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The Unseen
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The Unseen
Krewe of Hunters Series, Book 5
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A Texas Ranger and a U.S. Marshal take on a mystery that stretches back centuries as they help the FBI's Krewe of Hunters stop a serial killer, in book 5 in the beloved suspense series, only from New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham.
San Antonio, Texas, 1800s: In room 207 at the Longhorn Saloon, in the long shadow of the Alamo, a woman was brutally murdered. Her killer was never found. One year ago, in that same historic room, another woman vanished without a trace.
Now, San Antonio has become a dumping ground for battered bodies. When Texas Ranger Logan Raintree is approached to lead a group of elite paranormal investigators working the case, he accepts the challenge. And with it, his powerful ability to commune with the dead.
U.S. Marshal Kelsey O'Brien has been waiting all her life to work with someone who can understand her ability to "see" the past. Now she has her chance.
Together, Kelsey and Logan follow their instincts to the Alamo and to the newly reopened Longhorn, which once tempted heroes with drink, cards and women. If the spirits of those long-dead Texans are really appearing to the victims before their deaths, only Kelsey and Logan have the skills to find out why....
A Texas Ranger and a U.S. Marshal take on a mystery that stretches back centuries as they help the FBI's Krewe of Hunters stop a serial killer, in book 5 in the beloved suspense series, only from New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham.
San Antonio, Texas, 1800s: In room 207 at the Longhorn Saloon, in the long shadow of the Alamo, a woman was brutally murdered. Her killer was never found. One year ago, in that same historic room, another woman vanished without a trace.
Now, San Antonio has become a dumping ground for battered bodies. When Texas Ranger Logan Raintree is approached to lead a group of elite paranormal investigators working the case, he accepts the challenge. And with it, his powerful ability to commune with the dead.
U.S. Marshal Kelsey O'Brien has been waiting all her life to work with someone who can understand her ability to "see" the past. Now she has her chance.
Together, Kelsey and Logan follow their instincts to the Alamo and to the newly reopened Longhorn, which once tempted heroes with drink, cards and women. If the spirits of those long-dead Texans are really appearing to the victims before their deaths, only Kelsey and Logan have the skills to find out why....
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  • From the book

    San Antonio, Texas

    Logan Raintree had just left his house and was walking toward his car when the massive black thing swept before him with a fury and might that seemed to fill the air. He stopped short, not knowing what the hell he was seeing at first.

    Then he saw it. The thing was a bird, and he quickly noted that it was a massive bird, a peregrine falcon. Its wingspan must have been a good three feet.

    It had taken down a pigeon.

    The pigeon was far beyond help. The falcon had already ripped the left wing from the creature and, mercifully, had broken the smaller bird's neck, as well.

    As Logan stood there, the falcon stared at him. He stared back at the falcon.

    He'd seen attacks by such birds before; they had the tenacity of jays and the power of a bobcat.

    They also had the beaks and talons of their distant ancestors—the raptors, who'd once ravaged land and sea. This kind of bird could blind a man or, at the least, rip his face to shreds.

    Logan stood dead still, maintaining his position as he continued to return the bird's cold, speculative stare. There seemed to be something in its eyes. Something that might exist in the eyes of the most brutal general, the most ruthless ruler. Touch my kill, and you die! the bird seemed to warn.

    Logan didn't back away; he didn't move at all.

    He knew birds, as he knew the temperament of most animals. If he ran away, the bird would think he should be attacked, just to make sure he did get away from the kill. Come forward and, of course, the bird would fight to protect it. He had to stay still, calm, assured, and not give ground. The falcon would respect that stance, take its prey and leave.

    But the bird didn't leave. It watched Logan for another minute, then cast its head back and let out a shrieking cry. It took a step toward him.

    Even feeling intimidated, Logan decided his best move was not to move...

    "I have no fight with you, brother," he said quietly.

    The bird let out another cry. It hopped back to the pigeon, looked at Logan and willfully ripped the second wing off, then spat it out and stared at Logan again.

    This was ridiculous, he thought. He'd never seen a peregrine falcon so much as land in his driveway, much less pick a fight with him.

    He reached with slow, nonthreatening movements for his gun belt and the Colt .45 holstered there; he had no desire to harm any creature, but neither would he be blinded by a bird that seemed to be harboring an overabundance of testosterone.

    As if the bird had known what the gun was, it leaped back.

    Logan had the gun aimed. "I don't want to hurt you, brother bird," he said. "But if you force my hand, I will."

    The bird seemed to understand him—and to know he meant his words. It gave yet another raucous cry, jumped on the pigeon and soared into flight, taking its prey. Logan watched as the bird disappeared into the western sky.

    Curious about the encounter and very surprised by it, he shook his head and turned toward his car again.

    He took one step and paused, frowning.

    It suddenly looked as if he'd stepped into an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

    The Birds.

    They were everywhere. They covered the eaves of his house, the trees and the ground, everything around him. They sat on the hood and the roof of his car. Every bird native to the state of Texas seemed to be there, all of them just staring at him. Jays, doves, grackles, blackbirds, crows and even seabirds—a pelican stood in the center of his lawn.

    It was bizarre. He was being watched...stalked...by birds!

    None made a move...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 13, 2012
    In this satisfying paranormal thriller from bestseller Graham (Night of the Vampires), U.S. Marshal Kelsey O’Brien, at the request of the FBI, joins forces with Texas Ranger Logan Raintree in a quest for a possible serial killer. Kelsey believes the key to solving the murders of numerous women in and around San Antonio might be related to her visions while staying in room 207 of the historic Longhorn, a saloon-hotel where two women were slain 150 years apart. In the course of their investigation, Kelsey and Logan, who can communicate with ghosts, consult the spirit world, in particular a helpful apparition at the Alamo. Kelsey and Logan’s mutual attraction leads to some sizzling love scenes, while Logan must face emotions he’s hidden since his wife’s murder three years earlier. Graham deftly weaves elements of mystery, the paranormal, and romance into a tight plot that will keep the reader guessing at the true nature of the killer’s evil. Agent: Aaron Priest, Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency.

  • Publishers Weekly on The Unseen "Graham deftly weaves elements of mystery, the paranormal and romance into a tight plot that will keep the reader guessing at the true nature of the killer's evil."
  • RT Book Reviews on The Unseen "Suspenseful and dark. The culture and history surrounding San Antonio and the Alamo are described in detail. The transitions between past and present flow seamlessly, and the main characters are interesting and their connection to one another is believable."
  • Publishers Weekly on The Vision "Graham's rich, balanced thriller sizzles with equal parts suspense, romance and the paranormal-all of it nail-biting."
  • Romance Reviews Today "Great writing and excellent characters make Wicked a terrific read.... The undercurrent of mystery and suspense will keep readers riveted."
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The Unseen
Krewe of Hunters Series, Book 5
Heather Graham
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