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Sacred Evil
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Sacred Evil
Book 3 in Krewe of Hunters series
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A terror born of Jack the Ripper

The details of the crime scene are no coincidence. The body--a promising starlet--has been battered, bloodied and then discarded between two of Manhattan's oldest graveyards.

One look and Detective Jude Crosby recognizes the tableau: a re-creation of Jack the Ripper's gruesome work. But he also sees something beyond the actions of a mere copycat. Something more dangerous...and unexplainable.

As the city seethes with suspicion, Jude calls on Whitney Tremont, a member of the country's preeminent paranormal investigating team, to put the speculation to rest. Yet when Whitney and Jude delve deeper, what they discover is more shocking than either could have predicted, and twice as sinister...

A terror born of Jack the Ripper

The details of the crime scene are no coincidence. The body--a promising starlet--has been battered, bloodied and then discarded between two of Manhattan's oldest graveyards.

One look and Detective Jude Crosby recognizes the tableau: a re-creation of Jack the Ripper's gruesome work. But he also sees something beyond the actions of a mere copycat. Something more dangerous...and unexplainable.

As the city seethes with suspicion, Jude calls on Whitney Tremont, a member of the country's preeminent paranormal investigating team, to put the speculation to rest. Yet when Whitney and Jude delve deeper, what they discover is more shocking than either could have predicted, and twice as sinister...
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  • From the book

    One great thing about New York City—tourists.

    And residents who behaved like tourists, every time he came to the scene of a murder.

    Jude Crosby flashed his badge to the officers on duty and ducked beneath the yellow crime scene tape that was stretched across lower Broadway.

    The murder site had acquired more onlookers than a movie premiere. Traffic downtown had grown to a snarl that was just about impassable even with the extra traffic cops manning the detour, and the sound of cursing drivers threatened to drown out the sound of their horns.

    Fortunately, it was only just dawn; most finance workers weren't even on their way in yet.

    He made his way to the circle of men around the body. He was glad to see that the medical examiner who had been on call was Wally Fullbright, a man in his late fifties with ruffled white hair and big–rimmed glasses; he looked like an aged Beaker, from the Mup–pets. He was, in Jude's mind, the finest in his profession. Yet, he never considered his own expertise as the zenith of knowledge, and was known to probe to the depths of any anatomical mystery.

    "Crosby!" Fullbright said, acknowledging Jude without looking up. He knew he had a distinctive height, and in his off–hours he practiced at the ring. Pounding away at punching bags helped him release the tension that often bubbled up after dealing with some of the more bizarre crimes that plagued the city.

    Even then, he had to make his way through more men; officers had formed a curtain of bodies, hiding the corpse from the view of the crowd that looked on.

    He quickly saw why.

    "Lord," he said quietly, hunkering down across the body from Fullbright.

    He'd seen a lot as a homicide detective in New York City. Dead drunks, prostitutes, drug addicts, mob hits and victims of domestic abuse. He'd seen the derelicts who had died in Dumpsters, in alleys, atop mountains of trash and he'd seen the floaters who had popped up in the East River and the Hudson.

    He'd never seen anything like this.

    "Do we know who she is?" he asked.

    "Sir!" one of the uniformed men—Smith, according to his badge—said. "She had her ID on her, in her bag. Found next to the body. Her name is Virginia Rock–ford, twenty–six years old. We believe that she was an actress working on location last night, but that fact still has to be verified. We formed ranks around her as fast as we could when we reached the scene. We called it in to Major Crimes because of...because of the way you see the body."

    "You found her like this?" Jude asked.

    The officer blushed and shook his head. "There were people coming around, staring. I threw the coat over her."

    "And I carefully threw it off, again, in favor of the screen of blue," Fullbright said.

    Jude nodded. He understood. The black trench coat now at the victim's side had apparently belonged to Officer Smith.

    He doubted Officer Smith would ever wear the coat again.

    Smith shouldn't have changed the crime scene in any way, but, under the circumstances, Jude knew why he had felt compelled to do so—even if the officer had known better.

    He looked at Fullbright. "Tell me, please, that she wasn't—gutted—alive?"

    Fullbright shook his head, indicating the thick pool of blood at the victim's throat, and the way it had poured down the front of her dress. "It's my belief that she was seized, her mouth muffled, though God knows who might have heard her scream down here at night, and that her throat was slit ear to ear immediately. I...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 26, 2011
    In Graham's third book in the Krewe of Hunters series, a beautiful young woman is brutally killed in the style of Jack the Ripper, and New York City police detec- tive Jude Crosby quickly recruits a para- normal investigator to help her uncover the truth about the mysterious slaying. Narrating with a consistently flat tone, Luke Daniels delivers a lackluster perfor- mance that fails to capture the sense of ur- gency and menace that abounds in this chilling and dark tale of murder and ro- mance. He also fails to bring any flair to the voices he creates for Graham's well- developed characters. Listeners will be disappointed by Daniels's reading and their resultant inability to get lost in this first-rate thriller. A Mira paperback. (July)

  • Miami Herald "Graham does a great job of blending just a bit of paranormal with real, human evil."
  • Publishers Weekly "Graham wields a deftly sexy and convincing pen."
  • Los Angeles Daily News "An incredible storyteller."
  • Booklist on Ghost Walk "There are good reasons for Graham's steady standing as a bestselling author. Here her perfect pacing keeps readers riveted as they learn fascinating tidbits of New Orleans history. The paranormal elements are integral to the unrelentingly suspenseful plot, the characters are likable, the romance convincing and, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Graham's atmospheric depiction of a lost city is especially poignant."
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Sacred Evil
Sacred Evil
Book 3 in Krewe of Hunters series
Heather Graham
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