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Darling Girl
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Darling Girl
A Novel of Peter Pan
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A Book of The Month Club pick 
In this beautiful dive into the world of J. M. Barrie’s classic, one woman must take on the infamous Peter Pan—who is not the innocent adventurer the fairy tales make him out to be—to save her daughter’s life. . . .

Life is looking up for Holly Darling, granddaughter of Wendy—yes, that Wendy. That is, until she gets a call that her daughter, Eden, who has been in a coma for nearly a decade, has gone missing from the estate where she’s been long tucked away. And, worst of all, Holly knows who must be responsible: Peter Pan, who is not only very real, but very dangerous.
Holly is desperate to find Eden and protect her son, Jack, from a terrible web of family secrets before she loses both her children. And yet she has no one to turn to—her mother, Jane, is the only other person in the world who knows that Peter is more than a story, but she refuses to accept that he is not the hero she’s always imagined.
Darling Girl brings all the magic of the classic Peter Pan story to the present, while also exploring the dark underpinnings of fairy tales, grief, aging, sacrifice, motherhood, and just how far we will go to protect those we love.
A Book of The Month Club pick 
In this beautiful dive into the world of J. M. Barrie’s classic, one woman must take on the infamous Peter Pan—who is not the innocent adventurer the fairy tales make him out to be—to save her daughter’s life. . . .

Life is looking up for Holly Darling, granddaughter of Wendy—yes, that Wendy. That is, until she gets a call that her daughter, Eden, who has been in a coma for nearly a decade, has gone missing from the estate where she’s been long tucked away. And, worst of all, Holly knows who must be responsible: Peter Pan, who is not only very real, but very dangerous.
Holly is desperate to find Eden and protect her son, Jack, from a terrible web of family secrets before she loses both her children. And yet she has no one to turn to—her mother, Jane, is the only other person in the world who knows that Peter is more than a story, but she refuses to accept that he is not the hero she’s always imagined.
Darling Girl brings all the magic of the classic Peter Pan story to the present, while also exploring the dark underpinnings of fairy tales, grief, aging, sacrifice, motherhood, and just how far we will go to protect those we love.
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  • From the cover

    Chapter One


    The Darlings age well. Everyone says so, and they say it especially about Holly Darling. They whisper it when they pass her in the halls at work; they murmur it when they see her at galas and fundraisers. Everyone wants to know her secret. Everyone wants to be photographed with her. But Holly's almost never in the glossies if she can help it, and she turns down most of the invitations she receives. Those people didn't know her before; they'd never understand who she really is now.


    So when people ask, Holly simply tells them it's in her genes. And it's true. Her grandmother Wendy looked fabulous until the day she died, and Holly's mother, Jane, could pass for someone decades younger. On her trips to London, Holly is always surprised to see how little her mother has changed. A few more lines around her eyes, maybe, another streak of silver in her hair, but overall, the same cool, beautiful Jane.


    Of course, Holly's also in the business of looking good. Thousands of women all over the world rely on Darling skin cream. At her shiny headquarters on Fifth Avenue, marketing routinely suggests that she model for the line. What better face for the brand than her own wrinkle-free one? With her sleek blonde hair and Pilates-honed frame, Holly embodies what most of her customers want to be. Plus, there's her famous name, an added allure. But Holly always refuses. She doesn't want the extra publicity.


    Or the scrutiny that comes with it. It's bad enough that she's done what she swore she'd never do when she was a child-use the Darling name to get ahead. She hadn't made the choice lightly, but the cosmetics industry is cutthroat, and Holly's not stupid enough to waste such a big advantage. But she draws the line at putting herself out there.


    This morning, as she's walking down the hallway to the conference room, a handful of people poke their heads out of cubicles and offices to wish her good luck. Holly nods and smiles, but her focus is on the meeting ahead.


    When she reaches the conference room, she takes a deep breath to gather herself, then pushes open the door. A half dozen faces turn to look at her.


    "Are we set to go?" she asks, crossing the room to her seat at the head of the table. There's the faintest hesitation to her steps, as if she's dragging one leg. It's the remnant of a car accident she suffered in her twenties, back when she was young and foolish and believed love was enough to protect those she cared about. A naivete that cost her one child and almost another, not to mention a husband. When she's cold, or tired, or stressed like today, the limp is more pronounced.


    "Marketing dropped off the mock-ups," Barry says, taking her abruptness in stride. Barry's been with Holly since the beginning. Today he's wearing his lucky blue suit, a pink silk handkerchief peeking out of his breast pocket. On anyone else, it might have been overkill. On Barry, polished to such an extreme that even his bald head shines, it looks good.


    The team talks strategy for a few moments. They've done one or two of these deals before, where the Darling name is loaned out for a special product launch-though never one of this magnitude. Today they'll combine their brand with the country's leading cosmetics company to create a highlighter called Pixie Dust. The conference phone rings, and Barry answers it.


    "Send them up," he says. Then, to Holly, "They're here."


    A low buzz fills the room as the four staffers turn to one another, aligning marketing materials that are already perfectly...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Liz Michalski is the author of Evenfall and a contributor to Writer Unboxed and Author in Progress. A former reporter and editor, Liz lives with her family in Massachusetts, where she loves reading fairy tales and, sometimes, writing them. Darling Girl is her second novel.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 7, 2022
    Michalski’s well-constructed second novel (after Evenfall) extends the world of Peter Pan into a fascinating contemporary drama which dives deeply into themes of aging, generational trauma, and the things parents are willing to do for—or to—their children. Holly Darling, skincare entrepreneur and granddaughter of the famous Wendy (who was the informant to J.M. Barrie’s novel), has two living children: Eden, whose been comatose for the last decade because of a rapid aging condition, and Jack, whose severe injuries, incurred during the accident that killed his father and twin, can be temporarily cured by secret injections of Eden’s blood, which has miraculous healing properties. When Eden disappears from the house in Cornwall where Holly hid her, Holly suspects Eden’s father, Peter Pan, is responsible, and that the whole Darling family could be in danger. Michalski offers creative reworkings of classic characters—a dangerously narcissistic Peter, an unhinged and abused Tinker Bell, and a relentless one-handed detective who may or may not be Captain Hook—but it’s the real-world side of the drama between Holly, her mother, her children, and her business partner that takes center stage. This dark, magical tale is sure to win fans. Agent: Andrea Cirillo and Jess Errera, Jane Rotrosen Agency.

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Darling Girl
Darling Girl
A Novel of Peter Pan
Liz Michalski
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