have a starring role in the movie, John commanded just as much star power as the film's talented actors. The Fault in Our Stars book—John's fifth novel—sold more than 7 million copies, and John landed a coveted spot on Time magazine's 2014 list of the 100 Most Influential People. Even before The Fault in Our Stars made John a household name, he had built up an enormous following among teens. In 2007, after penning his first two YA novels, he cofounded the YouTube channel Vlogbrothers with his brother, Hank Green. The brothers began posting videoblogs as a communications experiment—and soon, they found themselves interacting with legions of fans who call themselves Nerdfighters. The channel grew in popularity and now has more than 2 million followers. Follow John's journey from shy student to powerhouse social media engager and best-selling YA author. Learn how he turned quirkiness and talent into a winning formula that has earned him millions of fans around the world.
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    4 - 6

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Eric Braun has written dozens of books for readers of all ages and edited hundreds more. He is a McKnight fellow and a nice fellow, and he likes to ride his bike really far and really fast. He lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two sons, some of whose antics have found their way into his books (unbeknownst to them).
  • Booklist

    March 15, 2015
    Grades 4-7 For those (very few) still unfamiliar with YA superstar Green, the terms nerdfighters and vlogbrothers may hold little meaning. His fans, however, embrace the Nerdfighter title and, with it, the author's commitment to the intellectual and the underdog. This biography provides an informative look at Green's life and career, spanning from his bullied childhood to the publication and film adaptation of his novel The Fault in Our Stars (2012). Punctuated with glossy photos and a time line of important events, chapters describe his education, journey to becoming an author, and web fame via the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel he runs with his brother, Hank. The Fault in Our Stars receives a slightly disproportionate amount of attentiontwo chapters' worthwhile a few literary honors are overlooked. Geared toward an audience younger than the average Green fan, readers will still come away with a good sense of the man, his passion for teens and writing, and the hard work involved in his success. An inspiring story and testament to the power of the nerd.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2015, American Library Association.)

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    Lerner Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
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John Green
John Green
Star Author, Vlogbrother, and Nerdfighter
Eric Braun
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