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Last House
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Last House
A Novel
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"A richly detailed, slow-burning family saga distinguished by incisive psychological insight and masterful research. . . Shattuck is such a good writer, giving us swaths of cultural and historical background as gracefully and intelligently as she parses the emotional depths of her characters. Every note in the novel rings clear and true." Kate Christensen, New York Times Book Review

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Women in the Castle comes a sweeping story of a nation on the rise, and one family's deeply complicated relationship to the resource that built their fortune and fueled their greatest tragedy, perfect for fans of The Dutch House and Great Circle.

It's 1953, and for Nick Taylor, WWII veteran turned company lawyer, oil is the key to the future. He takes the train into the city for work and returns to the peaceful streets of the suburbs and to his wife, Bet, former codebreaker now housewife, and their two children, Katherine and Harry. Nick comes from humble origins but thanks to his work for American Oil, he can provide every comfort for his family, including Last House, a secluded country escape. Deep in the Vermont mountains, the Taylors are free from the stresses of modern life. Bet doesn't have to worry about the Russian H-bombs that haunt her dreams, and the children roam free in the woods. Last House is a place that could survive the end of the world.

It's 1968, and America is on the brink of change. Protestors fill the streets to challenge everything from the Vietnam War to racism in the wake of MLK's shooting—to the country's reliance on Big Oil. As Katherine makes her first forays into adult life, she's caught up in the current of the time and struggles to reconcile her ideals with the stable and privileged childhood her Greatest Generation parents worked so hard to provide. But when the Movement shifts in a more radical direction, each member of the Taylor family will be forced to reckon with the consequences of the choices they've made for the causes they believed in.

Spanning multiple generations and nearly eighty years, Last House tells the story of one American family during an age of grand ideals and even greater downfalls. Set against the backdrop of our nation's history, this is an emotional tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance and what we owe each other—and captures to stunning effect the gravity of time, the double edge of progress, and the hubris of empire.

"A richly detailed, slow-burning family saga distinguished by incisive psychological insight and masterful research. . . Shattuck is such a good writer, giving us swaths of cultural and historical background as gracefully and intelligently as she parses the emotional depths of her characters. Every note in the novel rings clear and true." Kate Christensen, New York Times Book Review

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Women in the Castle comes a sweeping story of a nation on the rise, and one family's deeply complicated relationship to the resource that built their fortune and fueled their greatest tragedy, perfect for fans of The Dutch House and Great Circle.

It's 1953, and for Nick Taylor, WWII veteran turned company lawyer, oil is the key to the future. He takes the train into the city for work and returns to the peaceful streets of the suburbs and to his wife, Bet, former codebreaker now housewife, and their two children, Katherine and Harry. Nick comes from humble origins but thanks to his work for American Oil, he can provide every comfort for his family, including Last House, a secluded country escape. Deep in the Vermont mountains, the Taylors are free from the stresses of modern life. Bet doesn't have to worry about the Russian H-bombs that haunt her dreams, and the children roam free in the woods. Last House is a place that could survive the end of the world.

It's 1968, and America is on the brink of change. Protestors fill the streets to challenge everything from the Vietnam War to racism in the wake of MLK's shooting—to the country's reliance on Big Oil. As Katherine makes her first forays into adult life, she's caught up in the current of the time and struggles to reconcile her ideals with the stable and privileged childhood her Greatest Generation parents worked so hard to provide. But when the Movement shifts in a more radical direction, each member of the Taylor family will be forced to reckon with the consequences of the choices they've made for the causes they believed in.

Spanning multiple generations and nearly eighty years, Last House tells the story of one American family during an age of grand ideals and even greater downfalls. Set against the backdrop of our nation's history, this is an emotional tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance and what we owe each other—and captures to stunning effect the gravity of time, the double edge of progress, and the hubris of empire.

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  • OverDrive Read
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Jessica Shattuck is the New York Times bestselling author of The Women in the Castle; The Hazards of Good Breeding, a New York Times Notable Book and finalist for the PEN/Winship Award; and Perfect Life. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The New Yorker, Glamour, Mother Jones, and Wired, among other publications.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2023

    Author of the best-selling The Women in the Castle, Shattuck pens a multi-generational story of an American family that delves into their relationships and complicated history with Big Oil, starting in 1953 with Nick, a WWII veteran, and his codebreaker wife, Bet. With a 150K-copy first printing. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 4, 2024
    The bustling if scattered latest from Shattuck (The Women in the Castle) draws on the history of America’s interventions in Iran. WWII veteran Nick Taylor, now a lawyer for American Oil, is convinced that the U.S.’s support for the shah during the 1953 coup is the right course of action. His wife, Bet, never questions Nick’s forays to the Middle East, and the couple enjoys regular retreats at Last House, a cabin in rural Vermont offered to them by Nick’s shady colleague Carter Weston, who might be working for the CIA. Nick and Bet’s daughter, Katherine, finds work as a teacher after graduating from Bennington in 1967, but quits the following April after Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated and joins the staff of a radical leftist newspaper. Meanwhile, her dreamy and unfocused brother, Harry, never settles down. With the “people’s movement” heating up in early 1970s America, Katherine shuns her parents. So does the story, which is a shame, because Nick is Shattuck’s most nuanced character. Others are poked and prodded to fit into the climax, which involves Katherine’s boss plus Harry and a bomb. Fortunately, Shattuck exhibits a solid grasp on the period’s geopolitical intrigue. Despite a few sticking points along the way, readers will keep turning the pages to the end.

  • Booklist

    March 15, 2024
    Nick and Bet raise their children, Harry and Katherine, in 1950s America. Nick, strictly raised Mennonite, is a WWII veteran, attorney for American Oil, and kind, honest, and patriotic, the definition of conscientious. Bet is a Vassar grad nursing regrets as a housewife. Carter Weston, with the newly formed CIA, involves Nick in returning the shah to power in Iran, which benefits American oil interests. Years later, Katherine, willful and selfish, pulls her gentle brother into a countercultural campaign that will devastate the entire family. When the narrative switches to Katherine's perspective and that of her descendants, readers will find the same talking points shaping today's news. Shattuck's (The Women in the Castle, 2017) evocative novel really shines in its presentation of authentic voices for all the generations and their viewpoints born of different life experiences and ideals. Everything here is convincing, from the sense of place in various time periods and locations (New England, the Middle East) to the adept portrayal of the characters' feelings and motivations. Shattuck channels complex history through the saga of a single family.


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Last House
Last House
A Novel
Jessica Shattuck
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